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Everything posted by CF18

  1. They should be compatible with the new ones and the old launch arm stand. This make the Sv-51 and YF-21 the odd one of the family - come with own stand but incompatible with other stands.
  2. Like this one? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&id=58216 (original post)
  3. I was referring to the line arts, the big circle on the arms. http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macrossdyrl/vt-1-ostrich.htm http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macrossdyrl/ve...er-valkyrie.htm In the high-res VT-1 toy pic we can barely see the recessed circle on the arms.
  4. CF18

    yamato's next move

    LOL! Even a 1/200 SDF-1 would be 6m long, i.e. longer than a Hummer H2. 1/1200 (1m long) is about the starting point of possibility.
  5. CF18

    yamato's next move

    Here we go... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=717374
  6. Huh? The arms looks identical to other VF-1. Edit: OK I can see it now - the big circle is barely visable.
  7. "up" is there, but usually covered by the figure itself. http://www2.moeyo.com/img/09/02/11/2/213.html
  8. Bandai had done this before recently, and from the teaser image we correctly guessed Macross Quarter. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...mp;#entry673457 See the attached file to see what I have: negative of the 2nd image, and last frame from . But I agree VF-27 is also very possible.
  9. So Bandai throw out some teaser images: http://tamashii.jp/staff_diary/diary.php?e...08&level=01 The 1st image is of course the DX Macross Quarter and they will show the prototype in the Feb22 event. The next VF-100 will also be announced there, which is likely what the other two images cover. The 2nd image is probably VF-19 Kai in battroid mode. I can see the head with 3 antennas, left shoulder and shield. I can't find anything close to the 3rd image.
  10. CF18

    yamato's next move

    This toy blog is saying that in the Feb 22 SDF-1 launch event Yamato will announce a "new full transform large size mechanical Macross product", which may be SDF-1. If true, they will probably release a TV then a Movie version, and then piss us off with limited weathered versions.
  11. Exactly! Yamato will have to release another recolor for this one!
  12. A few page ago from Save. http://kuji-club.jp/files/premium/macross_f/p/top.html
  13. Megahouse STUFFED Collection Ranka. March. Price unknown. Source: http://blog.hobbystock.jp/report/2009/02/tp0102.html
  14. Display at MegaHobby Expo 2009 Source: http://blog.hobbystock.jp/report/2009/02/tp0101.html http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-cybergundam/article?mid=19968 It should be from Megahouse. Price and release day unknown. Edit: More pics: http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/012289/ http://akibahobby-c2.sakura.ne.jp/image/20090210/m041.html Actually it will come from "AlphaXOmega", a sub-brand of Megahouse. Previous product from them include the 1/8 Klan.
  15. Display at MegaHobby Expo 2009 Source: http://blog.hobbystock.jp/report/2009/02/tp0102.html
  16. But no perfect fast pack installation. From what we know so far you will need to rebuild 1/3 of it to put fast packs on.
  17. Handling is the big advantage of Bandai products. The Sv-51 looks so bad ass but I just can't bring it to work. The box is too XBOX huge. I would worry about co-worker and cleaner touching it. Taking 15+ minutes to transform it is not gona fly at work. OTOH my 1/55 chunky 1J only take 20 seconds to transform. I just change it's form or pose once each day for the hack of it.
  18. Preview from Figure Maniacs Magazine. Source: http://hobby.dengeki.com/books/0902figure31.html# http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-cybergundam/article?mid=19905
  19. On carzy big stuff from Bandai, here is a very big stature of Kamen Rider 1 recently released: http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN954816 http://www.toy-world.com.hk/forum/viewthre...%3D1&page=2 80000 yen, only 600 unit is made.
  20. Revert back from the image URL get me to this Korean store: http://www.side7.co.kr/mart5/mall.php3?cat...3000&copen= 18000 Won, or about US$13.
  21. CF18

    Yamato stands

    The SV-51 and YF-21 are already incompatible with the old launch arm stand.
  22. What is robotech? Come on it is obvious Macross F is influenced by Star Trek. Vajra and Grace fraction become borg when combined. F's main plot contain classic element of both trek and Macross - hard to communicate and understand alien, and abuse of technology lead to bad result.
  23. I know I was right to label it NSFW - the comments are worst then the pictures... If it is a Nanase figure instead we will just have all the perv talk without the whining, even they are suppose to have the same age. You know it is actually micron Klan showing most skin in the anime. May be she will show more in the movie.
  24. Full set photo: http://d.hatena.ne.jp/type97/20090117 The secret unit is:
  25. CF18

    Yamato stands

    Coming in April: Yamato #1 Display Stand (1480yen) and #2 Display Base (1280 yen), in clear or clear brown. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10083566 http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10083567 http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10083575 http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10083576
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