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Everything posted by kensei

  1. Awesome.
  2. The rational side of me says it's way too early to get excited from what little we have seen, but I can't help it! Does anyone believe that it just might go the way of the original series and be popular enough to merit a few more episodes? 26 is a hell of a lot more than most of the stuff we got from Macross recently, but I can't help wishing for more!
  3. Dunno why, but the schoolgirl uniform resemblance shines through even more now. Pic number 6 seems like she's giggling with the hand on the mouth.
  4. Easy bro, you gotta be mindful of a Gundam's feelings! At least they try to be sophisticated! The little comic strip of the Destroid Spartan comes to mind.
  5. I disagree 100% with the last statement, as I have yet to see Bandai do this so called "simple plane design" well. Those ugly forms that some of the "variable" Gundams transform into do not count one bit, not even the PG Zeta Gundam. Even if the PGs and MGs have superb articulation, I hate the joints that are offered in the Plamodels, as over time they seem to wear out. I want joints that hold their position.
  6. Yamato is the only one that has made any headway in the toy department. While they too have made mistakes along the way, I'd rather pay for expensive toys than expensive Plamodels. I'll be happy if they don't repeat the folly that was the 1st edition of the VF-0S.
  7. Well if Bandai does get it for a couple of years then it may not be so bad while Yamato keeps on Churning out the previous series Valks. Although, the VF-25 seems too beautiful to wait for.
  8. I have a feeling that the armoured VF-25 looks like it's wearing a different set of armour again, I can't help but notice that the boosters looks even bigger and also there is a hell of a lot more stuff on the legs and hips.
  9. That's my fear too. Being powerful force in Japan though, it wouldn't surprise me if Bandai did sweep up every licence there is. While that means that HG can't f**k around with them if they decide to bring Frontier to America, they might not put in the effort required when it comes to transforming toys. Worse scenario is that they sit on it and do nothing. Best thing is that we may get some PG Valks or something like that. Although, I'm not really one for Plamodels, but real toys.
  10. That's what I heard from Graham anyway from a previous post.
  11. I'm so lucky that my salary triples after I get registered as a pharmacist. Otherwise, I may not be able to keep up. Although, I heard that Bandai swept up the toy licence. I hope they do a good job, they haven't made a complex transforming variable fighter for ages.
  12. If you got Mozilla Firefox, go and download the "Downloadhelper" plugin. You can take the video off Youtube. Unless someone has got the proper one of course.
  13. Does anyone know the new designation for the VF-25 yet? Will be pretty funny if it was the VF-25 Frontier.
  14. Not too into Mosepeda, but if I had to choose (and if Yamato would stop releasing damn VFs ) I would choose the Megahouse ones, but proportions, articulation and details by far. I'm afraid to say that the CMs looks the crappiest, and the Toynami comes second. If there is a point where the Megahouse ones fail, it's the fact that the human figure alone looks terrible with the arms and neck.
  15. I grew up with Robotech too, but it died ever since I saw the original. Nothing beats the original.
  16. I honestly love this new VF-25. The fighter mode looks sleek and is a much improved version of the VF-1, while the other modes also look solid and different enough from the old design. I love the fact that it now has a shield, and also an awesome GERWALK mode and a new multitude of new generation FAST Packs. I always loved the GERWALK form of the VF-11 and YF-19, but to see it adapted into a VF-1 like VF is just a dream come true. This rocks. I can't wait. All we need to see now is a recon FAST Pack and a full-on GBP version. This new FAST Pack-GBP Armour system is a great new concept. Bring on more surprises Kawamori!
  17. I'm hoping that the fights will be interesting as well and even matched, making for great fight scenes. Personally, I do not think that the new alien designs are totally organic, they are too clean for that. Or perhaps my idea of alien and organic consists of sloppy and slimey, big sharp teeth and what not. I certainly hope it's the former and not the latter, and the scene with the energy cannon by that red thing near the end of the first trailer certainly lends weight to this.
  18. Add the VF-3000 for me. The Battroid looks so clunky and crappy.
  19. Yeah, I got the feeling too that the final forms are more solid. I'm glad of that, and I guess the help from a bit of computer modelling or whatever you call it in animation production, helps with Kawamori's designs.
  20. Something like "Listen to my song."
  21. Looks like that new Armour/FAST Pack allows full transformation. It's friggin' huge. Notice the transformation in the new commercial, the slowness of it makes it seem huge and cumbersome. There also seems to be two types of systems, one lighter (as worn by the Hikaru-scheme) and the heavier one. I'd hate to be the guy that designs that toy. Friggin bits sticking out everyhwere!
  22. I believe that this is like a version between FAST Pack and also GBP Armour, not that some of the regions are not fully armoured and thus provide no hindrance to transforming. Yet we see a reinforced shield, and some chest armour plates.
  23. Hopefully this new star will be a more mature and endearing character than Minmei. I have a feeling that the little green haired girl is going to be a very annoying classmate for Satome.
  24. Toynami products are so pathetic that Yamato has no worries at all.
  25. Graham noticed it long ago on page 53, post #1057. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...mp;#entry530038
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