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Everything posted by kensei

  1. ? There's one out already which is not bad. You can download that now and get the main gist of things, and then download the accurate one later.
  2. Correct. And Luka had a different one yet again, although it seemed to build on the original "lite" FAST pack type, as it's got a huge radome and also a large fin sitting underbelly like the VF-171 in the first ep. The Full Armour version that Ozma used seems to have some sort of advanced radar too, judging to a smaller but prominent radar type protrusion on the back. Looks like there is heaps of variation in accessories. This is great!
  3. I can't believe you guys got the torrents so fast. My internet connection is basically free, cause the damn number of seeders is actually 6 out of something like 2500. Where is the love my brothers?
  4. Wow what an episode. I can make out some bits of the dialogue, hopefully my japanese classes will start soon. I loved the battle scenes, and the blue single lasered VF-25(A) that Mikhail (I believe that this is the english equivalent, instead of Michelle, which is a girl's name anyway. This is because I've fought a guy in Sweden by the same name, and it sounds very close) just screams Max VF-1A. So far I like the music, but I really hope they'll nail a great one at the end, something as good as Do you Remember Love? or better.
  5. I really like the design of the VF-25 more than ever right now. It's like the VF was always meant to use FAST Packs, and almost that of many types. All the parts seem to fit well and look good, unlike the earlier ones where it's like: "Let's find a place to stick it on."
  6. That was the best bit. And I love how the VF-25 have a wider variety of gunpods to choose from. Totally awesome.
  7. This took me an hour and a half to download, it's huge, almost 400 MB.
  8. The differences in energy expenditure would be a big consideration too.
  9. One of the VF-25 variant heads looks really like a VF-0 head.
  10. Yeah, might be consideration for some room while the legs are in the bay underneath. Just a thought. There didn't look like there would be much more room, since we didn't get chunkier legs.
  11. I wouldn't say no flare, I would just say that the Yamato emphasizes it less.
  12. Too late. someone found it a page back.
  13. For an Aussie even, that is too much. I would hope that the price goes down too. It's probably cheaper to buy from Asia, just don't know how much cheaper.
  14. Shame that they didn't transfer the knee designs of the 0 and 19 over to this new VF-1.
  15. haha yeah, hopefully that is not their definition.
  16. I would tend to lean the other way, that it is like a quick release feature, it's a given that all limbs/parts are removable somehow on any articulated toy.
  17. holy crap is that some good work! Don't lurk mate, speak up more often. Modellers always have something to offer the community here.
  18. It is. I just visited it and it was sh!t. I'm not just talking about the content either.
  19. Well if we are going with the military contractor thing, it might be a competition between two factions during the war with the Vajira. If so, this show is not only SDF:M, but a bit of M+ thrown in as well.
  20. Bring on the Autobot jets. That looks great. So is Universe pretty much the Classics 2.0 now or what? That's the feel I'm getting, the first Universe stuff was crappy. This seems to be melding itself into Classics, despite the name.
  21. Sweet. This is great! Much better presentation.
  22. If they can come up with something like After Burner Climax, that would be sweet.
  23. No worries, the deculture edition is still there. Not a total loss. C'mon ep 2.
  24. It's great for me, I lost the deculture version during reformatting, the one that I backed up on DVD was corrupted. Now I will eagerly await for this. I wish this happened while I was in Europe, those Swedish hotels had mad internet connections. I'm sure with the great amount of seeders that usually accompany a fresh release, I'd download it in like, 5 minutes.
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