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Everything posted by CF18

  1. You boys don't hang around the toy section? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...ndpost&p=156022
  2. Don't worry about the 'small' file size. When they get their own DVD, a 350M version will be released, with all little mistakes fixed: http://forums.animesuki.com/showpost.php?p...49&postcount=94
  3. http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=85653 Just saw that on Bricklink. Not bad.
  4. A fairly complete coverage: link Graham, will we see high quality scans in the magazine section?
  5. If you are still using standard, slow, feature-less BT client, upgrade to something else. If you have any playback problem, just use ffdshow2003-05-23 or ffdshow-2004-05-14. Why smaller file size? Well once you watch the show you will notice a lot less action scene than all previous episodes., making it much easier to compress. I mean, they even go 'artistic' and skipped making lip move in one scene...
  6. AOne-ANBU Zero-4
  7. Just use Bittorrent, which can resume your download nicely. A 350M episode should need about 16 to 20 hours for 56k, so just leave it on two to three nights. And I never use 56k before. Jumped from 14.4k to cable about 6 years ago.
  8. I always think that in Super Robot War Alpha, they should just attach the White Base to Macross once it become obsolete. Double front door = double fire power compare to Daedalus.
  9. CF18

    1/60 Gbp

    Some box photos here: http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...em=116781&utag=
  10. The hint is out there, just use google...
  11. Is it subbed yet? Nope, just the 5.1 channel wmv9 raw. I got it from an anime bittorrent site. Should be easy to find. Yeah, that mircx place.
  12. Yeah Glagla is famous in making really cool Lego mecha. That thing probably cost US$200+ in pieces.
  13. Dude just let him enjoy his own trip. At best you may save $40 for something he need to waste a day to find, and occupy half of a luggage bag.
  14. It will be a painted, completed figure to be released in early summer. I can't figure out the company name of the manufacturer.
  15. The series is better known as Legend of Galactic Heros.
  16. HLJ now have some pics of the VB-6 http://www3.hlj.com/shs/sf/index5.html
  17. Well this Japanese site is saying "マックスフィギュアは付属しません": http://yz-box.com/kategory/S36macross.htm Which translates to: Max figure is not included.
  18. New line arts. They are really talking cloth changing bots into new height... One set will be packaged in F-91 in standard colour, and can be changed into F-90-II. The other set will be packaged in F-90 in standard colour, and can be changed into a dark colour F-91. I doubt you will get any extra F-90 equipments. I would rather they forget about the cloth change thing and get back to full equipment set like the MkII or S-Gundam. It kind of made sense with Zaku-II getting an upgrade to become high mobility type, but these NT-1/RX78-4 & F-91/F-90 change over is quite ridiculous.
  19. Zinc Panic is a reliable news source.
  20. Tons of pics here: http://pam.main.jp/ Gundams first then a bunch of Yamato stuff. The VF-0 still looks the same....
  21. Sucky poll. It seem to just count the "yes" without any weight to the questions. Some questions should have a lot more weight than others. It feels like 6 years out of date with all those Laser Disc and VHS questions. No, the majority of my harddrive are anime fansub, not not anime mp3's.
  22. This the maker's own site: http://www.geocities.jp/jun_brick/index_e.html
  23. gung-ho means "work togeather" Nope. It only mean "Better".
  24. a bigger version
  25. From one of the mags.
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