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Everything posted by kensei

  1. With the amount of air that Yamato forces you to ship, I think it's a good chance that the toy will come in safe.
  2. Gee. Finally have a report on the 2nd ed of the VF-0. I think that in general, most of the later production runs of the VF-1 were pretty much fuss free. The only problem I came across is the lack of glue, and also a shitload of mess from the molding release agent. Ugh.
  3. Most certainly does. VF-1S in 1/48s have the best head shape, blows all other scales and brands out of the water.
  4. He has already addressed that and the high price of the YF-19.
  5. I've never seen Jetfire in action anyway cept for a toy advert for him.
  6. Yeah, but what would be the point? Why didn't they make the wings with hardpoints on them already?
  7. Ah ok. Make a Skyfire then. Problem solvered!
  8. Toy-Wave offers straight CC. This is a recent thing.
  9. It's $150 USD before shipping at Toy-Wave.
  10. MP Starscream looks F-15 everywhere except the underside. Don't see how they could hurt an F-14 design by modifying the underbelly either. But I don't really want to see Jetfire as an F-14, or as Jetfire either. I'm willing to go for the Skyfire design. I like the space fighter look.
  11. Masterpieces don't necessarily have to be modelled off real world vehicles right? I don't think Prime is any sort of real truck.
  12. That was a heavy weapons module that was made for testing. It was mounted externally. I doubt that it would have been able to transform back to fighter. It's been the other way for such a long time.
  13. It includes a Ghost.
  14. Cummon! Show us the prototype photos of the Gundam X!!!!
  15. That crossbones Gundam looks soooo weird. I thought it actually belonged to the G-Gundam series when it came out.
  16. From the thumbnails I mistook it for a F-14, but when I get a closer look it definitely doesn't look anything like an F-14 with that nose. It's great though, thatit looks like the Jetfire from the TV series. Where's the "FAST Pack" by the way?
  17. Ah yes this issue. I suggest that you guys that still have these tabs to push your backplate in one side at a time, to prevent wear. I know that my 1 st edition after 4 years started to wear off into nothingness.
  18. It's 800 g. That's just over half a boxed 1/48 right?
  19. kensei

    1/60 Vf-1 Redux

    And everyone thought I lacked self control. 1/48 Or bust! Everything should be a managable 30 - 33 cm.
  20. That missile pod kind of looks like it's made of paper.
  21. She's so fine, there's no tellin' where the money went!
  22. I actually used to like this show, but thankfully now I can't remember it, along with the likes of Silverhawks, Bionic Six or something like that, Galaxy Rangers and The Centurions. When Thundercats got rereleased, they had it playing at a anime store. I stood there for the intro, heard the music, and I said to myself: "I actually liked this crap when I was a little kid?". How people change over time. But there are some that I will never be ashamed of, and that's Macross and Samurai Pizza Cats.
  23. I love both. My mistake anyway about the VF-14. I was mistaking it for it's cousin, the VA-14, which I think it ugly. If Yamato made a cutlass it would just make my day. That's my other favourite FSW VF. Wait....it's the only other FSW VF.
  24. This is the only thing I hate about the D'Stance. It's still the undisputed king of YF-21s tho'.
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