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Everything posted by kensei

  1. If I remember correctly, he was the one that was folding paper aeroplanes.
  2. No reason at all, but it is smaller, and we'll have to wait and see.
  3. You've cut off the most important bit of his question, will it be study and fragile That' we'll have to wait and see. I'm hoping for a different system of hooking up the FAST Packs, but we'll have to see.
  4. What a little miracle.
  5. Looks like a different take on chaff, to impede the path of missiles. Dunno what would happen if a VF touched it though.
  6. I've never paid retail price for an item. From HK (Toy-Wave, Rainbow Ten, HobbySearch) their price points seems to always be below that of Yamato's advertised price. Only in the states do I see such a markup.
  7. From the retail price, it has already been calculated to be just touching the $90 USD mark.
  8. Any more new prototypes? All I saw was the supposed Jazz. To be honest, the Classics are cool for a month or so, but they take a serious backstep when I get my new 1/60 scale VF stuff.
  9. It is the end of any future VFs from being in 1/48 scale, but not the end of the 1/48 VF-1 line. It will be forever immortalised as the biggest step in VF history in terms of sculpt and perfect transformation. Nothing can take that away from the 1/48 VF-1. As for any hope of other VFs being in 1/48 scale being dashed, I blame EXO.
  10. I only disagree about Mao, I still think that she was annoying, but Ranka definitely is not. Not only that, but the voice is sexay. Great choice of seiyuu.
  11. None that I know of. It was a tongue-in-cheek thing, as Bandai are the ones that are most likely to lead the helm with Macross merchandise.
  12. The destroids have so much potential for 1/60 full articulated toys. I can't believe they are wasting time with this new GNU line. If they are willing to invest in that then they should so the destroids. Not even Toynami have done it, the market is ripe for them.
  13. I'm not surprised at 1. If say another Fleet has been attacked by these things nearby, it would not be good to stir panic among your crowd (the poplace). Just let them live their life while you step up your military activities. The less trouble they have on their place the better.
  14. Agreed. Our plate is full. Appreciate the old skool first, then on to the new. You others can have your Plamodels first, I want my premier toys from Yamato. I'm so glad that Frontier opens the way up to 17-like designs.
  15. Yep that was a good toy that one. I still got it, albeit packed away. He's great fun.
  16. Me too. He was angry before he met the chick. I wonder why.
  17. Considering the reboot of the 1/60 line for the VF-1, we won't be short of things to buy. Plus the VF-11 and the assortment of armour. I still can't believe that we are not getting a VF-19A. What the hell happened to the VF-X2 licence. I tell you I ain't too much into the Supernova schemes. I'm also worried in part that we are not going to get a VF-22S Sturmvogel in bloody VF-X2 colours. Like Graham, I'd kill for a VF-25 with lite and deluxe armour too. The VF-171 can also be released in Frontier colours, and then VF-X2 ones as well, and sneakily i can use it to have a M7 VF-17D and S.
  18. Haven't seen a VF-17S equivalent of a VF-171 yet. Wonder if it is going to show up. So it does transform after all. I love the extra details on the 171 in the first ep. In wonder if it was a wise choice to have the other eps so for away. I mean, I don't want people to forget lose interest in this franchise now, I want to support it fully, unlike back in the time of Macross Zero. But then again, when March hits I suppose the first ep will reair, and we'll be getting regular eps weekly till Christmas, so it's a bit different.
  19. Well maybe the Q-Rau but the with some of the more common enemy mecha, I don't expect much articulation at all, like the typical Battle Pods.
  20. I'm hoping for an ep where they get cut off from their VFs, and are forced to fight with X-Gears only.
  21. I need to study anyway, probably it's a good thing. Man how long till my uncle gets that barbie fired up, I'm hungry....
  22. Oh i dunno, thought you knew something I didn't. The obvious answer is probably Bandai, but I hope that it's a free for all, like Mospeada, and we'll have a few cool competitive designs.
  23. Yes it was finer than most, certainly the toynami masterpieces, but in comparision the thing was an abomination.
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