The statement that SEED was inferior to 00 was a pretty unfair statement in the first place. I understand your hate for SEED, but that's no reason to support an anime that is just on the mediocre line. And, if it hasn't gained momentum after 25 eps, it's unlikely to gain anymore. Gundam Fatigue is a pretty lame reason actually. If a show is good, people will watch it regardless if they see a robot that looked very similar in the first place. Not many people care about repetitiveness. Unfortunately.
Who's gonna bet that she's gonna come home to a complete wreck, just like the Macross 7 fleet did when they caught up with the Macross 5? Altough from the description from the next episode is a given that they will rescue Sheryl, is the Galaxy gonna be alive for us to see some intercommunication between the two fleets and summaries on their individual encounters? Or at the very least, a huge battle that they have to rescue Sheryl from. I reckon it's waaaay too early to kill her off, and if the love triangle is to work at all in this series, she has to stay alive.
I agree. At the moment, it's alright. Any bigger and well, its just ridiculous.