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Everything posted by kensei

  1. They never released these, only the Hikaru VF-1J, but that was without FPs. If they were released, I would jump on them. Hang on....I don't need anymore....
  2. I bet you just have a whole bunch of yamato toy pages sitting on your computer, just waiting for official releases from yamato. 419272[/snapback] Don't be hard on the man. Blame Yamato
  3. Yeah...I think that it has to come waaaaay after the VF-0A...
  4. The last one announced of course. But definitely more than one.
  5. There is no possibility that they will sell fast. If they want these to sell fast then they have shot themselves in the foot, you can't expect customers to buy all this stuff when they are release altogether in a 4 month period. Profits for them will come in regardless.
  6. GODDDAMN SONUVA*#$%#$%^@#*!!!! Ah well. I'll sell off my Roy's etc. Don't need em no more. Looks like the 1/48 line will never die. And that popularity is not really a consideration. Well, only when yamato runs out of ideas.
  7. bloody hell...that Stealth looks dangerous... Nice pics.
  8. Alan Yen's ToyboxDX 2008 Toy of the Year!
  9. I think it's a resin thing. The same thing happened with the VF-0.
  10. I sense that the wings are a weak point, might be a Garland thing. How storng were the wing connections on the 1/72?
  11. Less than half a year? Sometime after the current rerelease of the VF-1A Max, Stealth FPs, VF-0A and VF-1 Angelbirds. They tend to, but not all the time, go in order of announcement. EDIT: Go the crapola stickers. Takatoys and Anasazi, we got more work for you to do.
  12. Kind of like the VF-1 eh? Don't think we will ever get a VF head without a seem line, it makes it easier to do a joint at the neck. Unless we move to polycaps, but please don't Yamato.... I withdraw my wing remark. It looks like if the wings were any longer, they'd hit the groud while the YF-19 was in Battroid mode.
  13. SICK SICK SICK!!! I still wish that the wings were a tad more wider and longer, but that's just fine. Don't care 'bout the underbelly no more. Canards look plenty big enough too.
  14. That's looking better and better Jay. At first I didn't see the differences, but now I do. I assume it's going to be a lot easier when you animate right?
  15. Congrats dude. Well done!
  16. Those little Macross figures look really great. When Yamato stops thinning out my wallet, I'm gonna grab a collection of these, they would make a nice little diorama.
  17. Fighter and Battroid will be awesome. The real test is the legs and the shoulder positions in the GERWALK mode. I want to see that. If the leg posability is anywhere near as good as the VF-0 or VF-1...then I'm sure that it will be fine. *keeps a sharp eye out for Graham* *Watches Graham's status intently*.....
  18. Yahoo! I'm in the same timezome. I'm putting away my VF-1s tonight into storage and flattening the boxes....I'll be online waiting!
  19. Where in SDF:Macross did that appear?
  20. kensei

    Munny Custom Vf-11b

    Hirohawa almost got it. Bad luck man...that thing sold for a crazy price.
  21. End of financial year?
  22. the first one you mentioned are two separate kits, the Strike while the Strike Rouge is a bundled kit. I could be wrong with the Strike tho', as there might be a bundled verision coming up, I don't know. Anyway, they are exactly the same architectrually, only molded in different colours.
  23. Dunno...it's something about a Pirate Gundam I don't like... I'd only get it if the show had Capt. Jack Sparrow piloting it.
  24. That's great news, thanks Zeta Otaku. Now i don't have to spend so much money. it seems like they need to make PG Ver2s as well. I finally dug up some reviews of the MKII WITH pics, and it cannot pose half as good as the MG can. I'm sold. It seems that MGs after the Freedom are top notch.
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