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Everything posted by kensei

  1. While I do not like GERWALK mode of the YF-21, i reckon its beautiful here as it is just picture perfect according to the line art. It looks like it also balances very well. I still say the legs and arms are a bit skinny, but they are probably perfect. I guess I wanted to see something more robust. If it holds it's poses, I'll be happy to accept the thickness.
  2. Be interesting if the blonde girl that looks similar to Sheryl acts as a bodyguard for her. Or at times, even a double. Dunno why, but the Warrior Trilogy by Michael A. Stackpole who wrote the Battletech novels comes to mind.......
  3. Speak for yourself. There's a lot more thing I wanna get, and I'm glad that Yamato is finally calming down with the releases. I wanna start spending on nice clothes, a new car....
  4. It's going to be nuts. Look at the bugger. It's friggin huge AND transformable.
  5. Or near the end I suppose. That is great news. Finally a rest break from spending!
  6. Why even look down there? I just saw the opening intro and a fight between Ken and Ryu, was pretty cool.
  7. Read the compendium notes, the YF-21 is not able to make a hyperspace fold without a fold booster. That's one of the reasons why the 21 was developed in the first place, as well as the fold boosters.
  8. The YF-21 needed a fold booster as well, otherwise it wouldn't have been able to fold. You can see a couple of removable pieces on the dorsal side of the 21 for the attachment.
  9. Macross never had this quality fan service though. By jingo.
  10. Seems like Graham is not gettin turned on by Sheryl Nome at all, but by the armoured VF-25 Somehow, the magazine pics of the VF-25 Battroid :"face" remind me of Tekkaman Blade. I agree on the potential introduction of two different armour systems. Ozuma's VF-25s seems to carry WAAAAY more stuff than Aruto's 25.
  11. kensei

    Graham's Sig

    Wait, lady in black............VF-17?!?!?!?!?!
  12. kensei

    Graham's Sig

    What it means, I do not know though.
  13. I've only had one good experience, but shipping took a month to get to me. The CDs were in very good condition, as was the box. That was all I can say though. First experience, HLJ took my money and refused to give it back. Too much hassle for $100 USD, so I left it. That was back in high school, though, so they have improved, but not by much.
  14. Damn. Sorry to hear that, man. I hope that you will at least enjoy the toy when it arrives.
  15. kensei

    Graham's Sig

    Uriah Heep - Lady In Black.
  16. That's right. All this shoulda woulda coulda, Bandai has the best technology.... means nothing. It's just them being a blowhard. Yamato has shown the goods. The VF-0 fiasco gave me a bit of a concern, but now it looks like they are improving with the SV-51. My faith in them might be stronger after the YF-21 is released.
  17. Ah thanks for the translation Sketchley.
  18. Found this place through a Yahoo! search back in the day. I think I started uni around that time as well. I found MW just before they upgraded to Invisionboard. I registered, but didn't get activated, but that was all fixed when the new boards came up. I particularly liked the Funny 1/48 VF-1 Thread pics back then.
  19. We can't really decide for you. As you know that you are going to get both in the future, just flip a coin for now.
  20. Couldn't be more biased? I like the Zeta Gundam for a Gundam, but all I ever said is that it fails to transform into an alternate form with finesse and look excellent in both modes. Thats it. All you have done is take out your fanboyism for Gundam on those whose opinion merely differs from yours. You don't like how there are people out there that don't Zeta Gundam? Too bad mate, it's the internet. Why are they entirely different things? I'm not going to argue such points over a friggin cartoon. And no I still do not believe Bandai should get the licence. The only toy company that have shown innovation in designing transforming VFs is Yamato. What they did with the 1/48 VF-1 and the YF-19 were amazing (think new type of swingbars and arm transformation). In terms of thinking, they are way ahead, and after the release of the Nora SV-51, my faith in their QC department has gone up again. hopefully the YF-21 will seal the deal for most of us too.
  21. The thing that he doesn't understand is, that the VF is a transforming mecha, designed to be balanced between fighter and battroid. Hence it fulfills its own niche in the mecha world. It does not pretend to be a Gundam. Any of the Gundams (yes even the Zeta) is a Gundam trying to be transformable. Entirely different things.
  22. Yup, that's no joke about the NSFW, but it is funny. Watch it at home.
  23. Which means one of two things. 1. Picture shown is not THE 1/60 VF-11. 2. They are not making a 1/60 VF-11. I'll bet, cause we are all talking about the picture,. it's about the former.
  24. Well what they haven't done is given us a fully armored VF-11 yet, so that we will definitely have to see. No toy company has done that so far. Only models.
  25. $20 USD isn't so bad I guess. But of course, the final product is all that matters.
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