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Everything posted by kensei

  1. The only thing I don't like about it is the fact that the back part of the head is overly tilted up in Battroid mode. Otherwise it looks sweet.
  2. What's with the Cat?
  3. I wish the Stealth FPs were all black. Then it would be the bomb.
  4. Poor Roy.....
  5. Yep they are. Just like the Roy one. it's awesome. If the A can hold a pose like that, then I think that the joints are fixed.
  6. Ah ok. I knew that it wasn't part of the Ghost, but I that Yamato did their own improvisiation cause I didn't think that they could find a way to attach it otherwise.
  7. The old YF-19 Yamato looks like a grandpa comparing to the new one.
  8. The YF-19's gunpod does look like the top magazine can be detached.
  9. Hey Dave, thanks a bunch. That's an awesome pic. WolfX is right about the missile pods tho', they seem to be a part of the Ghost, there are some extesnions underneath the Ghost taht seem to extend down to the missile pods.
  10. It's not such a dark grey as we thought. Graham, plase pass on my comments to Yamato to pass on the comment to their YF-19 Design team..."Good work." I'll tell you what...for the VF-0A I don't see why the front of the conformal fuel tanks can be detached when it should be the back ones. That's where the missile pods are mounted after all.
  11. kensei

    1/60 Vf-1 Redux

    I wouldn't buy them. I'm not a scale freak, I believe that a good balance of looks, structural integrity and perfect transformation is possible only in figures the size of 30 - 33 cm.
  12. It's too big and too chunky to be Hase kit. It's probably a painted-up Focker with a new head. 427006[/snapback] I agree with GHOSTRYDER. The HASE kit is of a 1/72 scale, smaller than that of the YAMATO toy. 427043[/snapback] The articulation points are also very similiar in appearance to the 1/60. I have no doubt that it is a 1/60.
  13. the ghost pack maybe, but the valk is painted. U can see the kite logo and arm stripes. 426966[/snapback] Good eye. I'm very curious as to where all of the attachment points are on the Ghost.
  14. If it followed the Hasagawa lineart, I would have disliked it too. It looks too skinny, like the neck of the duck that hangs around my backyard all the time from the local pond that I want to snap.
  15. Sorry, MW stuffed up on me for 0.5 hours while i was posting that.
  16. Good lord... I like the grey on a VF-0A, but it looks like they put a little too much pigment into the vat....
  17. Actually I got an IJ, and was pretty disappointed with the kit in terms of relation to the lineart. Then again, it was only a 1/100 standard. The 1/100 SF though, really looked bad. The 1/60 looked superb. I wish that they give IJ a 1/60 chance or even a 1/100 MG. Cause that would be sweet. Check this out: http://f7.aaa.livedoor.jp/~mesarion/gallery/jusm/jusm.htm
  18. Oh them? They are the flexistands, or so they are called. Yes they are very cool. But they are sold out in most places. But unfortunately the guy sold his business. I don't know if they are continuing or not. I think someone has bought it. Anyone know?
  19. kensei

    2 seater 1/48s

    If there is a way (which has been proven) then Yamato will make it. I have no doubt.
  20. The ones for the VF-1s? Or the Scopedogs? There are weapon sets for the scopedogs, and the Yamato ones are for the VF-1S Roy, Angelbirds and the LVII.
  21. The more I look at the battroid, the more I appreciate the 19 as a whole. The gunpod size does not bother me at all, as the gap between the legs. close up it doesn't look so bad as it does from a distance. That doesn't really look like a prodcution toy. It looks more like a resin, something about the way it shines under the light, I don't know...
  22. Umm...why is there bluetack within the ankles of the 19 in GERWALK mode? Don't tell me that it's weak. The legs are awesome though in that mode. Way better than it's smaller scale and previous predecessors in the Bandai range.
  23. Dude, those vids are soooo worth downloading. Great work!
  24. I think it looks plenty nice the way it is. I can't wait for the proper coloured version to be sold publically.
  25. No idea if they will sell the Ghost separately Graham? Cause I would like to buy a Ghost on it's own, I think it deserves it's own spot on my shelf.
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