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Everything posted by kensei

  1. Actually, my main beef with the list is ranking order. Determining what should or should not be on the list is a whole other matter entirely. While I'm not rabid enough to claim SDF Macross as the number one slot, it should have easily been in the top 50. Also, this is anime we're talking about, so naturally there's a lack of productions in the humanities in the industry. Inclusion of a large number of childrens shows is inevitable. But I digress, I'm glad you found SEED so amazing, but I'd argue strongly that it doesn't deserve any top spot or high ranking. Not by a long shot. But that is just an opinion afterall 425429[/snapback] No fair enough. I have the same beef as you, but an added one, and that is the inclusion of certain amine and exclusion of others.
  2. Excellent eye UN Spacy. I might have to do that to all my valks now.
  3. If a company wants to make a drastic change to an existing mold won't they just copy the mold entirely and use that for operations, rather than completely change an existing mold to the point of no return?
  4. You should already be able to tell how Yamato have done the sensors, from te magazine pics already posted. After the VF-0S, do you eally think Yamato woold revert back to painted sensors. Graham 425440[/snapback] We have no idea, only you are privy to that info.
  5. Gakkens made a shadow fighter too?
  6. Or they would put both the 19 and 21 FPs in the same set, and force you to buy both fighters, or let a FP set go to waste....like the SHE.....
  7. Righty-ho. Don't know if you can have an etc for the YF-21. Doesn't include much in the way of FP. But then again, it would be bigger than the 19's FP that's for sure. Technically the 19 should have a thicker shield but I don't know if they will do that. Maybe they should, cause the 19 don't have that much to go bny in terms of accessories. Both prototype fighters in fact. The only one being the 11.
  8. What the frack is that....
  9. I mentioned the heavy weapons module awhile back. I agree. But the atmospheric booster? Why? It's specifically for the VF-11. You know why right? Cause in the atmosphere the VF-11 cannot keep up with a YF-19 or 21.
  10. I'll grant SEED was passable, what little I saw. But then again, this is a top list and "alright" doesn't cut it IMO. Defeats the whole purpose of a "top" list 425294[/snapback] Well then I'll reword it. SEED was an excellent series. By the reasoning that you showed me, then most of the stuff shouldn't be on there then, much like your opinion with Dragonball Z. Look at it. Cardkaptor Sakura, Pokemon, Naruto...it's all bad.
  11. Me too. Especially the Kyoto arc and the OVAs. That extremely disappoints me, for a series that acutally had some substance, didn't make it to the top 100.
  12. You've summed it up for me H. To be honest I wouldn't have put in the Matchbox one casue it's not available for retail anymore, but if you are taking about the worst ever in history, then you are right. What's next BTW? Best value for money in each mode?
  13. Well, I guess the only thing that is Shin Kudo is the Blue VF-0D.
  14. 1. Yes i do too. I wouldn't put it past Yamato to do an accessory pack with parts to "jury rig" the thing on. It won't look like the anime, but hey, the 1/48 VF-1 arm FAST Packs have these big ugly clips on the sides that aren't painted in the valks colours. 2. Yes! Like the VF-0! It would be awesome! 3. It's very annoying yes. But don't worry, if they don't fix their sticker issue, we always got Anasazi and takatoys.
  15. I've never seen GERWALK or Battroid hasagawa models actually. I thought that the transforming model of the YF-19 in the Model Graphix was the cream of the crop, and there was no way that a toy could even come close to that, but I am so wrong. I'm glad I am.
  16. Nice. How's the paint holding up on that custom VF-1J?
  17. No worries.
  18. http://www.macrossnexus.com/index.php?opti...=188&Itemid=399 Your problem can be solved with this page. Be sure to press the back plate in. I recommend one side at a time to reduce wear.
  19. No direct sunlight. Slow down the oxidation as much as you can. 425103[/snapback] Also no smoking, put the toys at a side where there is little sunlight coming from the brightest time of the day, dark curtains, keep it at a temp less than 18 degrees celcius. have glass to contain your viewing angle of the toys, it will keep out all but the most penetrating UV rays. You can get a film for that anyway, by 3M, if you have the cash to spare.
  20. Gundam SEED was all right. Not Seed Destiny. Problem is, they linked the two together. Now, Gundam Wing with it's Turkey Gundam, now that didn't even deserve to be anywhere near the top 100...
  21. kensei

    1/48 Vf-1s Roy Custom

    I know! It's great Kurt. You always produce excellent work. Just wondering, those sticekrs on the fuselage, how did you do the damage on the stickers (if they are stickers) or did you paint them on and then take a drill bit to it? I thought the stickers would peel and make a mess everywhere!
  22. If the boob on the Yamato is good, then i think that the rest is just dandy.
  23. All I can say is, the next pic better be the one in GERWALK mode. I'm a helluva curious as to how the legs are going to be. They look good from what I can tell of the picture. Not to say that I'm not hanging out for a battroid pic too.
  24. It's been on Dr. Phil's Diet program.
  25. Don't worry about shrinking them, just add the attachment before you post after you loaded the pic.
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