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Everything posted by kensei

  1. I'll pay that if I can also use the Fold Booster as a strobe light for the parties that I DJ for...
  2. Here's the link. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1732680/...r+years++part+3 The plot thickens as they start to find another character.
  3. Children children... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&id=39213
  4. True. I thought it myself. Cullen better not be the only good voice actor. Bumblebee can't talk still or what?
  5. Latest scans of YF-19 show that there is another date that is added on top of the current ones that represent the other series. Make sure you check the official website regularly.
  6. Spit it out in the other thread! Anyway, would you like to tell us if the booster can light up and also if there are any missiles hidden in those leg FAST Packs?
  7. Looks mean and tanked up. The shoulder armour makes it look wider and the leg armour fattens up the rather long legs, rather like back when the first FAST Packs came for the 1/48. Awesome.
  8. I would just say the problem was that it was in Japanese. The instructions were fine.
  9. Yeah, the bloody size is fine, can't believe some people are exaggerating that it is THAT small.
  10. The swivel on my YF-19 that allows it to do a front lateral raise is loose on the left. Also the point which allows the wing to rotate in battroid mode is loose.
  11. Very nice collection, massive and also very nicely presented.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXtJXNcAKB4
  13. kensei


    transform it to gerwalk mode and swing the legs down to the battorid position but don't transform it anymore. Pull the legs directly out sideways, they will detach. Then get to work on the block. You need a phillips head screwdriver.
  14. I keep those flaps nice and close to the arm, instead of pulling them all the way out on their railing after pulling them down. They tend to stay.
  15. Now it's a fat Japanese schoolgirl in a uniform...lol. Good work there.
  16. It's just the Queenslanders. All the out of place things happen there. Too right it's a great place, foreigners are funny, I've seen a Greek guy at the Sydney Olympics eat a meat pie starting from the top instead of the edge. I don't. I just want a VF-X Ravens scheme with improvements, then a reissue of the YF-19, and a possible development of a F/S and also Kai using lessons learned from this toy. Hayao's fix for the gunpod is really interesting, if I look at the pegs in the arms when the gunpod is off and the 19 is in fighter mode, I noticed that they are ever so slightly misaligned. I would have gond and tried to fix the alignment issue instead, as that was the true source of the problem, rather than fix the gunpod. But having said that, maybe it was easier.
  17. Hey Graham, your photography is really good now.
  18. I was laughing at when the bullet holes were too. But maybe they were empty when he got shot. But it is a VERY sweet custom. Chalk another mark up for Kurt.
  19. I've had to take apart my YF-19 to tighten some of the joints. It's not so bad so far to take apart. Just tightened up one of the wing pivots. Done it's job. I was daydreaming when I did the shoulder, bloody did the bicep twist instead. Bah. In transforming the tailfins, I didn't find it too bad at all. I just lifted it up by the tailfins directly, then it loosened. Pushing it up is easy. Graham's needs some KY Jelly or something, I can't imagine it being that tight for any reason. A pity that there is no way to get the bloody shield to get around teh underside of the forearm. I wanted to do some other poses with it. Also, worth mentioning is that this VF has an "improved version" of the chicken hands. It features a little nub that fits into one of the holes in the handle of the gunpod. makes for a tighter grip, but also makes the gunpod harder to insert.
  20. What? You got it early, but haven't opened it and played an TFed with it? You Bum! That doesn't count then!
  21. Bah! Ze Germans beat me!
  22. kensei

    Graham's Sig

    And one kidney. Limb transplants are getting more successful. Just don't give up your hands, no point getting a VF is you can't transform it... Tried pimpin?
  23. kensei


    Sorry, threw the piece away before I took a pic and cannabilised it from my 1st ed Roy and sold the rest. Just follow the link I posted above, and take a look at that part. Imagine a crack going right through from one side of the screw to the other. Just take note of the first post, if it turns easily with normal finger pressure it's fine. If it doesn't, and you ant to apply more force, stop and undo it. I'll take pics of the part soon, with the fix.
  24. kensei

    Please Read

    I also theorise with that delicate shoulder assembly, that multiple transformations that involve a bit of a pull to get the arms out from fighter to GERWALK will stress the shoulders. Sometimes that bracket doesn't clear from the body of the fighter to swing out.
  25. Got it just a couple of hours ago. I was the first one to get it in Australia no?
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