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Everything posted by CF18

  1. Don't show him these then. http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macrosszero/sv-51.htm http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macrossga/vf-9.htm http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macrossga/vf-14-m3.htm
  2. Have you actually ordered from them? http://www.hlj.com/faq/q42.html http://www.1999.co.jp/faq_e.asp?Typ1_c=111#s8
  3. I mean I wish I can vote one vote on each item that I wanted, i.e. if they release VF-0D and VF-4, I will buy them. But I can only cast my only vote on VF-0D. But then I guess given the nature of this board most people would just check all 5 options. Edit: And Yamato please remember VF-4 have good re-color potential too: http://www.new-un-spacy.com/macrossga/vf-4g.htm
  4. I wish this poll allow voting on multiple items.
  5. CF18

    SCOOP thread!

    Banpresto Macross F DX#3 Sheryl figure http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=789188 Banpresto VF-25 display model "Ita-Fighter" http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=789244
  6. http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/013715/ 2010, Jan
  7. A painted VF-0A: http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-108124-1-2.html
  8. Finally in stock in our regular stores... http://www.hlj.com/product/SOF35182 http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10084551
  9. It opened both ways: Ep2, Ozma, single target: outside. Ep7, Ozma, multi target: inside. Ep14, Alto, single target: outside. Ep22, Ozma, single target or multiple rocks?: inside. Ep25, Alto, single target: inside. It's like they can't decide on Ranka or Sheryl.
  10. Come on guys stay in the Macross canon - those are beer cans with lots of bubbles!
  11. Does it mean there will be no regular release of the GBP add-on set? In that case Yamato lost a sale of CF 1A to me.
  12. 1) You may have ADHD. 2) The YF-21 come with an extra paper detail the correct leg position. Without them in the right spot the belly plates don't fit. 3) Transformers general releases are rated for 5 years old. Still I manage to break a major hinge of my BW trans-metal Megatron, which I considered a good toy and my own fault. Yamato (USA) just rate all their stuff at 15+, from half-naked lady to the famously fragile Garland.
  13. Just got my VF-25S Armored from HLJ. Yes the box is huge - even bigger than the SOC Dancouga. Although I have bigger Lego box. Here's a little compare pic with YF-22. This is my first DX VF-25. The base unit is indeed very nice, matching a Yamato in most cases for all the good and bad. Armored fighter mode: Why didn't they design with the gun on it? You can jam it in there with the legs pushed aside a bit, but it is tight and you cannot use the stand. They could just made the inside armors on the legs a little thinner. The stand is really poor for the fighter mode - very unstable. Armored gerwalk mode: I don't like how the arms have to be stay in front of the wing blocks. The stand is acceptable for this mode. Armored battroid mode: Best of the 3 I guess. Stand works well. I also have a overly tight left shoulder ball joint. Any idea on how to fix it?
  14. Some photos: http://www.blog.amiami.com/amiblo/2009/08/post-169.html
  15. Actual product photos begin to surface: http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/viewthread...=449#pid3746749 SP: They looks as good/bad as the promote photos.
  16. Even SOC is getting this Tamashii web shop limited add-on treatment... http://www.toy-world.com.hk/forum/viewthre...;extra=page%3D1
  17. Would you sickos stop inline nude in the forum? :angry:
  18. Now 1 left! Too bad HLJ totally failed on this one.
  19. For those interested in the special decal VF-25, hwjapan have them for pre-order at 30% off: http://www.hwjapan.com/sh/BAN09080566.aspx http://www.hwjapan.com/sh/BAN09080567.aspx
  20. hwjapan.com is the English version of the web store of Aoshima BK, a model maker in Japan. Their web site is messy, but their service is OK so far. I wrote my first experience here. Scale model inventory is about equal to other big players like HLJ and Hobby Search, but they don't carry as much in toy/completed model inventory. On top of price, one advantage they have over HLJ is they quote the shipping price when you place the order, and so far they will charge me the quoted price. Although in some case the pile up and ship system in HLJ may be preferred. Currently I have a pre-ordered MG Exia Ignition mode in transit to Canada. 4000 yen + 1480 yen SAL shipping, with tracking number. Yes some time their SAL shipping have tracking number that I can use on Japan post and Canada post web site.
  21. hwjapan.com currently list most of their gunpla at 30% off instead of their standard 20% off, cover almost everything from BB to PG. Only the hot new MG Exia remain at 20% off.
  22. Wave 2 in November: source New VF-27, YF-21, VF-22, RVF-25, and various recolor. Three are hidden including two related to the coming movie. Still no fast/super pack versions. Wave 1 is coming this month.
  23. Remember these "transformable" from Kaiyodo? http://anime.collectiondx.com/gallery/Toys...hpon/?g2_page=3 Revoltech scale should be nicer but I am not expecting miracle.
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