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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. I have yet to try watercolours but I have heard good things about them. What do you do for a sealant? When I have used sealant on ground chalk washes, I am never happy with the results - although fixups and cleanups are very easy! I love oil washes except for the fact that I have to leave them for a week before I can scrub away the excess...
  2. If your iMac is running Time Machine, remember it backs up all the time - it's constantly talking to that external drive.
  3. What's your technique for panel lines?
  4. Very nice work!
  5. I'm aware of this. I'm aware of this. I'm aware of this. Having said all this, it sound like the movie owes a lot to these influences, all of which I love, so I'm keen to see it!
  6. A companion piece to the poster I did for Xmas 2011 (posted earlier in this thread) is under construction. Here's the rough pencil I did to plan it out, and what stage it's in now. This is basically my family as sky-pirates from Miyazaki's Porco Rosso.
  7. I am a massive Sergio Leone fan. I only saw the original Django a few years ago. I am also a QT fan. So hopefully I will enjoy this. However, in Australia it's not even out yet. ARRRRRGHHHHH!
  8. I saw it in 2D yesterday. I was everything I hope it would be - a good time at the cinema! To be honest, I think it was a tad too long. They could have trimmed a bit from the first hour quite easily. I hope the next two are a lot tighter. 'm still curious as to where the next one will finish in the overall tale - I'm guessing with the attack on a certain town by the lake, since the name of the next one is 'The Desolation of Smaug'. But this would mean that number 3 would be very padded out in my opinion. But then again, I never could have imagined this one would go for over 2.5hours! Still some of the elements not in the book worked very well. I particularly enjoyed Radagast's hare-sled. This one finished exactly where I thought it would. Not sure if I will see it in 3D. I am very curious about the 48fps though!
  9. UFO was a huge eye-opener for me as a child. And of course the Thunderbirds were de-rigeur for Saturday mornings for a few years. I still think Thunderbird 2 holds up as a wonderful design after all these years, even if some of the other have dated terribly. Vale Gerry. Amazing how his 'Super-Marrionation' was just a by product of wanting to make live action.
  10. I've always loved the lack of compromise of this design. You want ordnance, you got it!
  11. Nice work. 2013 should be another good year for modelers!
  12. I quite enjoyed Signs and The Village... but I keep waiting for him to make a good movie again. Who knows, this might be it?
  13. I haven't had time to play any games since 'FTL' came out. I'm saving this one up for playing on Boxing Day. Great to see all the good reviews on it.
  14. Not a bad idea. However, a lot of my models are packed away at the moment due to a studio move. Yes, I had some of these displayed at my studio....
  15. Very nice work.
  16. G L O R I O U S ! Love that trailer... except for the go-to beats all trailer editors do these days. 1) 'Inception'-style thunderous noise every couple of seconds 2) Too many black transitions 3) Rousing speech by commander Other than that, it looks awesome and the mecha in action and the whole milieu looks just fantastic! And we have Rocket-Punch!
  17. Bah, that news does not belong even in the same thread! I am very excited for this, after seeing it again in very high resolution.
  18. I love the design aesthetic. Morgan Freeman really reminds me of Morpheus here, from the design beats to the dialog. Perhaps this is what they are going for. Either way, I can't wait, looks awesome!
  19. One of my 'great loves' is amateur astronomy. I've never seen one episode of his, but I am aware of his work, popularising one of the most awe-inspiring hobbies in the world. Amateurs like me, have only in the last decade or so got access to amazing new vistas through much more cheaper and accessible hardware. But really, all you need is you eyes and clear skies.
  20. I am still rather amazed we are getting a big budget mecha-pr0n movie. All of us are here because we like such things. No movie is perfect, for a variety of reasons, but I have seen enough to get me excited. And Guillermo has earned plenty of trust in my book, from Blade to Hellboy he's always delivered an entertaining ride for me. I'm really looking forwards to this!
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