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Everything posted by CF18

  1. Model Graphix and Hobby Japan Sept08
  2. Cool. Now can the VF-0 carry the reaction missiles too?
  3. Yeah. I read someone think it may be about Michael moving out of the shadow of his sister's tragedy.
  4. Can they please include the original box art this time? They are unique and good art and was one of the reasons why those sets were the most popular. Personally I am not too excited about the new heads - the chunky heads kind of fits the chunky body. And if they go this far with updating the design, how about updating the arms and gunpod so that the gunpod can be mounted in fighter mode?
  5. At the end Graze was thinking Ranka's emotion rating was not high enough, so guess how she is going to increase it? Either Alto's or Ozma's plane will be sabataged or ambushed, and then Ozma will be the one eating the pinapple salad. As for the song don't feel right - well they replaced all the "gentle little green child" with war theme "motherland Frontier" stuff. I guess it's also Megumi Nakajima's skill by singing it poorly on purpose, because Ranka wouldn't like the change.
  6. Figures.com coverage: http://sdcc08.figures.com/showgallery.php?cat=583 1/55 photos: http://sdcc08.figures.com/showphoto.php?photo=2360 http://sdcc08.figures.com/showphoto.php?photo=2361
  7. It is the right position. You can see it the front gear in the opening song, right before the Cathy/Ozma part. Anther clear view is in ep 14, when Ozma stand in front of his VF-25.
  8. The only thing about price is it will be announced in book 2...
  9. Scan from one of the new mag. It clearly indicates the VF-1S have limited number. On yeah you need to glue the coupon from book 1 into the order form from book 2.
  10. What I can read: The order form and price for either unit will be available in the next issue. Hikaru VF-1S has a 250 units limit, but I don't see any thing similar for the Max VF-1A.
  11. ARX-8 have a large box: http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-69808-1-1.html Red Spectacles http://www.happinetonline.com/home/07/4525296012262_01.html
  12. I hope I don't come off as a whiner. I consider that MW information pages, the toys section is particular, are very useful reference of Macross fans. However the their status is not as good as they can be. Toy section: Missing all Toynami, Wave SDF-1, Kayado Revoltech, Popy 1/144, most Bandai reissues, Yamato 1/48 CF VF-1A, most 1/48 VF-1J, regular 1/48 GBP, 1/60 Max Q-Rau, and various recent gashapon toys of mecha and characters. The 1/60 YF-21 link to the generic info page instead of Graham's review. Info/Magazine section: There was a Macross F page here that collected some early scans and information. It wasn't updated for a while and I can't find it from the main page today. All new magazine scans are now only posted in the forum. It would be nice to see them get organized in the magazine section too. Again I am not complaining. This is just a hobby and we all have many important things to do with limited free time. I would volunteer to edit the toy section if I don't need to manually edit HTML.
  13. I didn't notice this when I watch it this morning: http://randomc.maximum7.net/image/Macross/...review%2002.jpg Is that Ranka in giant size? Why? To let her sing much louder?
  14. Why not, now she is being treated as the ultimate Vajia taming weapon. His VF-27 can use a new "Ranka Guard" paint scheme too. Lucky for them Ranka is not a spoiled brat type who would refuse to sing unless she get her sweet heart Alto as full time escort, like that girl in that old movie... Yeah what happen to her original manager? Is she still going to have her delayed concert after being locked in the hospital a few days?
  15. So Mr Bilrer is a super rich Zentradi and a train head. I wonder what kind of scale do they use for the trains: 1/3 human scale or 1/18 Zentradi scale? I think they missed the chance to connect with the core fans though - how cool can that be if Alto was instead entered a room full of 1/60 (Zentradi scale) VFs? It could also be a great chance to bring all kind of concept VFs into the canon, even the VF-2SS. Oh well may be he also have an underground hanger with a collection of real size VFs... At least we know Mr Bilrer is not on the same side with Grace - his home has a force field that blocks Graces sensor.
  16. The last line of ep 15 was "The ultimate dream of proto-culture, which they could not accomplish in 500,000 years." - well that shot down my first guess but support my second guess. About the voices in G's head - I think they were real people. Well at least Grace was, and they asked her why was she smiling when she is about to destroy her old home, probably refering to the WTF-04. Base on the ending credit there are 4 other voices - old man, middle age man, young man and a young woman.
  17. The VF-1J and VF-1S are showing up in stores now. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10069416 http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10069417
  18. Found a well made fan video: Idolm@ster sing 星間飛行 http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm3923511 How to register Nico Nico
  19. Oh I think the door can be opened either way, giving optimal flight path for the missile depends on where the targets are. They better replicate it in the toy! :lol: It can also be that the toy maker ask the animators to change it to make their toy design easier...
  20. The only related example I can think of is the SOC GX-04 Grendizer released in 2000. A GX-04X "Drill Spacer & Marine Spacer" addon set and GX-04S "Perfect Set" which include all the parts was released 2 years later. I think only the GX-04S get reissues.
  21. Come on my post was earlier. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?s=&a...st&p=622605 So what do I win? A Nanase hug-pillow?
  22. ++ with above. My take: Vajra was either another weapon created by proto-culture, or was a threat of the proto-culture and was the reason why Zentradi was made. Unlike Zentradi which is so similar to human that they can mate, Vajra is a very different species and is impossible for human to communicate with. Ranka's ability to 'talk' to Vajra may become the special bridge that can allow human and Vajra to make peace, and she was modified by her parents for that purpose. Alternatively her ability also allow human to tame Vajra, which then allow human to control or exterminate them, and that would be why Grace's side rescue her. Ranka's setup is a bit similar to Nausicaä in _Nausicaä of the Valley of Wind_ manga - both adopted a young bug, and have some ability to communicate with leader bug.
  23. So you only want standard sci-fi with the hero just blast away the final boss by luck / technobabble / bruteforce? Well then you can just treat this episode as the final and forget about the rest. The so called "power up" was already explained briefly in the missle rack scene and VF-25G /w ghost scene of episode 7. At least it is not a last second save by Mr Data's technobabble.
  24. Seriously I believe the 1 per week way is better. There are many subtle hint and mystery in the early episodes that you cannot fully digest if you watch it without pause. A good part of the fun that we didn't enjoy before the fansub age is now we can predict, argue and debate about an anime with little fear of spoilers, because no one has seen the later episodes yet.
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