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Everything posted by kensei

  1. Damn, if this is what it looks like I can't wait till the VF-19A comes along.
  2. My mates tell me off and say..."You could have got a car...a GOOD car at that...WITH a turbo....!"
  3. Some of those chicks that cosplay slave Leia are just wrong. Nowhere in the same league as these women.
  4. Building my first Gundam Model now...you guys must be sooooo proud! I'm just wondering, are the Gundam markers the Be all and end all for panel lining your Gundam or can you just use a 0.02 mm micron pen?
  5. Hey EXO, can you show us what you mean? I thought those were a bargain, but obviously not.
  6. in my sig.
  7. http://www.tmpforums.com/index.php?showtopic=12890&st=0 Here's a link outlining the differneces. Pics should be looked up under the main macrossworld website.
  8. sonuvabatty....26 variations.
  9. Isn't the Chun Li shower scene like only ten seconds? Or was there more to see in the uncut scene?
  10. Rainbot, that's fully sick!
  11. The head sculpt is fugly. For each. I hate that Tommy Yune Art as well. If I had the money I would ask for all the boxes that people don't want and burn them in a huge pyre in front of HG. The figures themselves are quite good though. Not too bad. Especially for the price.
  12. I hated how it how it really didn't finish it's own story, but depended on POC3 to finish it off. Other than that, I loved it.
  13. Actually they can't exactly use it unless it is at a concentration of around 70%...anything above that is quite detrimental and not really antimicrobial. At my pharmacy we have 100%, but we always use it to dilute. It is commonly used in compounding medications, which is a rare thing nowadays (I don't know how it is in the UK, but in Australia we get most in the way of creams, ointments and lozenges). Other places that have 100% concentration (if you really need it) are hospitals and laboratories (particularly those involved in biological sciences such as plants, microbiology, molecular biology, physiology, human biology and biochemistry). Maybe ask if you have a friend in one of those areas.
  14. I think I've heard that line somewhere before.
  15. Man, they are thrashing it with the gold plating on Gundams now...no doubt that will be soon.
  16. See? A glimmer of hope.
  17. Lucky Yamato doesn't really look at these boards. And also that Graham is not really a fan of the VF-2. Yamato will know what we like.
  18. That's what we thought with the VF-1 and the YF-19. Now look where we are.
  19. Next time an Italian gets a foul...I hope he cops it so bad that he has to get went off the field with his shins hnaging by a few threads of muscle tissue. This is appauling.
  20. Dammit, thought this was a thread for it's announcement..........I knew it was too soon.
  21. Now that I've had time, I 've been looking more into the Seamonkey Browser, currently in my second day of testing. It's pretty good once you get used to it. I never knew that Mozilla had such a good range of software. I've downloaded Thunderbird and Sunbird, and it's amazing, very simple to use. I can't wait for them to finish and release Lightning, top integrate both Sunbird and Thunderbird together.
  22. Because the English team are a bunch of chokers. They don't play as a team. They are barely together to train before the world cup, and most of the time in their leagues they are rivals competing for PR and money. They have the same attitude when they play for the WC. Look at them individually, and they are among the best players in the world, but put them together and they are no more harmful than a bunch of schoolchildren.
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