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Everything posted by kensei

  1. I've never seen this clip from Macross VF-X2. Can someone tell me if this is a mistake?
  2. That's the best way to go about it. I like Yamato's direction with the diecast. Graham, is the hips just snap away from the main body and that is how you allow movement in the hips?
  3. Ah cool, yep I know what you mean. Fair enough. Astrotrain would have looked heaps better if they stuck to his G1 colours. The design itself is fine. I dug that custom I saw a week back.
  4. Today I just went to a local store that sells Takara ones. They actually have Snarl as Fang Wolf, two versions both Autobots. One was the blue and white and the other is black and white.
  5. awesome! How much hair gel did you use, or was that a wig?
  6. I'll bet after, for some BS reason.
  7. I thought $20 USD was pretty fair dinkum. Nothing wrong with that price.
  8. Crikey, they look good. Thanks Haterist. I wanted to push the envelope and say make it a bit bigger, but no way. It can just fit inside the forearms.
  9. Nope. Just one. I'll take the cautious route first, then get my 12.
  10. I just hope that by some stroke of luck we'll be able to import it.
  11. [sings]On the first day of Christmas, Yamato sent to me a YF-19 in a EMS box........[/sings]
  12. Thank goodness. I was counting on this model as a backup in case I can't get the other one later. Even for a "now and then" TF fan, the G1 MPOP is a must have.
  13. I'm simply just too late to the game. Now I pay for it. This is where we part simply becuae of your vast experience. Looking up Mazinger, yeah you're probably more right. I'm never seen those old school shows like Mazinger or any of the ones that feature in the "Soul of Chogokin line."
  14. I agree with your Prime analysis. That is a good balance of colours on the bloke. Plus, you have to admit, he is a bit animefied by todays standards, or you could even think Gundamfied, with the angled up wings and guns blazing. You think the cannon on Red Alert is too big? Wonder if they could have selected a military vehicle that was a bit faster, apparently Hot Shot wasn't thrilled about getting a bit slower, albeit more powerful. He is still underarmed compared to the others though. I'll get Leo Breaker soon too. Just that I like it when he gives Jetfire crap in the cartoon. Snarl is cool too, but he is nowhere to be found.
  15. Unfortunately no. I will soon. Sonic Wing mode looks pretty good. Prime himself looks good, but costs $100 AUD. I'm already paying that for Jetfire due to shipping. I'll get the cybertron defense team as well. They were awesome. Vector Prime is going slow, i'll get him later, probably the double pack to get Thundercracker too.
  16. Just bought the Wing Saber toy. Impressive size and detail, but the transformation is dissapointingly too simple. Had to order my Jetfire from overseas, ain't too hyped about Sky Shadow.
  17. Octane was a triple changer wasn't he?
  18. Nah. Looks so plain, and terrible with the Ballute system, now that is the ultimate gayness. Akatsuki at least looked sharp. Strike Freedom only has a little bit of gold trim anyway, it's not overdone.
  19. Yep done all that. Pretty good if you are doing it with a 1/48, you can't really with any other transforming VF-1, only the superposables.
  20. Like the Hyaku Shiki. Good thing they used it on the Strike Freedom.
  21. Cybertron is the only line in there that is cool. The Energon and Armada I'm not so crazy about. Altough the Hot Shot one was cool, the Jetfires before the Cargo plane versions were terrible. Soundwave is cool. I love his line about Megatron in Fury, "He's trippin' cause he got served."
  22. Crikey, if that's the case, I might as well go for the cheaper route if paint if the only thing that is the diff, specially cause it's easier. Thanks. Sky Shadow I could have bought, but I really want the original. I love the Scattorshot concept in Cybertron. He's a killer. Wonder how he is going to sabotage the Decepticons from within. He is meant ot be a smart bugger, but his accent makes him seem very average in inteelligence. Does he lose the Aussie accent when he changes to Sky Shadow? I'm gonna get Wing Saber too. He looks pretty big and awesome. I hope the Classics Jetfire is as awesome as that.
  23. Is there any difference between the Cybertron line of the toys for Japanese and US versions in paint job or quality? I gotta say I'm collecting these, I just love the english version with Jetfire having an Aussie accent. Cracks me up everytime, fair dinkum.
  24. Now that's an idea for a company. Just build a huge ass SDF-1 bridge. Wonder how that one will sell.
  25. Die cast ain't the only thing I like about a toy. Hell, I don't understand why people like die cast anyway, if it's there it's there, if not who cares as long as the toy is good. Equating weight or just presence of die cast with quality is not always true. At 31 cm, the 1/48 would be noticeably, not incrementally, taller than the SDF-1. I would like to have both of these. At the moment, there is too little known about this figure for me to get excited about. I want to know more, then I will make my decision. Besides there is only so much you can do with an SDF-1 Battlecruiser than a YF-19.
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