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Everything posted by CF18

  1. Just pull mine off the shelf, looks the same to me.
  2. I was hopping it would include a pair of extra arms, giving the 2000 yen higher pre-tax list price v.s. the original SP version. The original was released at Sept 2010, and I bought mine at March 2011 at 30% off so it linger in stores for a while. The market really gone stupid after YF-29 release in Jun 2011, although the VF-25 DX ver 1 was going for fairly high price before that.
  3. Guys the original MSRP was 22000 + 9800 yen, so they can't really set it lower with new features added. On top of the new tiny figures, it has metallic gold (like the Bandai 1/65) instead of yellow. Still wait for the 50% off before considering...
  4. So how do the gun mount in the fighter mode?
  5. What a money pit. How about a missile + NUNS Ghost pack for another $100?
  6. It's fine. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10273689a2/20/2 The torso is much thicker than VF-25 since the cockpit is horizontal. As valhary shown before it is quite similar to VF-4.
  7. I think the gerwalk mode on the Bandai YF-30 will be crazy. It's the first gerwalk mode to have a waist join, and the main upper-leg ball joints should be free to move.
  8. 21200yen: http://www.nippon-yasan.com/macross/7160-macross-30-dx-chogokin-yf-30-chronos.html Had been open for 10+ minutes. I guess the frenzy is almost over?
  9. Doubtful, since it appears to attach to missile box.
  10. How about a VF-30 from the new TV show? We still don't have any real news on that so anything is still possible.
  11. It can still be. VF-27 with super parts was also hard to secure a pre-order on the first day and I personally payed for it at inflated price from NY, but now it is still available at 5% to 10% off from HLJ, NY, HobbySearch etc.
  12. So how come this site crashed instead of the shops... Amiami, HobbySearch and NY came and gone quickly. CD Japan actually had a 15+ minutes ordering window, but no discount other than 5% value of point award, and is now not even listed on their site. HLJ and Anime-export haven't list it I believe. For higher-res photos, use this: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10273689
  13. I like all 3/4 modes in general, and usually like gerwalk mode the most - it not just another fighter or another robot, the most uniquely "Macross" mode. For a toy display without stand, G modes are usually safer from falling than B mode, and a bit easier to squeeze for shelf space than fighter mode. A few units are kind of bad at gerwalk modes: YF-21 is just ugly in that mode. Yamato VF-19 have wings restricting the arms, and limited ball joint range of the foots. Bandai VF-25 are even more restrictive with arms if the super or armor packs are on.
  14. The leg fast pack - I found only the top plug has any attachment strength, the bottom plug has almost no grab. So push the top side first and it will stay on the leg and looks ok, with attachment strength of about one Lego stud and not really secure.
  15. Gamu part2: http://gamu-toys.info/goukin/yamato/arcadia/yf19/yf1902.html So the pilot figure's head can turn? Or is that a mod?
  16. So they transform into cars?
  17. If only they made the Destroids, Glaug and Reguld. 3000 yen was too much for what they offers, while the packaging are really oversized adding shipping cost for us.
  18. According to the text when pulling the trigger the barrel can rotate, the gun will vibrate and has light effect. They will also sell a "EX" version through their online store with UN Spacy marking.
  19. So how's the stand? Can it hold the bigger Yamato valks in more extreme angles?
  20. Well that's potentially good news for me if I can order both from the same shop and save a bit in shipping.
  21. Hmm... Why does the CAD images have what looks like a finished color scheme and is quite different from the official and in-game scheme?
  22. Only 1:55 and VE-1 are "old". Bought the 1:144 Phalanx for $5 at a local hobby show yesterday.
  23. AE have it in stock at no discount since a few days ago. http://www.anime-export.com/product/16512
  24. Guys, have you notice the the new big missiles have less grip strength than the old missiles? One problem with this is the new missiles cannot be mounted on Yamato VF-1 - they are too loose to hold. I hope the Arcadia YF-19's missiles will be compatible.
  25. They all have monotone packaging so you can't just rely on that. The Tornado part had only been released for original release, not renewal. Although the tornado part can fit a renewal with some modification. For renewal part, you should see " リニュVer. " in the description. For box pic, see these reviews: Original parts: http://gamu-toys.info/goukin/gouki/dxf06vf25fspp/01.html http://gamu-toys.info/goukin/gouki/dxf04vf25sspp/01.html http://gamu-toys.info/goukin/gouki/dxf10vf25fap/01.html http://gamu-toys.info/goukin/gouki/dx16/dx1601.html http://gamu-toys.info/goukin/gouki/dx14vf25tp/dx14vf25tp01.html Renewal parts: http://gamu-toys.info/goukin/gouki/dx21/dx21.html http://gamu-toys.info/goukin/gouki/dx22/dx2201.html http://gamu-toys.info/goukin/gouki/dx27/dx2701.html
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