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Everything posted by CF18

  1. Looks like the price on that page included 5% Japanese sale tax.
  2. Alas, that is impossible with the spindly 1/48 hands. It's possible: http://toyboxst.inwards.com/rumblizer/view...?article_key=72 Not a complete fix but that helps alot.
  3. Owner of the HK toy news board was showing off his US version. Really cool engineering, but not extremely complex. If you don't want to be spoiled by the transformation secrets, don't click! http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/Optimus_20th/01.jpg http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/Optimus_20th/02.jpg http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/Optimus_20th/03.jpg http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/Optimus_20th/04.jpg http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/Optimus_20th/05.jpg http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/Optimus_20th/06.jpg http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/Optimus_20th/07.jpg http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/Optimus_20th/08.jpg http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/Optimus_20th/09.jpg http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/Optimus_20th/10.jpg http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/Optimus_20th/11.jpg http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/Optimus_20th/12.jpg http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/Optimus_20th/13.jpg http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/Optimus_20th/14.jpg http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/Optimus_20th/15.jpg http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/Optimus_20th/16.jpg http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/Optimus_20th/17.jpg http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/Optimus_20th/18.jpg http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/Optimus_20th/19.jpg http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/Optimus_20th/20.jpg http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/Optimus_20th/21.jpg http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/Optimus_20th/22.jpg Original post links. Try these if the pics in my host doesn't work. My unlimited host can be a little unstable. http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=81460&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=81462&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=81463&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=81464&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=81465&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=81466&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=81467&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=81468&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=81469&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=81470&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=81471&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=81472&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=81473&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=81474&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=81475&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=81476&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=81477&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=81478&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=81479&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=81480&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=81481&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=81482&utag=
  4. Yes. The Zaku will be the first in this series. http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/fix_zaku01.jpg
  5. The street price for the Alternator in HK is about US$20 to 25. It's the Japanese diecast version BT-01 that command the high price. The high price you see with the TF reissue is just standard TRU/Hasbro price gouging. The Japanese version of the same reissues have better paint job and packaging, and are sold at the same price as the US version.
  6. News source: http://www.noda-ya.com/ Gundam Fix Figuration #0019: Gundam MkII / Super Gundam / FA Gundam MkII - end of February ref: http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/z-msv/fa-178.htm Zeonographic #3002a: MS-09 Dom / YMS-09 Prototype Dom Zeonographic #3002b: MS-09 Dom / YMS-09D Dom Tropical Test Type - end of March ref: http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/msv/yms-09.htm http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/msv/yms-09d.htm Soul of Chogokin Eva GX-21: Eva 03 Soul of Chogokin Eva GX-22: Eva 04 DX MSIA God Gundam and Master Gundam http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/miaDX_god.jpg http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/miaDX_master.jpg The Chogokin Voltes V and Getter 3 http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/TheC_voltesV.jpg http://home.1asphost.com/cf18/toy/TheC_getter3.jpg SOC GX-05R Gaiking got an re-issue. Plus various MSIA releases - More Zaku custom, US version battle scarred released in Japan as v.s. set - go to http://www.noda-ya.com/ for details. My Opinion: After the Titan MkII a GFF Super Gundam is expected, but I sure didn't expect a FA MkII. Nice way to jack up the price. With Dom, I guess a whole bunch of Gelgoog varient will appear and then some Char's version down the road. SOC Eva are just milking the mold.
  7. I can't resist to post this.
  8. More pics: Edit: these posts are gone due to a complete newsgroup clean up.... http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=80333&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=80336&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=80337&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=80341&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=80342&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=80343&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=80539&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=80540&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=80542&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=80543&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=80546&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=80570&utag= He is even taller than the big Dan.
  9. Da Capo - seen one, quite lame and boring Firestorm - seen none, heard it's crap Ikki Tousen - seen one, total crap Ultra Maniac - seen two, cute magical girl stuff if you are into that
  10. Someone manage to get one pre-production in HK and posted a photo. It is assumed to be the US version.
  11. Last Exile got good production quality, but have a boring story and rather simple characters. I found Scrapped Princess, Wolf's Rain, and Stellvia to be much better show overall. Edit: the subject is still LE, right?
  12. CF18

    Latest 1/48

    Just want to point out the FACT of how well the original A did, which completely sold out in Hong Kong and various online stores with in a month, and Yamato is re-releasing it due to the demands. Yamato is not a total newbie in the toy market. They have made many toys with various degree of success. The high price of 1:48 translate to high profit for Yamato, I doubt they are in any kind of trouble.
  13. CF18

    Latest 1/48

    http://page4.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/d40157153 Looks like Japanese TRU is selling the new 1S with the fast pack together. No idea how much TRU want to charge though.
  14. The price talk here may have no effect on Yamato, but it may have some effect on the stupid high price HG put on their MPC. And Bandai probably learned that the high price you see on eBay is no indication of how successful a re-issue can be.
  15. Buy many LEGO sets, and just pick a few key pieces from each one... www.peeron.com is a good reference for that. You can also go to www.bricklink.com for key pieces. Prepare for high cost for rare stuff.
  16. CF18

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Yeah I will wait for the 1:48 too. One thing I don't like in these 1:60 photos is the white colour inside the missile chamber. Any professionally made GBP-1S model would painted the inside black, but looks like the missiles and the inside is all one piece of white plastic.
  17. CF18

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Found in new hobby show pictures http://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/be-j/sin1010/index17.htm Yamato is of course showing off the 1:48 VF1J with fastpacks, but look at what is standing next to it? Come on Graham you can tell us the truth now. Edit: min's own photo: Found by slaxed:
  18. Think again...
  19. It's this "Full Armour" version from the new PS2 Eva game.
  20. This one is coming in November, 6500 yen.
  21. Vol 3 - November 28th 2003 http://i-market.ne.jp/NASApp/mnas/MxMProdu...inShopID=500530 http://store.yahoo.co.jp/discstation/bcba-1334.html Vol 4 - February 25th 2004 http://i-market.ne.jp/NASApp/mnas/MxMProdu...inShopID=500530 http://store.yahoo.co.jp/discstation/bcba-1335.html So we may see Vol 5 before 2005. B)
  22. I will not consider it even if it goes 75% off. I just hope it is not a backbone breaking mistake for Yamato.
  23. PC of course. Way more good strategy and flight-sim then the rest of those combined.
  24. Those pics are from the latest Newtype Mag. You can find some of the full size images at this Bittorrent site. http://www.thehawks.org/hawks/bt/
  25. SEED mode is something that was not explained at all. It is probably have nothing to do with being a Coordinator or not.
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