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Everything posted by CF18

  1. Oh you can. There is already one pre-order on eBay for $140... I would recommend look for other proxy service first, like this one. As for completeness, the 1:72 line is still missing the speakers and fold boosters.
  2. You can view the instruction here: http://www.dalong.net/review/etc/mf09/mf09_i.htm Yes it is snap fit model but is probably the most complicated ones from Bandai, and there are tons of stickers/decals to apply too.
  3. HK Review of VF-25G Tornado. No new improvement. http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-147972-1-1.html
  4. Scans from new Figure-O Large images: OK I will just inline them. I have used imageshack for years, never see a problem.
  5. http://www.famima.com/shop/pages/macross_vf25g.aspx http://www.famima.com/shop/g/g3940000028070/ Pre-order time: Feb 25 to March 7.
  6. Quick build with stickers: http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yshobbyblog/e/c912362fa43b1e33ec0f69f56f9f1f53 http://schizophonic9.blog103.fc2.com/blog-entry-1280.html#more
  7. Bigger version of the scan.
  8. New mag scan: revival of this model.
  9. Figure Oh 157 may be the best source for YF-29 news.
  10. It still have what I consider a major fault of VF-25G: http://anymoon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Michael-DX-4.jpg
  11. Actual source with bigger images: http://toyfair11.asmzine.com/gallery/toynami/ The Glaug looks a bit weird with oversized hand cannons.
  12. That's quick - released a few days ago, already 35% off: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10139366
  13. Macross F Ichiban Kuji - Diva Collectionst 1st stage - Feb 2011 一番くじプレミアム マクロスF~歌姫コレクション~ファーストステージ http://www.moeyo.com/2011/02/wf2011w_banpresto_ichibankuji_macrossf-1st.html (When did Ranka got such long legs?) Macross F Ichiban Kuji - Diva Collectionst 2nd stage - March 2011 一番くじプレミアム マクロスF ~歌姫コレクション~ セカンドステージ http://www.moeyo.com/2011/02/wf2011w_banpresto_ichibankuji_macrossf-2nd.html
  14. Yeah looks like a full kit with battle damage part. You can the unpainted ARMD here, and the big blue decal for ARMD in the small pic.
  15. @WF2011: Battle Damaged - separated version or upgrade parts? Looks like photo etch part also shown. And forum is broken. Can't attach.
  16. The front page review has hi-res scan of all pages: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/Yamato_SDF-1/SDF_1_review.htm Personally I found part 35, 11, and 5 needed a little cutting treatment to fit them in nicely, so be careful with them or they may pop off and jump to a place you can't find... And part 5 is the one really needed glue to stay on.
  17. First that Bandai scan appeared a long time ago and there was never any confirmation of a "The First" VF-1J release. As for the potential Yamato release I will wait and see. What if the manga will have some super cool fast-pack later but need new mold so Yamato wouldn't make them?
  18. New images.
  19. HLJ is now saying "Feb. Restock" so it looks like the stock situation will improve shortly.
  20. So what exactly are they planning to make? Tiny little VF-1 with launch arm like these?
  21. Come on this one is begging for a photoshopped SDF-1 in the sky!
  22. - 1/60 scale Destroid Monster arm cannon and shoulder CAD data sheet dated 2010-9-29 Too big - bigger than 1:200 SDF-1, so it's gona be another HDP kit. - 1/60 upper body Destroid Phalanx cast in clear plastic About time. - 1/60 VF-17 CAD data sheet dated 2010-12-3 About time, too. - Print out of line art for Britai Nupetiet VergnitzsClass Battleship - Print out of DYRL Gorg Bodolzaa-Class Mobile Fortress Right, they expect people to buy a giant space cucumber? And giant space water melon? Look, if they want to make those ships, they should consider another take at trading figure type products, something like [rul=http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10117178]this[/url] or this or this. - DYRL SDF-1 1/3000 etching parts documentation - 1/60 Vf-1 etching parts on spur They should just make them, low cost low risk. - T-REX Zent Pilot figure Limited I guess.
  23. It was 10% off after the regular 15% off at HLJ, hence 23.5% off at 25092yen before shipping.
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