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Everything posted by CF18

  1. Large batch of pics, but that server is so slow I am putting a bunch of selected pics here. http://blog.hobbystock.jp/report/2008/10/hm0027.html
  2. Bandai display at the model show.
  3. Actually, it is not good for Macross if you look at how Bandai handle Gundam. Bandai always release basic Gunpla at a rate that match the TV broadcast, and some have really lousy job, e.g. the under-size back pack on the 1:100 Aile-Strike Gundam. Or you may see something like one week after the release of HCM-Pro 00, they announce the HCM-Pro 00 G-Box version, screwing all the early customers. Also new Gundam anime are being made in part to drive new Gunpla and toy sale, although it is not as bad as Transformers. If Macross is being treated like Gundam, then we may see significantly less creative freedom in new Macross series. Remember the red Vajra transformation in Frontier episode 1? We never see that again. It is obvious they try to productize that Vajra and we saw a 1:72 prototype once, but they probably noticed that it's not popular so they dropped it. If the show is treated like Gundam the bugs would not left the drawing board, and we would get something they can sell like mecha-vajra, and the VF-25 model would have arrived 6 months earlier, but it will have bad proportion and lousy transformation.
  4. So far the 28,000 yen came from one source (cybergundam) from Hong Kong and I can't find any other more official source so it can be wrong. The 1/12 Scope Dogs has been going half-price at hobbysearch for a long time and they are still not sold out. Yamato may be making the same mistakes here - oversize and overprice.
  5. The hobbysearch store I linked above is one of the "usual suspects", so it looks like it will be generally available but don't expect reissue, like the 1:48 VF-1 low-vis.
  6. 28,000 yen? Are they for real?
  7. They are suppose to be ammunition drums for the guns.
  8. 6800 yen http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10078922
  9. I think that batch is over-brighten by some image converter. Some more formal source: http://www.hobbystock.jp/item/view/HBY-ACF-00001273 http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10078927 Looks OK.
  10. Either way my decision to buy it will depends on the fast and amour packs - the true bad ass modes of VF-25. And IMO it is not fair to compare the model to this toy. The toy is designed to let you attach the fast packs later, while the fast pack version of the model will most likely need complete part replacment like the Hasegawa Reactive Armoured VF-0S.
  11. They now have the image of the special decal:
  12. Yeah other folks in HK are saying they are 200 yen quality at 750 yen price.
  13. A character set coming in January. http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-76125-1-1.html
  14. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10078336
  15. The really unexplained thing about Vajra is the strong individualism shown in Ai-kun. And what happen to the Vajia network now? Do Ai-kun, Ranka or Sheryl or some small queen become the "real queen"?
  16. There is really little room in there. Unless they cheat like the model with removable. http://ga.sbcr.jp/mgangu/011152/12.html i.e. http://ga.sbcr.jp/mgangu/011152/04.html v.s. http://gamu-toys.info/gangu/pura/r3/mf01/DSC_4033.JPG I think they leave the gap for the fast pack and armour packs. We don't know what they really plan for the model fast pack yet. Another interesting aspect of DX v.s. model is the dorsal wings on the legs. The DX can completely hide the wings into the legs: http://ga.sbcr.jp/mgangu/011152/18.html -> http://ga.sbcr.jp/mgangu/011152/19.html But the model cannot. I am not sure which one is more accurate.
  17. Sure it has lots of unanswered question, mostly proto-culture and Macross Galaxy related, but I don't think there are many plot holes. Got any example? I think the pacing was good until the end, which was way too rushed. May be they are planning an extended version of ep25 like ep1 for DVD/BD release. At least compare to filler packed Macross 7 it is a big improvment.
  18. Well may be this weathered one will not be limited hard to get like the 1:48. The already closed up 1:48 and were just milking the old mold with a few special 1:48, and avoid giving the new 1:60 too much competition. Or may be they were experimenting with the extra paint process, so they can be cost effect for mass production. My biggest concern is what if the Tomahawk is the only weathered one but they will only release clean version of the other two brothers?
  19. TV-Japan RAW is finally out on IRC and torrent.
  20. I think the blog post is just "Look here is what we have, so we still got a lot of work to do, so please forgive us for the delay."
  21. http://bandai-hobby.net/gentei/index.html At the 48th "All Japan plamodel radiocon show (oct 16/17)", visitor will be able to buy a regular version of 1/72 VF-25F that includes a specal "not for sale" decal sheet.
  22. For sure it is - the text from the HJ scan "ウェザリング特別仕様" confirms it. At least it don't say "限定" -> limited. Coming this winter, price unknown.
  23. Source Is it what I am seeing - a Yamato weathered 1:60 Tomahawk?
  24. My final prediction: Vajra is a late creation of proto-culture, made to guard the major planet - the home world or capital world. And then they left, leaving the Vajra to evolve and replicate without control. Battle Frontier aim at the Vajra real queen nest, but Battle Galaxy jumps in and blow their main cannon away, then Macross Quarter jumps in and disable Battle Galaxy. During the confusion and while Grace was busy hacking the real queen, Brera return to his real self briefly, and kamikaze his plane to allow Alto (in ExGear or VF-25) to rescue Ranka. Sheryl earring, a relic from the proto-culture, contain a root access protocol to the Vajra network. On board the heavily damaged Battle Frontier, Ranka and Sheryl sing together to the crystal, which resulted with shutting down the Vajra network, freeing all Vajra. Grace got really pissed to found out what she sought for the most has been right in front of her face for so long, then she got killed, for real. Bilrer do not get what he was looking for. Leon dies in a stupid way while fleeing. In the end Sheryl die in Alto's arm, right after telling Ranka who she think is Alto's true love. Alto remain confused.
  25. HLJ only list MSRP price before tax, and most toys get shipped from China to Japan directly anyway. The real reason HK price look cheaper is HLJ price is more expensive. Japan and HK domastic toy stores normally charge lower than the MSRP, unless the product is very popular. Examples from Japanese store that only sell to domastic: http://www.amiami.com/shop/?vgForm=Product...mp;sku=GDS-6062 http://www.amiami.com/shop/?vgForm=Product...ku=TOY-RBT-0029 http://www.rakuten.co.jp/be-j/461797/80871...934327/#1006972 HLJ don't compete with the domastic stores and has a long history of good reputation, so they can get away with higher price.
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