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Everything posted by kensei

  1. Bugger. You got to be kidding me? Then again....Yamato technically didn't have to put one on the sheet. I mean, there was no insignia in the TV series....
  2. Hey I waited a long time too, to save on the shipping. I'm stingey. not rich like Lord KungFu, who can have his own helicopter fly it from the store to the airport and send it to me over the other side of the equator by concorde.
  3. Yeah I got mine too and the LVII as well. When I checked it out for myself, the CF just doesn't suit the GBPII. Colours are great on both pieces, strong and dark.
  4. I think tou will have to figure out what's best for you, as we never see Max with his FAST Packs on his VF-1S, and also the fact that Hikaru's VF-1S Heatshield and FAST Pack was red as well remains debatable.
  5. Good point. I hope though, that it is not the case, cause Yamato is not known for their posing, and that looks like an alright pose for a photoshoot. I so hope I can put this baby into a flying kick position on a flexistand. That would be sweet!
  6. Oh my lordie, check these pics out... http://www.hobbystock.jp/item/view/goods_i...-00000074.5.jpg http://www.hobbystock.jp/item/view/goods_i...-00000074.7.jpg http://www.hobbystock.jp/item/view/goods_i...-00000074.8.jpg http://www.hobbystock.jp/item/view/goods_i...-00000074.9.jpg http://www.hobbystock.jp/item/view/goods_i...00000074.10.jpg http://www.hobbystock.jp/item/view/goods_i...-00000074.2.jpg http://www.hobbystock.jp/item/view/goods_i...-00000074.3.jpg
  7. Shrink wrapping is more of a retailer's personal touch. Yamato never shrink wraps them.
  8. I used wood glue. The only problem is for the shoulders there is waaaaaayy too much room still there. All they need to fix that is some phat polycaps. That'll do the trick. The rest of the joints, elbows, knees are fine now. The only thing is that Roy is now a bit gay, his left wrist is floppy, and I don't know how to fix that up. I don't think that we have to worry about the amount of stuff that is coming out. I mean, if you can't afford them all at once, you canbet that the next Joe can't either. They will be there for a long time due to the number of toys that are coming out.
  9. They are a really good price. You can get em from $110 USD at Toy-wave.
  10. Hikaru is known to be bleach white compared to the other valks. After that they are a bt more grey.
  11. Don't know about it really.....it's quite trippy, but I like my Yamato 1/48 version. I do admire how he slimmed down the design while retaining functionality and detail.
  12. Wouldn't have a clue. Just passed on it thorugh the wiki.
  13. Macross has contributed something else to modern culture too. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macross_Missile_Massacre
  14. It'll be one of the features won't it? C'mon Graham old buddy, do tell I say.
  15. Make sure you don't hold down the ctrl button while you are using your scroller on the mouse. One direction will make it smaller the other will make it bigger. Although....I did suddenly see EXOs sig blow up to gigantic proportions while the rest stayed the same...
  16. AFter looking more closely at the bigger photos, I so think that the top of the Gunpod as well as the magazine is detachable.
  17. All you had to do was buy a Toynami.
  18. This is what often happens when you downgrade. Actally, I think you saved yourself some money. This way you won't buy as many 1/60s.
  19. Just the floppy joints really. That's the only difference for the 1/60 VF-0S.
  20. Some movie that was shown in Japanese theatres...
  21. It's true that they should all be as good as each other. But you know, Yamato is an established player and can compete with the big boys now with their cash cow the 1/48. I'll admit that I've never had anything so bad as cracked hips (actually I have, but I should have stopped moving it, now I perform that diagnostic on all my valks), but it is way better than back then. It just annoys me with the VF-0S's elbows and knees succumb to gravity, and I can't hold a simple pose. 1/48 wins the award for sturdiest design yet. VF-0 is more intricate.
  22. If you are talking abnout the VF-0S tailfin, how close they are together in a case does not matter. It is how the person packed it in the plastic tray. When packed properly, the spikes have adequate clearance.
  23. I thought Max Factory were also making their own Garland? Wonder if they moved on to others too? If so Yamato is slow off the mark. Has Max Factory released their Garland yet?
  24. $167 USD in Japan. Around there. I took the figure from yamato-toys.com and used xe.com to work out the conversion. The VF-0S/A is around $140 - 150 USD retail. But now you can get them from HK at $130 USD before shipping. Notice how the prices are steadily going up.
  25. There is rarely a retailer that does that. look at Toy-Wave, VF-0S went down from $160 to $130 USD. Haterist, there is no reason for Yamato not to rerelease the M&Ms. It's only a matter of time.
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