I definitely got the blue one, but the thing is I got the other ones as well, just for the sake of completeness. I though I would regret it, but I didn't. They are all just as awesome.
I think there is better control over the battroid if you have the main thrusters attached to the main mass. I think this is why the battroid mode of the 21 is superior over the others, it mimicks the inertia vector control system of the Q-Rau.
Those diamonds are the exit ports for the micro missiles.
That's a crap pic if you want to see what the YF-21 is all about.
I really hope that we get more.
I just love naysayers.
Cause they are often proven wrong.
e.g. I expected this to happen a long time ago. Sorry eugimon, I am the prophet.
I sympathise with those that didn't get the stuff they want, hell some of the older stuff from the original SDF:Macross ain't there either, but we haven't had anything like this in ages.
Hopefully there will be a collection II to complete it.
Any coverage from the Movie/OVA of Macross 7 in that collection? Or just the TV series? Can't zoom in on picture....grrr.
Anyway, it's a must get. There has been nothing official for ages. I like getting the real deal, not MP3 downloads or bootlegs.
Ah well. It's still morning here and in HK. Still in the middle of the week, and work is work, gotta do what you can to survive. I know it'll be here when I get back home from work tonight.
Yeah, but, BUT, and this is the big BUT, do they want it? That's the only thing that has me disheartened, this business issue. Just because they started something, doesn't mean they'll finish it.
It's been stated many times before that Bandai no longer has the M7 licence.
But for convention exclusives, they have to take it up with Bigwest, and are limited to production of a small number. they all should have a Bigwest sticker.