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Everything posted by CF18

  1. Seen it. The 3D cell shaded graphic is so-so, but a bit better than what I expected. Dog fight scenes are quite unrealistic with planes coming up at other's tail at parking distance. Not much is shown about the characters or the story. Planes shown are consistent with what was abailable in the 70s: F-8E Crusader F-14 Tomcat A-4 Skyhawk F-4 Phantom UH-1Huey J35 Draken MiG 15/17/19
  2. Dude just open it. It will be another 10 years before this mass produced piece worth twice as it is. And who know what shape that little battery will be in a few years? If I am buying one 6 years in the future, I would pick one that was opened once to remove the battery than one that is just MISB. But then in 6 years it probably got reissued twice already.
  3. US version: same die cast, same gun, battle damaged paint scheme, short smoke stack, no paper trailer, different packaging and manual.
  4. It's from memory, but I belive the TV series is a re-telling of the original OVA. After the TV series there is a 2nd OVA that follows up the TV, and then there were the famous movies.
  5. CF18

    CM Figures Part 2

    New pic of part2 attached. And part one is suppose to get a re-issue in Feb 2004: http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=75568&utag=
  6. Prime is now a carjacker: http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown/2614/s...w/MPconvoy.html
  7. I want mine now!
  8. Got mine in Ottawa! Much of the body is fully painted and it looks very nice.
  9. First bunch of open box pic: http://tfkenkon.com/g/?mode=album&album=To...er+Piece+Convoy
  10. AOne-ANBU version use MP3 so it should be easier on your PC than the AC3 version. During high action scene the video is encoded at higher bit rate. If you have trouble in those cases then your CPU or decoder is not fast enough. You should try ffdshow alpha: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.p...?group_id=53761 ffdshow is a universal MPEG4 decoder. Get the latest ffdshow-20030523.exe. It should be slightly faster than regular DivX and XviD codec. Other than that, use the old (mplayer2.exe) or current Windows Media Player to play the file. Don't use Winamp or RealOne.
  11. Dude those are just straight rip of the HK DVD, not fansub. Sometime they do editing with their HK DVD rip, e.g. their v2 version of V Gundam, but not Macross 7.
  12. Use ffdshow-alpha ( http://cutka.szm.sk/ffdshow/ ) instead of DivX5 may help, but your spec is certainly marginal. High bit-rate high-res video with AC3 audio is quite demanding. And can someone just ban MacrossVF-1S?
  13. The ANBU-AOne just came out at the usual places.
  14. They may be "scumbag" but this is also a competitive market. BlueSub6 were the first bunch of DVD released by Bandai and they haven't do that again in years. Obviously when everyone else release multiple episode per disc, they realize the total rip-off business model in Japan would not work.
  15. You must be a real fool to have that kind of PC problems. The subs in HK DVD are crappy. I will just download and wait for the R1, which will probably be cheaper than this stupid rip-off of $11 per episode.
  16. And she can either breath under water or don't need much oxygen.
  17. So what is the official name of this bad boy? GBP-0S?
  18. Destroid action! At least two types are shown: Gun and missile.
  19. BT already show up on Chinese sites. I am sure a RAW will show up in newsgroup and other BT site in a few hours. And holy crap this epsiode can still surpress the previous ones in the visual department, and also highly dramatic. There are just too much screen shot worth posting, I will just post a few that should not be too much spoiler. First some under water dating.
  20. Why are the current generation of TFs so butt ugly? Even Beast Machine was better.
  21. I don't know about the AiA version but ASS versions are just HK crappy sub DVD rip.
  22. Graham do you know a few larger toy stores in HK can help customers order those things? I am sure Superman store can, but they need your coupon. But I am sure your good friends in Yamato can get you a few if you ask.
  23. Just push harder. I also stuck there the first time.
  24. CF18

    1/48 Fast Packs

    How about no colour at all? It looks like Dengeki has some special mail order stuff for transparent fast pack covers. source: http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=84942&utag=
  25. Nope. Sidewipe has the best robot mode which look closer to human proportion then the rest. Smoke Screen should have a girl face given the huge breasts.
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