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Everything posted by CF18

  1. Are you talking about these girl figures this? 320500[/snapback] No. This set: http://www.a1.ethink.jp/~evolaboworks/0620yukemurihumo.html And "US Open" normally refer to Tennis...
  2. Yawn... Show me a hobby or show that don't have a band of dorky or idiot fans.
  3. Those two sets has been repeated put on sale from ADV's own site, now for $15 each: http://www.advfilms.com/Sales.asp
  4. Found another pic of coming toys.
  5. Freedom day... http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...em=179599&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...em=179590&utag=
  6. Love the show, but I am not too impressed with this toy - too many lose pieces for transformation.
  7. People still use MSN group? They have really crappy implementation and layout. Anyway here is the toy. However the previous girl figures are total junk so some have low hope for this set.
  8. And the ship got more than just walking Cylons: http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/2165/firewall30ru.jpg
  9. And then a HD-DVD and a Blue-Ray HDTV edition released in parallel, each with different extras. Of course marketing will claim new tech that can extract high defination video out of those 30 years old footage and some fanboy will still buy it. Well you know it will happen with Eva.
  10. Finally the site is back... From one of the hobby-mags, posted on ToyboxDX
  11. Now that you mention it... LOL! No wonder he won over Milla easily... So which valks will be "in-scale" with this giant Max? Probably Kaiyodo or Banpresto?
  12. That ban was lifted years ago. There may still be some residual effects from it, but I don't think anyone can continue to point to it as the source for lolicon. Wow you are both bull-shitting really hard...
  13. What ever you do, don't do this: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/beds/bu...rts/4575291.stm
  14. Did not expect much until watching the promo. Now after watching two eps I think it may be the best show of this season. Found this pic from HK toy news. I guess it is a high-grade class model.
  15. http://www.tj-grosnet.com/super_metal.html (listed right about the GX-04S reissue) That toy is gona cost a lot: 20790 yen (19800 yen+5%tax).
  16. All the information you will ever need about Voltes V: http://users.animanga.com/voltesv/
  17. This is more awesome! He prototype it from LEGO again!
  18. This is totally pointless since we know it will be released at 8000yen alone.
  19. Hot babe, but pricy.
  20. 2005 Summer! 8000yen + tax! The pic I posted came from HK toy news: http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...ews&from=⊂=y This is the specific post that carry the price tag: http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...em=168893&utag=
  21. Found a slightly different pic.
  22. I would love to see a HCM-Pro GP-03 - Good detail but not too big. And back to FIX:
  23. Cosmic Region #7001 Force Impulse Gundam: http://www.gundamer.com/07/7010000000246.html
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