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Everything posted by CF18

  1. Full size of the newest images So the opening hatch around the hands - are those the missile hatch folks were talking above?
  2. Well AmiAmi and HobbySearch price are 10% to 15% cheaper. HLJ shipping box are custom made with their name on it, with air-bags padding, while others use papers or foam-peanuts. It was posted around 2 months ago, you just missed it.
  3. And when you actually do the math their "17%" off is actually 18.32% off. Most dual language sites have better discount for the Japanese market because they have to pay 5% tax, while the export customers don't.
  4. Giant images, don't know their source http://www.toy-world.com.hk/forum/viewthread.php?tid=23815&page=3#pid160972
  5. CF18

    Bandai SD Infinite

    It's released! http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10116609a13/20/13 1st review - nice to see the gun can be mounted in fighter mode http://hima-toy.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/09/sd-infi_vf-27-v.html More reviews: http://blog.livedoor.jp/hacchaka/archives/51591430.html http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-136497-1-2.html
  6. Another pre-order at HWjapan, only 10% off but someone may got tons of points accumulated? http://www.hwjapan.com/sh/YAM10091371.aspx And speaking of points, Hobby Search give you 1394 points which is 1394 yen for the next purchase, kind of making it slightly cheaper then AmiAmi. I would rather have a lower price up-front thought.
  7. Yeah since the movie is the only DYRL anime. It probably came from the Wave 1:5000 Original color - metallic http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10052239a4/20/2 Reissue, "movie" color - flat gray http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10064025a2/20/2
  8. So where is the bay link?
  9. Sweet. I have been hitting their sale page every other day waiting for this one.
  10. Banpresto display http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/015659/
  11. On price - remember there are stores that routinely give 15% to 20% discount to Yamato products, e.g. HobbySearch, AmiAmi and anime-export, which is significant for the high base price. 19% off at AmiAmi will bring it down to US$320 before shipping. Japanese government have been trying to keep yen from rising so who knows what will happen in 3 months. I am just glad it is not another web-shop limited. Historically many Yamato big items go into deep discount after a year or two at HLJ and a few other places. The Votoms and Garlands were going for >50% off, the Patlabors are at 40-50% off. All Sv-51 reached 50% off and the Nora still has 60% off at HLJ. However I doubt this SDF-1 will get deeply discounted unless it turned out to be broken like the Garlands, but with a proven 1:2000 prototype it shouldn't happen. Also this SDF-1 will be the only painted SDF-1 in the market for a long while, unlike the Votoms and Patlabors. Shipping cost shouldn't be too bad. This SOC GX-46 is closest in volume and in length, so a EMS cost of 6000yen is probable for US/Canada shipping. The box is not crazy big - it's smaller than some Perfect Grade models. On variant - I would expect a web-limited weathering version later, and may be a heavy battle damage version like at the end of the movie. TV version is tricky since there are significant difference between the DYRL and TV SDF-1, and Yamato know their customers will not drop another 30k+ yen if they simply repaint it and replace the ARMDs.
  12. No this one is 40 cm long. Ship spec here: http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrossdyrl/macross-dyrl.htm - 1210m / 3000 ~= 40cm Yamato also have an estimated box size: 250mm×500mm×250mm My prediction on scale and price was so close http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=32020&st=140&p=847530entry847530
  13. It seems to have them: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10111397a7/20/7 The Mighty Block stands are small, so they can hold up the 1:60 VF-1 and may be VF-11 in all 3 modes, but are too short for the bigger ones like VF-0 and VF-19 except in fighter mode. For the bigger ones consider the expensive launch arm stand: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10114747 or the Flexi stands: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=32630
  14. Collection 3 at almost half price: http://www.amiami.jp/shop/?set=english&vgForm=ProductInfo&sku=FIG-COL-1886&template=default/product/e_display.html
  15. Dengeki Hobby October
  16. Reviews of the accessory packs: http://srblood.blog89.fc2.com/blog-entry-716.html http://www.flawara.info/archives/1082809.html http://oniityan.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-08-29-1 Why couldn't Bandai include that fighter mode gun mount with the VF-19S?
  17. That is a very good price - the current best price from Japan is about US$60 before shipping at Amiami with 25% off. Yen has been high recently.
  18. http://ga.sbcr.jp/mplamo/015548/ http://ga.sbcr.jp/mplamo/015286/
  19. http://superrobotwar.wordpress.com/2010/08/24/this-weeks-famitsu-magazine-60/ Bigger scans: http://superrobotwar.wordpress.com/2010/08/25/this-weeks-famitsu-magazine-61/ Official site: http://www.suparobo.jp/srw_lineup/srw_l/ Screen shots: http://www.famitsu.com/news/197001/01032600.html Super Robot Wars L (DS) Release date: Nov 25th, 2010 Series list: Evangelion (movie) Fight! Iczer One Iczer Reborn Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz Gundam SEED Gundam SEED Destiny Combattler V Voltes V Gaiking: Legend of Daiku-Maryu Kotetsushin Jeeg Dancougar Nova Mazinkaiser Mazinkaiser vs Great General of Darkness Godannar Godannar Second Season Macross Frontier Linebarrels of Iron Will they let the player choose Alto's true love?
  20. I just called it the Monster mode.
  21. Yeah. Here's a photo from the old thread for reference: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=29300&view=findpost&p=825812
  22. It's one of the better release from Yamato. A few known issues: 1) Locking the lower cockpit shield for B-mode can be difficult without a pair of tweezers. 2) Some samples have lose horizontal twisting joint in the upper legs. Mine have it on one leg, but it is easy to fix. 3) One person had a VF-11B sample with missing orange paint on one lower leg. 4) You cannot transform fighter to or from other modes without removing the super thrusters on the back first. It's an issue of the original VF-11 design, not the toy's fault.
  23. At Gundam Expo 2010 HGUC Gouf Custom! November, 1600 yen http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/015461/ RG Char's Custom Zaku http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/015462/ MG Rezel http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/015460/ HGUC Delta Plus http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/015459/ 00 Movie (Mass production 00-riser?) http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/015464/ Gunpla builder: http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/015465/ Limited stuff: http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/015458/
  24. Actual source - Yamato's own blog http://www.yamato-toys.com/blog/index.php?logid=282
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