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Everything posted by kensei

  1. See earlier posts. It's a no brainer that this was due to the silver anniversary.
  2. *watches eugimon get pummeled by 1st Border Red Devil*
  3. I think there is a big chinese site, it was pretty flashy when I saw it. I believe it was a forum as well. I assume it's successful, it's very professionally done.
  4. Something solid and simple like the 1/48 VF-1. The more complicated you make it, the more prone it is to breakage. Back to basics please Yamato.
  5. The Big West ones? They were purple.
  6. This is so drool worthy. Thanks Graham.
  7. A la Classics, like transformers? Wouldn't be a bad idea.
  8. Niet. We don't even know the name for the series yet. "Flyer" is still a point of debate whether its referring to the advertisement or the name of the series. Could be either.
  9. Yeah, the tranny toolers. Don't know if they will, do a good Valk. A destroid, maybe.
  10. Its' all good. I think the airbrake might be loose, but only a fraction. Bit of Elmers will fix that. Joints are good. I honestly do not believe that there is a HK or Japanese variant. Some people believed that the Japanese ones were better, but I ordered 7 VF-1A Hikaru from Japan and they were horrible compared to my HK ones. Yes, all 7. My experience is more valuable than others in this aspect due to numbers. Those that make the claim often only have 1 at most. I believe that it is just a hit and miss. VF-1Js feature all improvements of the VF-1 line. There were no more improvements after the introduction of the VF-1A Max.
  11. Cheater! Good stuff, just using the Tomahawk legs. They are all the same anyway. With this, you could also release those funky variants like with a Tomahawk central body with Spartan arms and legs. Just a thought. They were in the Mecha development notes that Nanashino had. I can see you are pretty much finished. Just the barrels of the autocannons to go!
  12. These are all cool. You have to have a great mind and a crap load of resources to pull these off. The VF-4 looks like the Robotech version.
  13. But, as we haven't seen any confirmation, there is a oh so slim chance. I still worry. He's a busy man that SK. Kissdum and now this?
  14. kensei

    Please Read

    4 Valks to a crate. 6 Accessory packs to a crate.
  15. Mecha designer. Thats what he should stay as. Forevermore! I am interested though, whether its a continuity of the series that we have now, or an alternate universe. I hope it's a continuation, I'm not much into AU.
  16. Friggin sweet dude. Nice.
  17. Indeed. I want to see what this Ride Armour is like in Transformation. NOTE: 3000th Post!
  18. Great news. I'm glad for this.
  19. Bah. Too much macross around for this. I hope it's still around later.
  20. To go with GBP Armour, the valk has to be the iconic. VF-1J or VF-1S Focker would go well with the blue. The only one to go with the GBPII is the Low Viz II. Even the CF looks off in it. Don't know what the hell the urban camo goes with. I'd doubt it'd look good on a Low VIz I.
  21. Awesome. Thanks. Looks like you DID have a good time.
  22. [Akon] smack that, all on the floor smack that, give me some more, smack that, 'till you get sore smack that, oooh. smack that, all on the floor [/Akon] Please..no stop...don't show it...
  23. Mowe...that looks like something else, I'm going to sleep, I'm thinking dirty things.
  24. Great display shelf dude. I love the collections where guys mix things up.
  25. To tell the truth I didn't get it open the whole way either. But the opening was big enough and I could tighten it. Just a clue as to why it's loose, it's when you transform the thing, if the wing is pushed over the lateral side of the calf, you will stretch the wing out again.
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