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Everything posted by kensei

  1. Bah. Oh well, at least I tried.
  2. Making posts just for the sake of communicating to others how annoying quoting images are is not the best way to go about it. You crack down on others that do that, yet I've never had a problem with it until you started it yourself.
  3. I think the complaints stem from the fact that we only have full coloured pics of the fighter mode. Therefore you are hearing a lot from the fighter nuts. Me, I'm a VF nut. The valk must look good in all modes. I think most arguments here can be rectified with the showing of pics.
  4. The legs don't seem that thick when I look at it from those pics. The body and proportions look right too, and GERWALK looks damn sweet. The legs can go a fair way to bend forwards, methinks they used the design that was on the VF-0.
  5. Legs are great in battroid mode, from the look of the silouhette. Making the YF-19s wings droop is just making it overly fancy. Doesn't need that. I'll bet you'll be very happy with it Dave don't worry.
  6. No matter how compromised the fighter mode is, the rest of the modes looks great. If the fighter mode is a compromise, it's the best damn compromise I've ever seen, or ever will see. Bring it on!
  7. Oh Graham, this looks soooo good, can we please have the revealed pics now? Pleeeeaasseee?
  8. I pay for it out of my own pocket, so parents are ok. Just the space issue, which I have now solved. They are now really happy. They think I'm a bit childish, but happy. As for GF none at the moment. I broke up with my last one cause she was a religious nut, she thought she was god, and I didn't. No but seriously she was a control freak. Just going with the flow now. If I meet someone, I'll meet someone. I'm planning to go to the clubs on a fortnightly basis again, unlike yearly, cause they are bringing in the new anti-smoking regulations. I'm almost at the end of my studies right now, so playtime is almost over, I'm going into the full time workforce.
  9. Almost there. Not much to go now, just 7 Millia boxes. So it's pretty much finished. Hey Graham, does Yamato offer a rebate of a case of valks on the return of packaging materials?
  10. After a painful left hip replacement, Roy is back in action.
  11. Most likely. Look how fat the legs are going the be, I look at the fighter from behind and the feet are huge. Nothing like the drawing.
  12. Otherwise just one of everything, and rotate/transform em all on a weekly basis. Quite fun. And therapuetic.
  13. Woah...sorry but have to disagree with you there. Note the overly bulbous cockpit and forward fuselage section, badly shaped tailfins and tiny feet. I still wish I had one of those, I like the little cases they came in. They were like something precious.
  14. You know what, people are talking about the 1/48 being well hung.....honestly I don't see it being any different for any other VF-1 out there.
  15. Mog... Neat stickering. Good touch ups with the paint too. That takes time and effort, so it does deserve praise. Well done.
  16. kensei

    M+ Valks

    Ah yes that's right. But you're crazy. All of ya. Anyone that wants the VF-11 Full Armour. That includes me.
  17. kensei

    M+ Valks

    It would need a heavily reinforced arm though. Might include a stand with it too. Just to keep the end up. Or, Yamato will sell it separately.
  18. kensei

    M+ Valks

    Problem with the GBP for the 11 is, that it has a HUGE f-off gunpod.
  19. Akira too. Sorry, even thoguh it was a classic, it gets low marks on my list. All that show did was just freak me out. Evangelion too. NO idea how that got picked.
  20. In Italy they are doing that, using the prisoners as telemarketers and also customer service operators.
  21. What the hell? Jin Roh at the bottom, and Sailor Moon, Pokemon, One Piece and Doremon is up above SDF Macross, and the Gundam SEED and Destiny Votes are combined? newtype is very bias, seems they only like Gundam.
  22. Send in Takatoys or Anasazi37.
  23. I disagree with the 1 Yamato statement, but from my experience with little cheap toys, they can be a helluva lot of fun. But they will never equal the satisfaction of 1 Yamato 1/48. But...horses for courses.
  24. Worse than Yamato's?
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