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Everything posted by CF18

  1. Yeah all that base on a totally incomplete news report huh? Take a look here: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...0832EDT0437.DTL This case have nothing to to with the XBox. It is just our lovely reporter from CNN/AP etc. creatively twist the story to make it sound more special than a gang murder. The real issue is the police fail to ack on the threats, and the crappy news headline all over the place.
  2. As expected, no extra weapons for the F-90/F-90II.
  3. Huh? So Area88 is not totally full of poo in that part. Hay what's up with this automatic changing sh*t to poo? Now that is full of sh*t!
  4. Even in model form, they don't look so good...
  5. Cool I missed that. Now It's hard to decide which one to get. The dark F-91 featured in Crossbone manga looks more bad ass than the original.
  6. At least the F-91 got full weapon, hopefully it will also have beam shield, which are missing in X-1 and X-2.
  7. BT / Alternator movie anyone? They just seem highly appropriate for life action movie since they can just use real car for car mode instead of going CG for that too. If they really get Spielberg's name on it, I can see the auto makers line up to bid for screen time, and the final movie will see more racing in car mode then shooting up things. We may even see Optimus as a Ford Explorer.
  8. It is not really pushing that much. Far Cry already requires more, and you can forget about playing UT2004 16 players ONS with only 384M RAM. It's just obvious that id got the best coder so the engine scale back better. And there is little fragfest you can play with - it only has 4 players death match, basically just a demo to show that online play is possible with this new engine. Go back to Quake or UT for real online game play.
  9. Please don't call this LEGO.
  10. 16 years ago, when DYRL was first shown in Hong Kong movie theaters in Cantonese dub, DYRL the song also got a Cantonese version: http://home4u.hongkong.com/entertainment/c...ie/ma1-chan.htm It was actually not bad, since the singer Prisillca Chan was already a skilled professional singer, not some random newbie.
  11. From DH 2004-08
  12. Woot! But still no price yet.
  13. So what is new in this model v.s. the original release?
  14. Done!
  15. ...
  16. ...
  17. The torrent for the full scan is here: http://bt.hongfire.com/torrents-details.php?id=944 Nothing really new here, but the VB-6 pic is big and nice.
  18. Those CM figures are trading toys - In a box of 20, one or two may be the limited figure, and you don't know which one you will get until you pay and open it. It's all just scheme/scam to make people buy muliple copies to get what they want. IMO this kind of business should be regulated and taxed, since trading toy/card is just gambling.
  19. It's all about good marketing, and a good number of loyal fans who got too much money. In many ways it is about selling mecha design instead of story or character - just look at the popularity of the un-animated S-Gundam when very few have read the novel. The toy+Gunpla marketing machine in Japan is just huge - you got 4 magazines which push Gundam stuff - Gundam Ace, Newtype, Hobby Japan and Dengeki Hobby, and at least 4 brands of sub-companies covering the market: Bandai Toy(MSIA/FIX/SD), Bandai Hobby(Models), Bandpresto(Games/toys), B-Club(Resin) etc. Bandai is the world's 3rd largest toy company after Mattel and Hasbro, and at least 25% (Can't remember the actual figure) of Bandai's sale came from Gundam stuff. The purpose of the new show is to draw in new fans, and it may happen to generate a few good mecha design so that the toy/model fans would buy it in 10 different scales. As for the shows themself, they are not that different from other action-scifi like Masked Raider, Transformers, Star Wars or Star Trek - recycle the winning formula. Gundam just being the biggest in Japan, and Bandai works hard to keep it in that position.
  20. Oh yeah. It's quite strange that I have yet to find any fansub of it in any language. I am glad it did not fall throught the crack somehow.
  21. All TF are non-scale, except may be the BT/alternator series.
  22. http://us.rediff.com/news/2004/jun/24us.htm Not much of a handicap since they probably just use what most order active units use. US pilot also got a chance to fly the Su-30: http://www.rediff.com/news/2004/feb/25iaf.htm It was not just a few dogfight tests.
  23. Pics from HJ: http://img52.photobucket.com/albums/v159/c...sort=descending
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