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Everything posted by kensei

  1. Maybe. Out of all the millions of other names that can be used, they used one that was from a previous character of early Macross. It could very well be the case that there is no significance at all, but that we will have to wait and see.
  2. The foot design of the X-Gears look like they were borrowed from Gundam SEED Destiny's Impulse Gundam.
  3. It would be funny if to reduce the costs in putting it into mass production, the transformation ability of the VF-17 was removed, and thus rechristened the VF-171.
  4. Agreed that the original 1/0 version of the 60's were an abomination. We have our deluxe scale 1/48 VF-1s, and now we will get to have much improved 1/60s that are to the 1/48 level. I'll be glad to get both. Please redesign the boxes Yamato, please I beg ya......
  5. Or due to the popularity, it could go the way of the original series and they can get asked to do 12 more eps
  6. Action was good enough for a first episode and a 25 minute ep. Seriously, I don't find it feasible to put any more action in at that point.
  7. May not be a Macross Fan at all. But a fan of a rival series. Let them be jealous.
  8. True Graham. I guess I was stuck in the typical anime formula of Gundam and the old Macross, where they progressively introduce new tech that makes Mecha more awesome. Who knows, there still may be more to see i guess. Alright, Merry Christmas Fellas. I'm off to bed. I've had enough of watching it again, I've like watched it 5 times already.
  9. Music is great. I can't wait for the soundtrack to be sold.
  10. It was awesome. I have to say. Could only understand a bit here and there, but in general I could understand what was going on. I gotta say, there are some bad haircuts in this series. By the way, this is totally an adult catered anime if things keep on going the way they are. So many references to other Macross series... Ranka is really coming across as cute so far. She's not as annoying as Minmei, Mao or Mylene.
  11. I would hope that they solved the box issue too. Are they downgrading the box size? Honestly, Half the box size would suffice, it would cost them a bit in the beginning but surely later they would save heaps of storage space themselves. Smaller boxes = more to ship in one go = more money for purchasing multiples.
  12. This is from the guy that checks out Ryu's crotch in the new SF Game. I do wonder why they introduce the good technology so early into the series though. It is nothing like the old series when we gradually got introduced to the good stuff later on, like the GBP and the FAST Packs. EDIT: 98% complete! Everyone uses WMP to view this right?
  13. None that are reasonably priced. I buy from Toy-Wave. Always a reliable seller for me.
  14. Grrrrr! Once my contract is finished in February, I will never go back to the Telstra ISP, never! But the hell is up with the South East Asia Pacific region anyway?
  15. 15% done with 3 hours to go. Argh. I think I will take a nap.
  16. While our wallets hide in fear.
  17. Hasn't happened to my 139 strong 1/48 collection yet, neither for my 13 YF-19s. The only thing that has worried me recently is the MP. Just like the handle on the MP Megatron Gun handle. The product sucks after all.
  18. I think the connection for the Gunpod is going to be more sturdy, as it is not a circle, but a rectangular protrusion. The head is good, it is perfected. The seam didn't bother me at all. Hell, this isn't such a big step above the 1/48 head, but the 1/48 was ages above the MKI version of the 1/60 POS. Proportions in the chest and shoulders have suffered a bit and makes the VF-1S look a little like a runt rather than a broad-shouldered athlete.
  19. nevermind...
  20. It's related to his favourite VF of all time, can you blame him?
  21. I don't think that the 1/48 scale was just accommodating for a larger scale VF-1 at all, I believe that it was just retrospect. You can't expect Yamato to be THAT smart. I think Yamato have been able to modify their toy making tech into smaller scales, thus making it possible to somewhat improve on the previous 1/60 scales and give the whole Macross line a uniform scale.
  22. The way ruskii is going, he needs a dose to take out a horse. We all jump up and down when seeing a new toy.
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