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Everything posted by kensei

  1. Eugimon's lost his prophet powers. No point asking him ruskii.
  2. Still you're right. I'd just run around that heavy slow mofo and turn off the power switch.
  3. kensei

    2 seater 1/48s

    it's a great excuse though
  4. Yeah...stores should go out of business for something when their suppliers f*ck up.
  5. It would be cool if they would call an unarmoured VF-25 a Kodachi, then a one with light FAST Packs Katana, then one with Full Armour a Nodachi, the biggest mother of them all. Other than the Zanbatou of course. Naginata is cool too.
  6. heh. Pays to wait. That beagle version looks the bomb. In the CAD, it does look like it has small feet, but with the actual true sculpt, it looks pretty good!
  7. I liked the names of the famous Japanese swords better. Katana is cool, but so generic almost.
  8. Man does Grimlock ever get a break in any of his incarnations? This time his mouth is his arse!
  9. Remember, articulation equals flexibility, and of course:
  10. That's a beautiful bird.
  11. A lot of these names I see seem to be inspired from Battletech. Although I do like the Seraphim one, reminds me of the alien race in the game Supreme Commander.
  12. After seeing the 1/60 YF-21, that old version is indeed, VERY purple. it deserves the nickname purple people eater.
  13. Yup talk to him and see how you go. Hopefully it will be boxed next time. It's been awhile since I've checked the shipping options there. But, Ken is an alright guy to talk to, so please, forward your concerns and you can come to a middle ground. No company is beyond feedback, I did not mean to be dismissive of your situation. Sounds like an easy catch, but the jujutsu camp is in Sweden. No worries, I'll post a blog in my sig soon. Hopefully there will be a video of me rolling with them soon! <3
  14. Black pants and company issue shirts where I come from. Here, where there are a number of small businesses, there is a lot of client interaction. I've heard of the work at home type who don't shave, shower or even wear clothes, but they don't see their clients. Too late now anyway let's just see what they do with the licence.
  15. Most people here don't understand professionalism. I don't rock up to work and deal drugs in a shorts and gym shirt, neither do I rock up to a Judo seminar in a Kung Fu uniform. Toy making is a profession, and it is an employee's job to look professional.
  16. Hell no man! I may be out of college but I still have another 4 months to study to get my licence to be a drug dealer. I'm blowing $6000 AUD on Sweden instead! The blondes beckon. I haven't had a holiday since high school due to Yamato!
  17. kensei

    Macross Revoltech

    The ball joints really suit the YF-21.
  18. Funny, mine comes in a cardboard box, with loads of paper and bubble wrap. I have enough to start my own company now.
  19. I hope so too, or the licence is very short for them . Here's hoping they don't sit on the licence like they did with the M7 licence.
  20. Those guys wearing Gundam jackets doesn't make them dicks, just nerds. Cause the dress code is really casual over there, I would be wearing something else. In terms of fashion, Japan is pretty up to date. Give me Hugo boss and Armani jackets any day over anime fanfare.
  21. Aussie dollar is .94 of an US Dollar! Alright!
  22. Also two eyes, and big arse light sabre.
  23. Still a long way to go I see before the final. Hope Bandai puts a bit of effort into Macross with the VF-25 this time. The general outline looks good, but the most important thing is the transformation. I'm curious as to how that will work out.
  24. 5 for me. This is my favourite destroid!
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