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Everything posted by kensei

  1. Bad choice of case then i guess. I can replace all of the fans basically with CoolerMaster Megaflow and Sickle fans. This is the place at the moment: http://www.coolermaster.com/product.php?product_id=4395 for the 140mm Fan http://www.coolermaster.com/product.php?product_id=6037 for the 120mm Fan Now that side fan I still want to change, cause it is a pain in the arse making all that noise. I'm certain of it. I think that also the GTX295s might be cause a bit of noise too. The biggest from Coolermaster is this in the 3-pin: http://www.coolermaster.com/product.php?product_id=6474 That's 3 cm smaller than the usual. Is that still alright though? I logically can only see a problem if it was bigger, but not smaller.
  2. Is that unusual for a case fan to have Molex connectors? A few techies have been surprised with that. Apparently I can't use the adaptor, the details escape me, but apparently I'd fry my expensive motherboard. If of your opinion, the 3 pin is better, I wouldn't mind replacing all my fans. When i got my computer back after they failed to hook up the fan controller, the guy forgot to plug in the fan at the back of the case, luckily the side fan of the Thermaltake Armour+ is friggen huge, and the V10 CoolerMaster is strong enough to support it. Looking at the fans on my case, here is the specs: Cooling System - Front (intake) : 140 x 140 x 25mm blue LED fan, 1000rpm, 16dBA or 120 x 120 x 25mm fan - Rear (exhaust) : 120 x 120 x25 mm TurboFan, 1300rpm, 17dBA - Side (intake) : 230 x 230 x 20mm blue LED fan, 800rpm, 15dBA - Bottom (intake) : Two 140 x 140 mm fans (optional) or Two 120 x 120mm fans (optional) - VGA (intake) : 140 x 140 x 25mm fan (optional) or 120 x 120 x 25mm fan (optional) I'm going to look at the Coolermaster brand for the fans, I think my Turbofan at the back is still Molex. Dammit.
  3. Just hav ea new problem now with my new rig. In really trying to pimp it out, I've bought a Zalman MFC-2 Fan Speed Controller. The noise that it makes tends to do my head in at times. I bought one, but apparently there is a problem. The cables that come with it are so: Fan Cables : 3-Pin 1EA, 4-Pin 1EA, Y-Cable 1EA, C3 Cable 1EA or some such. THe ones that exist in my Thermaltake Armour+ Case are Molex connectors. Is there any chance that there exist a wire that can connect to both the controller and my fans or is it a lost cause?
  4. Damn! Thanks man. I got to work out how to do that though. I mean, I don't even have room to put in a wireless PCI card, so I think I have to drop the 3rd monitor idea. Actually, based on your info, if I disable SLi it should be no problem, and can then have three? My games will suffer though, so I'll have to enable SLi again and go back to two monitors?
  5. Got my final piece of major equipment for my PC the other night, the Logitech Z-5500. This this throws out BOOMIN Bass! So good. Gunshots and explosions sound way different, and I'm having a ball of a time downloading all new stuff with my Nokia Comes with Music subscription. Just wanted to ask about my multimonitor setup. So far, I got GTX295s in SLi, and both are plugged into the same video card. That is the only way I could get them to work. I got one more monitor that i need to plug up, but need an extension cable for. Do I need to make up any special settings in Win7 at all? I heard that I won't be able to do multiple monitors if I go SLi, but here I've got two monitors working! Who's up for a game of Street Fighter IV? I need to test out my new stick!
  6. This reminds me. Now that I have more money, I might go and hunt down all the good old Battletech Books.
  7. Anyone hear more about the Street Fighter IV TE MadCatz stick? I got one for my PC (PS3 version), but now they have run out everywhere and I would not like to pay another $300 bucks for another stick. Are they still making this stick in the future without the art on it? Just seen a preview for Modern Warfare II, and like Mechwarrior 5, this is nothing more than a dream come true. Who's preordered the Prestige Edition of MWII with the Night Vision Goggles?
  8. Man, just got my system back, and ended up getting a heap of games. They are so cheap now, EB is having a half price sale. They are cheeky though. Most of the time they put it back past RRp, and then slap a 50% off sticker on it, being only up to $10 cheaper than the other stores at times. Regardless, this has forced a lot of the prices down in my city. One of the things I got given was a Stranglehold Prima Official Guide, cause I was looking at it. I then found a copy, found that it was less than $40, so I got it. Man, games have never been so fun, Tequila Time rules, Chow Yun Fat and John Woo rulez. I got to see the movie Hard Boiled now.
  9. Hey! Anyone noticed the Neurohelmet type view in the trailer? That's Fully Sik!
  10. I loved the damage and the over customizability, but the pulse lasers sucked. Sure were. I'm still waiting for Assaultech to be finished, I can't wait to have an updated version of that game. Stuff widescreen, multiscreen baby! I got four waiting to all be used. I always hated the fact that a Jenner had legs like a bipedal with arms rather than bird like legs. I hope not. There are much better things happening around the other parts of the Innershpere. I hope that this is the beginning of many series to come.
  11. Yeah. Can't think of a reason not to, but just waiting to get told off for doing so.
  12. Just wondering, is there a windows utility that reads the output of the Wattage of the PSU of your computer? I really want to know what it's putting out. Also, I want to get another surge protector for my computer. Now, I have a few powerboards at home, two in fact that I am linking up. Please tell me why i can't use the single wall adaptor surge protectors and plug my powerboards into that, but rather i would have to buy something like these: http://www.belkin.com/au/IWCatSectionView....ction_Id=201772
  13. Great to hear. All I really wanted to know was if the thing was responsive and usable. It's my backup choice of phone just in case the Satio or Omnia HD doesn't work out so hot.
  14. Here is the worst setup in the WORLD! Yes, I cannot light up my third monitor cause the cables do not reach far enough Sorry, but proper pics when I get my room done. Now I got to save up for that.
  15. I think I like your idea. Something that is still quite cheap but functional. Cause then it's worth buying that on top of your current desktop. Just got my 3 Samsung monitors today. They dropped the price cause a new model is coming out. WOOT! Also got my 7.1 Surround Sound Headphones from Logitech. YEAH BABY
  16. For sure. But I won't be touching them anymore. Not unless I have excess money. My last computer pumped me enough. If you want an all-in-one solution, Tablets are not the way to go, I can only think of two that were like that, but in the end, they were too heavy and ungainly, and also by now, thoroughly outdated already. And that Tablet cost me over HALF of what my current system is now.
  17. For sure. My rig is new and they said as long as I burned them a copy of the release candidate, they would put it on for me. My too! My last Tablet PC, a Toshiba Tecra M7, works faster with 7 than XP. All the features for the tablet writing were included.
  18. Just wanted to know about your opinions. . . what do you think of using clean up programs like CCleaner and also things like Auslogics Disk Defrag? I use these and also Auslogics Registry Defrag, and it recently just killed my OS on the other drive. I had to reinstall windows, but I only had the 32 bit version on hand. Now in the middle of reformatting the hard disk and getting 64-bit tonight, but should I be using these programs? Come to think of it, I've had nothing but trouble so far in Win7 with them, but I really like to keep a tight ship with the defrag and getting rid of things that I don't need. Should I drop it and use the Windows default versions instead? I just can't seem to think of the reason why I changed to them from windows, but be their marketing hype.
  19. Is MW struggling tonight? Could not edit my post. Oh well, more details: For sure Dante, it runs Crysis and COD smoothly. I've had some problems with Mirror's Edge lately and have been trying to iron them out. I realise that it's not just throwing money at the problem (which is sorta what I did) is not the answer to a faster computer. BTW, if you guys want me to do some pretty out of this world stuff with it, then by all means ask. Come to think of it, with the Futuremark products of 3D mark and also PC Mark, am I getting bad results cause I haven't bought the full version of it?
  20. Fair enough. But check this out. Bottom end of those in similar configs. Man, it struggled with same of the games that it rendered hey. Got to work out what is wrong. More details:
  21. Hmmm...... Not that good for my computer.
  22. AH! My first Benchmark for my comp, for H.A.W.X. 1200 x 800 resolution, settings maxed out, 8x AA Highest FPS: 239 Average FPS: 59 Gonna take it to the max, let's see how I go . . . EDIT: You know what, I just discovered that the benchmark that I did was absolutely useless . . . no other review website does it at that resolution. Ok, here we go again. . .
  23. Fair enough. I must say, for real productivity, I'm more used to the low profile keys. The Logitech error calculator and WPM meter shows that I am slower on the G19 than I am on the Illuminated Keyboard. I'm just playing H.A.W.X. now with my recently acquired Saitek X-52 Flightstick. I got the original cause i don't like the look of the pro and I can't justify the added expenditure. It looks mad funky futuristic, and handles like a dream too. I would like to do away with my keyboard entirely though, using it to bring up the tac map and also to switch targets are a pain, as well as using it for flare launch. Must find out where to remap it. . . . . I must say, I will juts benchmark my system, and leave it at that. I do not think that I would need to overclock it.
  24. It's very over the top. I wouldn't recommend it for everyone. Now what I want to know is why gamers like their key travel so deep. I love the low profile of the keys in the laptop keyboards. I've just noticed that the majority of gamer keyboards are like this, including my G13 Gameboard.
  25. Finally got my G19 a few hours ago. Couldn't be bothered to open it until now, I've had a lot of late shifts. She's a beast, but hard to type on, as the keys are close together IMO. I still have to use USB, cause use PS/2 even with adaptor. The keyboard is certainly of good quality though. The little LCD screen is mint.
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