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Everything posted by CF18

  1. Refering to the new scan from Graham http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/po...-1082730570.jpg On the lower right corner, what is that 1200yen product? I can only tell it should be about two books to be released in August, one for Macross and one for Macross 7. Are they some sort of data book or catalogue? And about the VF-0 itself, will we still have inked panel lines the final version? My guess is 'no'.
  2. Why do anyone care about the canon thing? Was there some sort of low-vis boycott that I missed?
  3. The magazine pic. No price yet.
  4. Well of course nimo would break it. It install too many junk. Remove it, then install ffdshow alpha 05-23-2003 http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.p...ackage_id=59355 Or if you really need things like AC3 & MKV, install Defiler pack: http://hellninjacommando.com/defilerpak/
  5. Well it is available in HGUC, so go ahead, take it. I will wait for those gaint flying thingy showing up in HCM-Pro before considering them.
  6. They still look like poop.
  7. They are publicly showing them today in hK
  8. HLJ got some cool coverage here, including big photos of MSIA vs HCM Pro: http://www.hlj.com/hcppro.html
  9. http://www.gundam.channel.or.jp/event/2004/hobby.shtml Some assembling required.
  10. HCM Pro (High Complete Model Progressive) http://www.bandai-plamo.net/new_hobby/hcm_...cept/index.html 1:200, 1500 yen each, 1st batch release in June. At 1500yen, not too expensive but not MSIA cheap. Will have to look at the real thing first. Bandai promo photos tends to look a lot better than the real thing, the smaller the item the worst it gets. Now if they make GP-03 at this scale...
  11. Naruto is way better than that DBZ junk but it is a still a boring kid show. Those drag on forever 100+ eps series are definately not my cup of tea. Fullmetal Alchemist looked like another standard Sholen Jump action adventure at first, but it has developed in a very interesting story. It still have lots of action but that is not the focus of the show. And who can resist the uber she-geek?
  12. Sounds like an anime huh? This time it is for real... http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&cid...ot_040325143741 Official site: http://www.enryu.jp/ Videos: http://www.enryu.jp/press_mov.html
  13. I didn't expect PS/2 to be able to have that kind of detail. That thing have so little RAM. Is it just another crazy shooter that let you carry 20 AMRAAM?
  14. So what is this Maxim thing? Some sort of soft-core pr0n?
  15. See http://tfkenkon.com/collection/part4/act79/zero_convoy20.jpg Only the US version have short smoke stack. I don't know any other details about the re-issues.
  16. Old thread revive! Looks like this product is alive. I just saw these pics in the HK toys group. http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=97725&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=97726&utag= Each of the five toy/statue come with one extra piece which combine into a Monster. Edit: Actually I am not sure about that. The monster either come from pieces or is one of those hidden lucky draw item of the set.
  17. Correct. Your turn.
  18. Too hard huh? As far as I know, the anime/manga show two games Sai lost, one in his original life when he lost to a cheater, and one to Toya Koyo when he had to make redical moves to hide his ability. Ok, then, in Full Metal Panic Fumoffu, how many episodes did the crazy policewoman appeared?
  19. In Hikaru no Go, did Sai ever lost a game? List any game(s) he lost.
  20. Can't really tell from the video, but the sub say F-2, a.k.a. FSX.
  21. CF18

    Custom K&Ms?

    These customs are a lot harder: http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=93147&utag=
  22. CF18


    More pics: http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=92999&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=93000&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=93001&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=93002&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=93003&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=93004&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=93006&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=93007&utag= The paint job looks great, but it sure is pricy.
  23. CF18


    Question on the background figs in these linked pics..... TOP PIC -- Is that a Yamato fig sculpt in the back of the first pic? Looks like a familiar series, anyone know? BOTTOM PIC -- I forget what series the "Gundam GM-esque" figure in the back is from. Wasn't this the non-transformable line that has been referred to in the past? You can see the better pics of those here: http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=92743&utag= The GM-ish thing is Ideon, the other one came form Hades Project Zeorymer.
  24. CF18


    It is coming out tomorrow in Hong Kong. http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...tem=92735&utag=
  25. Yeah ep 7 is great isn't it? But ep 10 to 12 are even more impressive.
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