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Everything posted by kensei

  1. Anyone know of a good fighting stick that can be used on the PC? I've taken a look at MadCatz, but theyare all 360 or PS3. I'm not getting a PS3 just yet, so I really want to know what my options are. In AUS, there is nada.
  2. Haha, the tribute to the Masterforce characters in the burger joint was awesome
  3. SPL was a good movie wasn't it? Very dark. I wish that there was another movie that went deeper into Yen's character, for me he seemed to just appear out of the blue, and not much more was explained in Flashpoint either.
  4. Shinjuku Incident is only showing at one cinema in my city, much to my disappointment. Ip Man with Donnie Yen in it was the same, and that was an AWESOME film. Everyone I brought to it was psyched at the end of the movie, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Can't wait for Ip Man 2.
  5. Has anyone seen this yet? I'll be going with a group of friends to see it, apparently none of the comical acts nor action from Chan, more drama. Wonder how he did in this movie portraying that sort of character? Chan said he had always wanted to do that type of movie, but I've never seen one along that line. Heard that it wasn't released in China due to the derogatory way it portrays Chinese migrants though.
  6. I went and upgraded to a Nokia Xpressmusic 5800 on a new contract with the same company. 3 Hutchinson and Vodafone have done a merger, so network coverage is 96% of Australia now. Plus, with the loyalty credits I have, I only pay 5 dollars more with my current cap. Which is a bargain, considering I'm still paying $14 dollars on top of my N95 Handset monthly repayments, and this phone is a touchscreen phone that is pretty much just as good as an N95, save for the camera. The camera is the only let down on the phone. The feel of the phone is indeed plastic, but solid. There is no weaknesses to worry about even though there is no metal. The reason why I got this phone is cause I really don't see any other phone that I like currently available and also it'll be at the end of the year before the Idou, Omnia HD and N97 are ALL fully available in Australia for me to decide, play with and eliminate down to one choice. Getting it after Easter long weekend on Tuesday. Getting more updates on the phones, the Idou has an expansion slot for a MicroSD Card. Which is amazing, I thought Sony would force you to use their stupid M2s. They still have that retarded fast port audio jack, but at least the phone will have A2DP, so that is not a worry with my Sony DRTB30QS Bluetooth Headphones. Managed to convince the dude at Sony Central to knock off $40, as they sell it at retail, and he was only too happy to do it. I'll be picking it up on Wednesday. They might make me look a bit princess Leia-ish, but at least I'll be stylin. Next is a Bluetooth watch, but I can't decide which one. They are relatively cheap for high tech watches, and i'll definitely get the Executive one, but can't decide whether my second one should be the Music edition (rubber strap) or the other leather band one.
  7. Amen. Had an 02, and all I'll say is never again.
  8. Although as I said, the Nokia 5800 was great, an alternative with QWERTY would be the HTC Touch Pro. I've been shown it by a friend, friggin sweet. The only disadvantage with it is that the ringtone isn't that loud, he has it in a phone pouch, which then goes in his pocket, and after that almost no hope of hearing it. Vibration alert wasn't that strong either. But the Android OS was awesome. So smooth.
  9. Touchscreen issues gave it a 4 month delay in being released. Even still, a lot of the X1s and the C905 (unfortunately) are being returned. Which is easy enough to do, but most have had to be replaced several times over.
  10. Tried the Xpressmusic 5800 today. Touchscreens have come a long way. I love the tactile feedback, and the interface was really smooth. I love the fact that it can also use a stylus, and how its packed, unlike the little dongle thing that the Omnia has. It's a touch thicker than what I expected, but I don't like super slim phones, and this one could have given up 2-3 mm for me to like it more. GPS worked wikked. Can't wait for the Idou and Omnia. I hope that what happened to the Xperia X1 will not happen to the Idou.
  11. I think that it was from Jupiter too, and it had wings. There was one on earth in the Astray novels.
  12. I just tried the Skyfire browser, and it's good. I was waiting for it for a long time due to the fact that you can't download it unless you were in America.
  13. Yeah I noticed that lately. That's the only gripe I have with my N96. The E series are a lot better in that respect, i have no idea why Nokia still uses all plastic designs in what I would call their flagship N series range. I've got dust under my screen too, WTH, I have no idea how that happened. I'm thinking of getting a service soon and also get the firmware update, too afraid of bricking my phone.
  14. Hey Omnia supports/records in WMV and mp4!!! Another tick for this phone. Now there are rumours that the Idou can also record in 720 p and also 1080 p, which is absolutely nuts. Touch functionality has to be really bad to make me choose the Nokia N97. Sony can use a stylus, but Omnia HD has capacitive touch screen. So my first preferences are between Omnia HD and Idou, it'll be pretty much final when the Idou full specs are released. Part of me really wants the Idou to win out, cause I want the Bluetooth watch and Street Style Bluetooth Headphones with it too. But in the end, if Omnia does want I want, it's Omnia. Sales are apparently going well in Australia for the XpressMusic 5800, I've booked in tomorrow to try it out for a test run finally. Very eager.
  15. Another Innovade was in the crowd that looked like Bring Stability with red hair.
  16. This is definitely not finished yet. I will be looking forward to the next series. Wasn't the worst ending I've seen. The latest movie "Knowing" was though.
  17. I knew we wouldn't be seeing the last of him.
  18. Thanks mate. I got it for free when it wasn't suitable for a friend when he bought it. Will try it out soon. Who here keeps up to date with Mobie Phones? I'm look seriously at the upcoming phones of the Nokia N97, Sony Ericsson Idou (not final name) and Samsung Omnia HD. Man they all look so good. I'm going for these cause they have all the features of Smartphones but all have A2DP Bluetooth and also good video quality. All have Symbian OS 6th edition and all are touchphones. I think the only one that doesn't have a capacitive touchscreen is the Sony. All have REAL GPS unlike the iPhone, high storage and expandable memory, and removable batteries. I'm eager to have the quick and eassy typing with the flick up keyboard with the N97, and am happy with the 5 MP camera recording quality, but Sony's Idou has the Cybershot package which helps take wikkid photos. I think that the 12 MP is a bit excessive though, as high MPs do not = photo quality. But it at least has a shutter and Xenon flash, the only one in the group. The Samsung Omnia HD looks cool though. Looks way better than the Omnia but it records in HD!!! 720 P!!! Would be good for recording my training sessions, but no cover for the lens and also the Omnia touchscreen (let's face it) wasn't the best really. I think in the end i might go with the Samsung, but if it takes crap pics, then I will go back to the Idou. The design of the Idou is really really cool. I wish that they recorded in formats other than rm. Seriously, who uses RM nowadays? Do mp4 dammit! There's hardly a size difference, and I can work with it for once in Sony Vegas Pro 8. I'm going to hunt down a Nokia 5800 XpressMusic to try out the OS. I wish that there was a way to install Android on those phones, but too often I heard of people bricking them. I'm not tech savvy enough to handle that risk. My friend's got an HTC, an it works really well, and he can't wait for Cupcake.
  19. I still wonder about Jupiter. What did Aoelia find there in the expedition? I hope they will explain, cause apparently there is going to be another enemy.
  20. Kimbo does still make a terrifying sight. And for all those backyard brawls that he's been in, I don't think that he really has the heart to fight in MMA at all. I remember one of his losses, he couldn't care much in talking to the press afterwards, as you would if you lost, but all he mumbled was something about "going home to see the kids." I think it's just him being used as a circus freak to be honest, its just the money.
  21. Pretty old. I don't think that there is anyone that doesn't remember what is considered to be the lost scenes of DYRL?.
  22. Anyone know of a good RealPlayer video converter to a format like avi? I want to use Sony Vegas Pro, but the thing is, just like the crappy piece of software Microsoft Movie Maker, it cannot use realmedia files, and all of the phones that I will be potentially using will record in RealPlayer format. Kate's Video Converter left a lot to be desired.
  23. Not a problem. Its not all about the movie marathon. I can't work out to stay a few days before the con and leave soon after, or come just before the con and leave a week later.
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