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Everything posted by kensei

  1. Diecast is good, but it must be in the right places. I want this sucker to pose well and not get too loose in the long run.
  2. Hi falyn80, Actually, the stie I presented before seems like a good site. I seem to have problems with Megaupload. Here's the link for esnips. http://www.esnips.com/signin/index.jsp Take you time mate. Thanks!
  3. Crikey, things are moving fast on this product. Next thing you know we have preorders going up by tomorrow.
  4. This is awesome adn the price is not bad either. I'd get only three at most.
  5. I'll look one up for you. Let me see if Megadownload works. Thanks!
  6. kensei

    Graham's Sig

    Talk about scerwing with our heads.
  7. Found most of the songs for download here. http://www.esnips.com/web/lets-fire/ Also there is another album on there with acoustic verisons, although I am still trying to find the one of Remember 16, and the duet with Emilia and Basara for Heart and Soul. EDIT: Screwed around a bit and finally got an album with some of the acoustics. http://www.esnips.com/web/ACOUSTICFIRE Anhyone know where to get: Remember 16 Acoustic Flash in the Dark Heart and Soul (duet) Light the Light New Frontier Angel Voice? Cheers
  8. I'd kick Kawamori's arse personally if he did make that, and it transformed into something like Gundam Wing Zero.
  9. Yep, it will be pretty soon. The proper location for this will be in among the "locked" threads. If you keep going the way you are going. Get over yourself.
  10. When certain a'holes are abound, yeah pretty much. Keeps the forums looking semi-decent at least.
  11. Man, the above was filled with lot's of drama. I'm surprised it didn't go off.
  12. Not only is that a great collection, but it is a beautiful shelf. Good work!
  13. dude, I'm stumped. I can't think of anythihng else other than a rotating cockpit and a removable magazine.
  14. Which is pretty much what I meant. They are cartridge-less style gunpods. While not disposable, you could pretty much bet that the YF-21 would get rid of the Gunpod if it is spent, it's a common thing for pilots to do in anime. Screw the UN budget.
  15. kensei

    Graham's Sig

    I just don't don't why he put down 16 underscores, but it could be random. Graham doesn't strike me as a random person.
  16. Awesome, up there for thinkin!
  17. kensei

    Graham's Sig

    16 characters long i think.
  18. Hey that's great, but are you sure you wanted to do that? I thought you wanted your MG.
  19. Yeah. The YF-21 gunpods aren't reloadable anyway, so it's pretty even.
  20. Gee...I guess the news has kinda died on this one.
  21. I'd laugh if Honda became the new Subway poster boy.
  22. Probably popping babies with Ryu.
  23. OH ok. Graham, just put up the review and pics. AND PUT SOME DAMN CLOTHES ON BEFORE YOU TAKE PICS OF YOURSELF WITH THE Toy.
  24. I look at the review section in Macrossworld, but nothing from the G-man yet. He's probably typed and photoed it already, just awaiting approval for release.
  25. So simple but effective. I really hope that they mean to do another one.
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