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Everything posted by kensei

  1. As mentioned above, one of us is the "one". I'll bet on a SOC VF-1, but it's weird as I didn't think that Graham had any dealings with Bandai.
  2. I don't think that an SDF-1 is coming out, Graham is getting a WHAMSDF-1 from what I can make out.
  3. An SDF-1 that is 1.6 metres? Yeah, you're really hoping.
  4. kensei

    1/60 VF-11

    It has many sets of armour and colour schemes too. If they get the M3 licence, then they can pull off the same mold as a VF-X-11 Prototype Max and Millia's. Atmospheric and Space FAST Packs and also Ful Armour and Atmospheric rocket boosters. Sweetness.
  5. Kinda agree on that. A couple of months ago, there was a surge of people that wanted 1/60 VF-1s again.
  6. No need to get your knickers in a knot. I for one am open minded and was hoping that they would improve. But unfortunately not.
  7. Pity that they have to eject the FAST packs to transform into any other mode. Otherwise, one of the best fighters, lot's of firepower in that baby, the most in standard mode if I'm not mistaken.
  8. Chase sounds like a kid. I feel sorry for them, they really tried to live up to M0.
  9. That link works? That's news for me. Thought it was corrupted. I'll take a look, I want to know how Graham transforms his.
  10. 1. Very easy learning curve. Do not worry. No need to read Japanese. Just follow the photographs. I recommend having a paperclip handy. 2. Yes it is. Tighter joints all around, plus locks for the feet.
  11. Damn, that's the first time I've seen the SHE, that looks disgusting. Glad Yamato made the right compromises and improvements.
  12. I wanna see battroid mode pics with it, I want to see how well it manages with the legs.
  13. No display for all of them, only a few. I actually have more CF, but now that I no longer want to customise, I will sell them. I only got two more then I will have 16, perfect for TV, DYRL? and VF-X2 customs. I'm going to build a shelf, my uncle is a cabinet maker, it'll be an awesome one, when I get the time. That's probably after my Masters is over. Now is just stocking up. Thank goodness it's almost over. I really don't want to buy that new GBP, there is no valk (currently) that will look good with it. Is it me or is the market really tripping me over with the releases right now? We got the SDF-1 now, thank goodness i only need 3 of them.
  14. kensei

    1/48 GBP

    Enigma is like, checkered blue right?
  15. 7 of each mate. Then again, I have about 14 of the CF ones.
  16. kensei

    1/48 GBP

    Geez, am I tired of this crap. You know, I don't think that it would really look good with either of the two best candidates for that armour, the Stealth or the Low Viz I. I might give it a miss. I would like to see someone do a good custom VF-1 to go with it though.
  17. kensei

    Graham's Sig

    Ugh. The Graham Code. Nuh. Doesn't work.
  18. If they can beat the Doyusha's in quality, I am so there. They can fill out the whole VF line too.
  19. I would so buy Macross ones of these. Best makers of fixed pose figures, ever.
  20. Look at the way you are doing it. The wings are only meant to fold over one way. If you are forcing it to go the other way, of course, you are going to ge strain.
  21. kensei

    Did I screw up?

    The feet tend to fall back into the legs and this reduces posability.
  22. Nah I still quite like it. The Cybertron defense team is sweet. These are killer robots, they look mean.
  23. I hope so. He's a great figure. Real fun. Has anyone noticed that the majority of the Cybertron figures are back heavy? This kind makes then hard to pose. I won't mention how hard it is for Wing Saber with his awkward feet.
  24. Hey FFN, ignore the last one about the MP Megs, I was looking at something else while I was typing. Regarding the Red Alerts, we have none here in Perth. They are very scarce now, all the Cybertron line. There really seems to be no quality difference between the Galaxy Force and the Cybertron line. The only GF ones I have are Optimus Prime, Dreadlock (nowhere else to be found, unless I want a Sky Shadow). My Scattorshot, Hot Shot and Wing Saber are Cybertrons. Prime only had a $10 AUD premium over the Cybertron one, so I got the GF one. By loose, I mean it has a tendancy to swing backwards due to the cannon on his shoulder.
  25. BTW guys, that's not the MP Megatron. That's a kitbash made by a fan. No real pics have surfaced yet.
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