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Everything posted by kensei

  1. We don't understand women how they need a tenth pair of shoes either.
  2. In Macross Zero, when Shin engages Nora, the Ghost is definitely on. As for the YF-19s fold booster, definitely not.
  3. You know....now I wonder about that Yamato guy how is the Ghost going to stay on the back of the battroid?
  4. You should buy mine I fixed mine with wood glue and it works a treat. All I have to do is work on my battroid to fighter transformations.
  5. If I got that, I would be tempted to drill some bores into the double barreled weapon. He looks a bit daft sticking that in your face. Very nice toy. Excellent line. I initially thought that red top was a shield, but I love how it folds into a powerful rifle.
  6. Customs. Looks like Resin kits. 426602[/snapback] Dream killer. You're right about the Saviour I think. Beecraft always takes the SEED Designs to a whole new level. I'm very impressed. Surely a Gaia 1/100 will come out soon. I'm sick of those screwy little 1/144s.
  7. Is there anyway of having some prophylactic reinforcement for the stands before you mount them? Save a lot of annoyance....then again, they should have made them properly to start with
  8. Dude, they didn't even have permission to take these photos. That was the best they can do.
  9. Woah....Gundam X Stuff. Alright!
  10. What about the intakes? They look way better than the lineart.
  11. Any more news on it's features and structure?
  12. My turn to bring the enws. MG Crossbones Gundam. http://www.toysdaily.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=51053 1/100 Saviour Gundam. Can't find the bloody link no more.
  13. Yamato are quite proud of their chicken hands aren't they? I would have thought they would work it out by now. The only thing better I liked about the VF-0S version is that it could slip around the handle of the gunpod.
  14. They so obviously rushed that Battroid photo. Guy must have got busted. Look at the ankles of the GERWALK. Obvisously some new design. So posable, and can remain so flat. Or maybe it is the nature of the shape of the design and the leg bay in general that allows superior flexibililty to the VF-1 and 0.
  15. Look at the "boob" on that thing. It's perfect. None of the thin ones you see on the 1/72s or the IHP or Liquidstone.
  16. F'in sweet. You're the best guys. I love it. ETA on this baby. STAT.
  17. Also the back wings of the Ghost has a crevice that allows the tailfins of the VF-0 to slip into it's wings.
  18. Even I didn't know that and I've got one! Gee....thanks Graham for suggesting that they needed a redesign the VF-0 to attach a Ghost..... Grr! Yamato really thought ahead on this one.
  19. No cause he probably got the kick before he could take the Battroid mode pic. Wasn't thinkin though. Cause if he only had time for two snaps, then he should have taken GERWALK and Battroid, cause everyone's already seen Fighter.
  20. I checked the original board where that came from...no Battroid pics.
  21. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just a little more to the right and we would have seen the Battroid....
  22. Now that the cat is out of the bag on this Ghost Booster, is it going to come with a fully revised VF-0S or is it possible to mount it in it's current form?
  23. Problem is the bloody white arms. they spoil it.
  24. I don't know if I can do that in the long run. I seriously suggest that you don't use nail polish for your valks. It melts the ABS plastic. I would suggest taking apart the shoulder joints and applying a blob of wood glue and leave it overnight. That works fine, and you can feel it off and apply it again as many times as you like.
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