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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. Oh wow, now we're getting crazy - I quite like that Russian Jaeger! In fact some design elements look like it could come from some of the Kaiju shows of the 80s. I look forward to seeing more designs!
  2. Looks like the bastard child of a Gundam and a Evangelion mecha. It looks like there's a giant speaker in the chest - Firebomber would be proud! It says its a 'nuclear vortex turbine' - possibly a chest cannon like the Guyver, if anyone remembers that? The design in general is a bit to anthropomorphic for my taste, but I can't wait to see it in action!
  3. What a way to introduce yourself. What an amazing build!
  4. No need for modesty. If this is your first kit, I can't wait to see what you do when you hit your stride. This result looks wondeful already. And yes, that VF-4 racer was based on the Valk009 kit. I must warn you though, it has some substantial modifications...
  5. Top 5 1) You Only Live Twice 2) Casino Royale (the Daniel Craig one!) 3) From Russia with Love 4) GoldenEye 5) Skyfall I also REALLY like the first part of Die Another Day - right up to the part where he finally is traded in a prisoner swap from the North Korean goons. I thought it was a very strong opener for Bond. However, as soon as he makes contact again with M... the movie quickly becomes one of the worst Bond movies. Absolutely horrible.
  6. I have THREE concurrently in progress. I am building all three together, although they are all different, but share the common VF-1 base. Hope to share them in early 2013!
  7. From Russia with Love had my favourite bond girl: Daniela Bianchi Classy, beautiful, and exotic. As for Skyfall - 'A waste of good scotch...' - possibly the coldest thing 007 has ever said.
  8. I think you will find these are necessary for the 'transformation'.
  9. Is that all you're worried about? My concern is these new nasal warts! Ew!
  10. I saw the original series, back when it was first released. I quite enjoyed it, but since then, I have not watched any of the movies / series etc. Where do I begin [again] - see what I did there? Keen to see the current state of Evangelion, but I'm not sure if I want to watch EVERYTHING. Anyone has a guide to what movie I should watch next, etc?
  11. After the debacle and total insult to fans that was Diablo III, I'm not sure if I feel like giving Blizzard any of my money every again, to be honest.
  12. Fan-made custom, or from a resin-kit sold at Tokyo Wonder Festival.
  13. Yeah, they look fantastic Robb.
  14. Hopefully they can ignore the 'Expanded Universe' and the Zhan et al novels. Most viewers won't have had exposure to them anyway.
  15. I loved the prequels - although I thought Ep1 had plenty of fat that could have been trimmed. Remember - Disney really knocked it out of the park with Marvel's movies, however JC was a bit of a misfire from their marketing department even though I enjoyed that immensely. There are worse things that could have happened to Lucasfilm. I look forward to more Star Wars movies.
  16. I disagree. Perhaps Hollywood moviemaking formula has come to such an impasse, but there are other ways to make a narrative.
  17. Not really into toys, sorry - not enough detail and the moving parts make it hard to keep the paintjob intact. I'm sure we'll see plenty of other customs though - it's an exciting release.
  18. I think a lot of people don't appreciate that fact. Conan without Milius and you get Conan the Destroyer. Ugh. The last big thing Milius did was the Rome series, as I remember. That was fantastic - highly recommended!
  19. Pics or it didn't happen. Only kidding. I agree to many NDAs every year myself...
  20. http://collider.com/arnold-schwarzenegger-legend-of-conan/206312/#more-206312 BY CROM!
  21. Yeah, I read that article a couple of days ago. Don't worry, I'm all over Cloud Atlas (read the book years ago). I do hope it does well - but this is the last book I imagined a movie would be made about!
  22. Funny to look at this thread again after all this time. You will note that my plans for a 'military' version at the end of my last post couldn't be further from what actually happened!
  23. I don't really purchase toys or prebuilt models anymore, otherwise I'd be all over these, the proportions look great. The Takara ones were a bit to 'short' in length. They certainly did not match the beautiful cover art on the model's boxes!
  24. I'm sure it's terrible, but some of those scenes looked fantastic! My concern is that if in terms of 'actors' Olga K is their biggest selling point, the acting will be pretty poor. But I imagine the concept art team that worked on this had a wonderful time putting it together.
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