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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. Ah, so we're moving away from Tokyo continually getting destroyed to Shanghai? Fine by me, Tokyo's had enough. This looks interesting.
  2. If you haven't seen Gareth Edwards's 'Monsters' you should. Really interesting take on the whole kaiju / monster invasion idea. I can see why the studios want him to take a look at Godzilla.
  3. No, sorry if it wasn't clear - they were two old kits that had come into my posession. Both required a LOT of work for even the most basic of alignment issues. Compared to them, the Hasegawa kit is pristine viriginal white!
  4. A much older friend of mine owned two DB5's. He was a racing enthusiast, but quite loved these old birds. It wasn't until he died, and years later, than I found out we used to go down the road to grab some groceries in James Bond's car.
  5. I think this poll is about Hayao Miyzaki directed movies, rather than the rest of Studio Ghibi's output.
  6. I would rather poke my eye out with a spork, thank you. Well, maybe not, but you get the idea!
  7. Oh my, that looks really nice. For about 12months I was working on two resin kit of this subject on and off. As soon as the Hasegawa announcement was made, I stopped. The kits were not good. This one is awesome.
  8. I forgot how awesome these are. I hope you had a chance to do some more personal work. I'm about to start the companion piece the poster I did on page one here.
  9. Torchlight is fun. I've played an Outlander and Engineer to date - am on act 3 with both. Diablo 3 was a major fail for me. The artwork was wonderful, but that's about it. Incredible to think a studio with probably a tenth of the budget of the Diablo III team cranked out Torchlight II. Blizzard should be ashamed.
  10. Whilst I think that is correct, there's no way S* is J*.
  11. I just saw this last night. It was awesome. I went in to it cold - ie, knowing as little as possible. I advise anyone to do the same. My only problem with it is that I think the story needed a little more money thrown at it in terms of production. But the real strength was in the performances. Everyone was fantastic. As for JGL's look - there is a very specific reason for it. That, and the car he drives. Made me smile!
  12. Why make a kit for a toy? Most toy collectors don't build kits.
  13. I had no idea Hasegawa & Dengeki Hobby ran a model competition for Macross: The Ride until today. Take a look at some of the awesome entries here - be sure to check out all pages of entries. http://hobby.dengeki.com/contest/mac_con/index.html https://ssl.asciimw.jp/dengeki/hobbyweb/macrossr/ https://ssl.asciimw.jp/dengeki/hobbyweb/macrossr/index.html?p=2
  14. Just saw the second episode last night. Not bad. At least Charlie showed a bit more grit.
  15. Very nice job. Might encourage me to push through on my current build.
  16. I don't think we will get to see the sequel sadly. At this stage I'm just hoping we get to see it on the big screen in Australia. I chat with my local cinema manager from time to time, and I'm not liking what I'm hearing....
  17. That just blew my mind! The coolest part is one of the quietest - when he walks up to the locked gate and just slices it open. Something I've wanted to do to every 'locked gate' in a game since... ever.
  18. I think we would have seen some of Mirkwood in the trailer if it was in this movie... it's a long set-piece. In fact I think it may have been my favourite part of the book.
  19. Benson, you need to give your wife some attention, now! I'm suffering from model withdrawal at the moment. I wish I had some time but we are very busy at work, which is good I suppose!
  20. I was sold with the previous one, but this looks even better. It's a pity we won't get to see the spiders of Mirkwood for a while now though, with the split, or maybe they will be at the end of the second movie? I can't wait for this one!
  21. This series is a guilty pleasure for me. I haven't seen this one yet, but I"m looking forward to it.
  22. Cory I think her motivations are quite clear.
  23. I love LaRoux. I hope to hear more! Not sure when it turns up in Australia though...
  24. I realise now what I don't like about the suit - in the context of Robocop. It looks just like a muscle suit. It follows the contours of the body too finely. Whereas Robocop looked enormous, with cowlings, pistons and more, that really gave you the impression that there wasn't too much humanity under there. We were simultaneously repulsed that Robocop had lost his humanity, but intrigued by the power of the new body. This one doesn't give that impression - yet. It just looks like a guy in a suit. Outside of the context of Robocop, its a fun, modern design which looks cool. But I guess we need to see more context. Who knows? It may grown on me yet... When I first saw the designs in the trailer for the new Dredd movie, I was a bit 'meh' but the movie has glowing reviews from geekdom (its not out where I am yet) so who am I to judge!
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