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Everything posted by PetarB

  1. No it isn't. Someone is misinformed. Oh, and there's also another much earlier thread about this here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=38921
  2. I saw it last week: highly recommended. Some twists you will certainly see coming, others less-so. Having said all this, the film looks absolutely gorgeous. And Andrea Riseborough is the real star. There is one scene in particular with her that is a real treat (hint: it involves a swimming pool) but her acting is absolutely fantastic. Visually, the film is a feast. Films these days are designed by committee and design tends to get watered down - this one shows the power of a single vision. In terms of the visuals, at any rate. I will not comment on the story, other than to say that I enjoyed it, but scifi fans will quickly twig onto what's going on here. Watch and enjoy.
  3. How do you plan to do the film grain from that photo? Now that will be the challenging part...
  4. It is a gorgeous little diorama. I keep thinking one day I'll return to WWII modelling - but I used to build the milieu professionally so I feel a bit burned out by it! These sort of builds are inspiring though. Very nice.
  5. Maybe change your Youtube settings from 360p to 1080p. Other than that, I got nothing. Looks amazing to me....
  6. That trailer was the very definition of epic. Very much looking forwards to this. Nice to finally have some music - apparently - written for a trailer, rather than shoehorning something else to fit.
  7. I have no words.... http://www.aintitcool.com/node/61977 Tom Cruise To Star In YUKIKAZE!?!!????!!!????
  8. Firebomber would be proud: A HIT SONG TO SAVE THE WORLD
  9. I don't think these are verniers, but I could be wrong. Anyway nice little tutorial!
  10. Found it. Although the general layout is reminiscent of the SR-71, the outrigger 'pods' of the engines and the relationship the wings for the VF-4 seem to be directly inspired by elements of the Bell D188A. It also shares some of the wing-structure as well. See attached.
  11. ZOMG! You must build it. Better still, tell me where to find one...
  12. Actually, the outrigger engine design of the VF-4 was influenced by a British proposed X-Plane design in 1960-70s from memory. I would love to be able to find one sketch which - if you looked at it you'd be quite surprised at the similarity between the engines on the end of each wing's design and the VF-4. The fuselage looks nothing like the VF-4 but there's an uncanny resemblance in the engines. Must find the pic now...
  13. District 9 is possibly my favourite SF movie for the last 10 years. I cannot emphasize how excited I am to see this movie. And I will need models of some of that hardware!
  14. That Madox kit sure brings back memories. I remember a similar kit from Appleseed - a Landmate with the hatch open and the sexy pilot inside. It was the first garage kit I ever saw IRL, and I was blown away. I have never been able to find one...
  15. That's how I prefer them: they look so much better in 'military' garb!
  16. I must get one or even two of those Cosmo Zeroes! I was afraid that with the Bandai ones released a few years ago in 1/100 - as nice as they were - that we wouldn't see these in 1/72 in similar detail. I'm glad to see I was wrong!
  17. The poster looks suitably epic too. I have good feelings about this. Now only if it would show on the big screen in Sydney. Le sigh....
  18. It looks like you'll be able to transform it roughly three times before those joints break.
  19. I was a bit disappointed in this movie. I found the first one was very enjoyable, but this one just didn't have the epic scope of the first one for me. Where were: - the amp suits - the huge training installation - the hardware - the technology - the personnel from the first? This one really seemed 'stripped down'. Even if many of the Joes were killed, there's all this support staff and bases across the globe that are still around, and not to mention submarines, etc. It just felt like a much 'smaller' movie to me, and I didn't like that. The original was like a cartoon that came to life and I enjoyed it immensely. I hope the sequel will ratchet it up a notch again. At least we got some cool looking HISS tanks in this one....
  20. Almost had me there. Really nice pic of the Valkyrie though.
  21. I'm afraid Eurozone wasn't able to afford a Jaeger: speculative stock in Cypriot banks have devalued investments.... Anyhow, this just looks better and better. I actually quite like the 'ugliness' of the Russian looking one. Most military machines are quite ugly in general - but this is part of their appeal for me, at least!
  22. Been a while since I've seen one of these. Really nice work. Any more 'top-down' type of pics?
  23. Wow what a beauty! Very nice work.
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