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Everything posted by kensei

  1. Just saw the whole thing and damn, it took awhile to tell a damn story. Anyway, that Assault Aquarion is amazing. I'm tracking down the toys!
  2. Dammit, now I know why my wing is loosening. Even after you tighten the screw, when you Transform from fighter to Battroid you have to move it past that damn bump on the leg. This stretches the wing out and loosens it again.
  3. At the end of the 6th of Jan, I want to find the RRP for each. That will give us a good indication. Then I'll do totals. So sure. No reason not to start now and get some hard agreed figures. Anyone up for it? Anyway, done them all! Macrossworld's Yamato Purchases Survey for All Products I think that the first one should be done by all people. The next few should be done if it is relevant to you, thus saving time. The longest ones are the VF-1 Valkyrie ones due to the large number of repaints, and also the 1/60 VF-1 line due to it's completeness. Yamato 1/48 Scale VF-1 Valkyrie Survey Yamato 1/48 Scale VF-1 Valkyrie Accessories Survey Yamato 1/60 Scale VF-1 and Accessories Survey Yamato 1/60 Scale Quaedlunn Rau and Accessories Survey Yamato 1/60 Scale Macross Zero Survey Yamato 1/72 Macross Plus and VF-X2 Survey I think this will give you more than a satisfactory answer to your topic donotdisturb. VB-6 and YF-19 are covered in the first survey and thus do not have their own surveys. If, however, Yamato is going to delve further into the M+ line, then I'll make one. But how much we spend might not really matter until up to a year after their release. With the VF-1 1/60 and 1/48 line, with the 1/60 VF-0s as well, we'll see some pretty impressive numbers.
  4. Now that last one is awesome.
  5. Yeah, phew. Just typing the same thing over and over for that one. Almost finished. Also, let's see if Roy is truly the favourite among us MWers being released like 4 times and all. Survey 1 is complete and provides overview of almost all Valkyries and accessories. Survey 2 (Concerning VF-1 Valkyries is up as well). http://FreeOnlineSurveys.com/rendersurvey....koixodpxd253941 Survey 3 Concerning VF-1 Accessories. Nice and Short. http://FreeOnlineSurveys.com/rendersurvey....7whbrh51g253992 Survey 4 is for the VF-1 line in 1/60 scale. http://FreeOnlineSurveys.com/rendersurvey....vx9924nc8253996 Survey 5 is for Q-Rau, nice and short, 3 questions. I wonder if people have been actively seeking these ones out? http://FreeOnlineSurveys.com/rendersurvey....sav8m163w254003
  6. I think that I've thought of everything. I've also had to clear the survey results. Sorry to those 6 people who already did it. I'm making specific surveys now for the 1/60 line and also the 1/48 line. (I'll finish up with the 1/72 Macross Plus one). What I'll do is also fix the link up in my sig, and make a thread for everyone to see. Hopefully we can find a way to get this around to as many MWer's as possible. So guys is that it? Everything on the list? I'm going to check the MW Main Page to see what I am missing. Survey is up and running. From 18:00 (GMT +. If you entered your results before then please enter them again. Veritas, I know you are one, also Wicked Ace?
  7. Thanks! Put that one in! Also put in the Millia Figure set for her Q-Rau, that Yamato brought out later, and also gotta fix up the Hikaru 1/60 version. From what I remember, there were a FPed version of his VF-1J, and also a GBP-1S version, plus the GBP on it's own right?
  8. Working on it working on it! I'm counting my own as we speak and making sure I don't miss anything!
  9. The Robotech One. Then again, there's not much in the Macross II Soundtrack to be happy about either.
  10. I like it how it breaks the mold, but that's about it.
  11. Wow that's great collection. Those Destroid conversion kits are hot property too. Good stuff.
  12. Yep, those are great. I like the extra joint too to make a better GERWALK Mode, as with the latest YF-19.
  13. You mentioned that the VF-0S in the head transformation that it has four head lasers? I disagree with you on the articulation improvements over the 1/48 VF-1. There is reduced movement in the hips, as they are not capable of the slight torso twist, and also the damn intakes hit part of the body so that you have to do some fidgeting before you can get it into the position that you want.
  14. Thanks! I've found one, but it won't let me make multiple pages, I was trying to separate the Accessories and Valks, and also Series. But, I can make multiple surveys! The results will let you input any number you want, and I can delete any dubious ones. Therefore, LKF cannot exact his revenge. Results are also only presented to me in terms of how many people answered, and the average number. But you can work backwards and get the total Yammies. Should have this finished tonight, I'll see how it goes. It'll be very simple, and you guys can give me feedback, and i can chage whatever is necessary. Unless someone finds a better site of course.
  15. That's what annoys me too. Then again, the shelf with Alternators Optimus Prime is chockers full here.......
  16. I'm trying to find a online survey creator that we can run annually. But the thing is, I want to find one that allows you to enter your exact number of Yamatos, not within a range.
  17. That was a bit low, even for you LKF. I really wanted you around for laughs, but now I couldn't give a flying f*ck about what happens to you.
  18. To me, Jetfire is a cheap ok looking toy that satisfies my childhood fandom of TFs. He's ain't a 1/48 that's for sure, and he'll never be up to that level, so I don't care. But I can be a bit rougher, and if he drops off a table I can just shrug.
  19. It's due january.
  20. Who's up for a End of 2006 count? We can share the hurt together.
  21. mcpaz did that ages ago, but the numbers are not updated. They are older than a couple of years I think. I'd liek to know the totals now, especially the totals of the new 1/60s.
  22. Cause you like fast cars, you're one vote up! I've counted my collection. Here it is: 1/48 VF-1 = 106 I'll update with accessories later. Note though, that i never look on toys as an investment even though I am selling some of them. That hurts cause I thought I was forced to make customs, then the Kakizaki and the Angelbirds came out.
  23. In my country, it would be hot competition to see who can get elected as Prime Minister if you two were in parliament. Common sense rules.
  24. Heaven help us if this turns out to be along the lines of Transformers KISS players....
  25. I'm disturbed at the trend myself.
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