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Everything posted by kensei

  1. kensei

    Graham's Sig

    Well, at least it's chockers full. Could be worse, remember everyone saying that awhile ago that: "Macross is dead! Macross is dead!" Hah.
  2. Ain't my cup of tea, but I must admit, that is a very clever method of transformation and incorporation of all parts.
  3. Nowhere near as good though.
  4. Pretty good. Thanks for letting us know how it looks like. Can't wait for others.
  5. You have a girlfriend that is into giant robot anime? Crikey. She's s keeper.
  6. Yeah you're right...maybe it doesn't use Magnets like the Zero, I'm wondering...if the features that it contains are too heavy for it, might open to reveal missile launchers and hence needs another type of connecting point like the VF-1.....
  7. kensei

    Graham's Sig

    Well, anyone figured out the code yet?
  8. How's the landing gear doors Graham? Loose? Fit well? Don't hang open?
  9. I take this back there was an appearance with FPs in M7, but I can't see what color the JR was.
  10. I've just had a crazy dream. Don't know why. I guess I really want this product. But I dreamt that Yamato made a VF-19 Kai. It had everything here, but in a passing partnership with Apple, they put actual speakers on the shoulders. And also managed to put in an MP3 player. It also played 'Totsugeki Love Heart", "Holy Lonely Night" and "Planet Dance" at a respectable volume. Crazy. I'm gonna go back to bed after I take my anti-psychotics.....
  11. I got to see the originals from the start. as cheesy as some of them are.
  12. Very good work.
  13. Like what? I see nothing new.
  14. People coming in and just saying "it is the suXor" or "it roxX!" is pretty pointless really. We've had this conversation about either series enough times already enough to motivate people to at least put forward well backed up reasons as to why they like or do not like it. Your post made my head hurt. Couldn't understand much of it.
  15. This will so leave it open for Spiderman 4. I'm glad that at least this superhero can come abck and still deliver good movies, and not jsut 3 hours of fame.
  16. Brasso. You can use it on a rag to wipe it off.
  17. Even though it is true. *hands eugimon a lighter*
  18. Yah it is silly, I was just doing it for completeness. It's the only way he can fly I guess. I find it really hard to accept that he is a fire truck though even though there are so many features that say so. To me, there are so many weapons that he is the new generation mobile weapons truck that will eventually replace tanks in urban settings. Crikey.
  19. You could add the Q-Rau as well, that's something they made that doesn't give very many returns. That Stealth doesn't do much for me, I'm wondering what it would look like though. Say, it's kinda been a long time without any news....
  20. Why? I don't get that. If it transforms, all the better.
  21. Whatever. It's a site that I go and look up information for. Like this one. Doesn't matter what format.
  22. He's just like you, just of the Gundam world. Even though I like this site cause of Macross, he win's more points in my books because he regularly makes me aware of hot Japanese idols
  23. It's all cool now. If there is one issue I can't fix, it's the chunky beam cannon on the left. You know when you get prime into that weirdish truck-fighter mode? The joint won't let me align it with the body, it won't "click" into it's final place. I'm happy now. Looks so much better now that I cleaned it up. I must say that I am impressed with the head, I was wondering how they were going to convert between super mode and normal mode without taking the head off, I was expecting another head in the box.
  24. Don't know. Sometime this year I think. *points to Graham for more details*
  25. Crikey! That Command Wolf Looks good! I can't wait for the modification to make the Irvine variant. I guess they are releasing Chaotic Century first. I hope they release the Mulga last, what a POS.
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