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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. This has always been my personal aim. For me, a model is a display piece. However, I think we need to acknowledge the fact that people build for different reasons. I buy my daughters models occassionally. They build for the fun of it, and then often they play with the model like a toy. It doesn't last long, and ends up in pieces on a shelf, but that's not the point. I suspect there are plenty of grown ups who like to play with their models too, and these will cater for them. What's not possible to to do fine paint finishes and expect them to last. A couple of transformations and you'll have paint chips and rubbing all over the place. I learned this to my displeasure with a couple of those 'Robotech' kits back in the day. What I'm looking forward to with this Bandai release is the abililty to maybe do a good Gerwalk pose, and lock it in place.
  2. Now sing along with me kids: "Moveable parts and scale models never should mix."
  3. I don't - and I don't have all of the Captain's Macross kits either. But I have built every one of the Captain's kits that I have purchased here, and posted pics here as well! I would love to see others....
  4. I am of the opinion that most resin kits are never taken out of their boxes.... rare to see actual build-ups of them!
  5. That is supremely awesome. One day I will finish mine - I've had 2 on the go for about the same time you've taken on yours! Maybe this will inspire me to continue. The masking is very nicely done, as well as the overall colour palette. Not so keen on the grey roundels underneath the cockpit, a minor nitpick really when the rest is so fantastic. Looks like you used one of the photoetch kits - can I ask which one?
  6. Very nice work - I'm a big fan of Copic markers too, but I get to use them less and less...
  7. Very nice. If only you could have unified the colour values of the faces, it might have tied them together more. But your layout organisation for them was inspired! Art that gets people talking is great art though, and I do like your casting a lot - unexpected and cool! Mr Olmos will be Adama to me forever though....
  8. Unfortunately I can't. I get around it by either painting the decal area white, then overlaying the transparent decal, or trimming out a shape out of existing white decal, and having a double-layered decal. Once the finishing coat has gone on, you can't tell the difference. I used this technique a lot on this scratchbuild (which won a couple of awards!).
  9. I wish the artwork was released as nice, hi-res desktop backgrounds....
  10. Max? Of course! See: 1:72 VF-2SS Max Special
  11. Actually I prefer the Club-M version too! I linked the wrong pic, sorry! You will be surprised to know that this was something I seriously considered. The only thing that turned me off was that the photoetch I was considering for the logo would have looked too out-of-scale. A while ago I decided that I hated just about every 'in flight' stand available for models and set our to design my own. The main consideration was that it would not, in anyway, detract from the model. It could only be see-through, and simple. Acrylic was my only option. I worked out what would be the best 'foot size' and did a bulk order with a local acrylic fabricator for the lower blocks, and purchased some rod stock - and I assemble them as needed. The nice thing about this approach is that it also 'unifies' my model collection to some extent - it's not just a haphazard collection of different pieces. Anyway, thanks to everyone for all the kind words.
  12. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models/hobbybase/hobbybasevf4.jpg
  13. This was the Valk009 kit. I did not use any of the supplied wings or control surfaces except for the vertical one below the nose. The engine area was rebuilt totally for a sleeker look - those are the main mods on the kit. I agree, although I have never been able to acquire the other kit. Yes, I think I'll have to do both this and VF-2SS together one day. I had planned to, I just forgot!
  14. How could I let 2012 go without doing another VF-4? Here is Milia's VF-4 Racing Custom. I had really hoped that the 'Macross: The Ride' racing series would encourage people to do some more racing customs. I love military aircraft, but I also love racers, with their crazy colour schemes and sponsor logos plastered all over the place. I thought about Milia - a pilot hotshot, no longer in active duty. What would she do? Why not race with a hotted-up retro VF-4! However, this V4-F has some pretty substantial... modifications. From the souped up engines, reformed cowlings, control surfaces and even wings... a lot has been replaced in subtle and not-so-subtle ways. Custom decals were produced, one with a fun little spin on Milia's origins. Some were cribbed from a Macross decals option sheet. While I love weathering, somehow, it didn't seem appropriate for a racer like this. It was all about chrome and gloss finishes, and black, red and white. Enjoy the pics. Thanks for looking! Regards, Petar
  15. "Robotech Veritechs"!?!? I don't see that happening...
  16. This was a resin kit sculpted by John Moscato (Captain America). He often sells the masters after the first run, and they often find their way on to the StarShip Modeler store, which I'm sure you're familiar with! You can take a look at my version in my signature below - although be aware it does not come with the pilots (studiostarforge.com). Amazing kit, highly recommended.
  17. Looking fantastic. Can't wait to see a coat of primer on her to unify everything.
  18. Absolutely no PR photography or images ever go out without being severely photoshopped in many obvious and subtle ways. That does not look like an official photo though, the treatment looks way too amateurish.
  19. PetarB

    Kit's Power

    Wow, you really got screwed twice over there. If it wasn't so inappropriate, one might even laugh at the black irony of the situation. Recasters like this really do ruin the field for new kits. But take a look at Chinese manufacturing at the moment - I have clients who are reticient to release new products because they know that as soon as they do a cheap Chinese copycat knock-off will come out and undercut them immediately.
  20. 'Perfect Variable'??? They were far, far from perfect!!! I think a new tooling sounds awesome.
  21. I preferred the first trailer with it's awesome music. Still, this looks great. Although I'm a big Tarantino fan, I thought Inglourious Basterds was a little self-indulgent, even though I enjoyed it.
  22. I can't wait. The Bandai kit was wonderful, but engineered in the wrong way for model builders. I have three in various stages of construction, which I doubt I ever would have finished...
  23. The only extended cut of anything I've every liked was Ridley Scott's "Kingdom of Heaven". I didn't mind the theatrical version, but seeing the extended edition turned it into a much, much better movie - one I'm very happy to rewatch every few years.
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