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Everything posted by kensei

  1. kensei

    Disaster Down Under

    Thanks for the info on HLJ. Saves me wasting my time waiting for an answer from them. I've got a friend that might be able to help me fix this problem. PS hey Greenguy, depending on the outcome, I just might have a fix for this. I'll pop up a notice in this thread with a pic and let you have a squiz if it is quite feasible.
  2. Is this confirmation enough? Man, that looks sweet. You're one lucky guy.
  3. kensei

    Disaster Down Under

    I know how that goes. I lost my 1/48's heat shield to a wrought iron DVD rack, though.... Wow....that must have been pain......
  4. kensei

    Disaster Down Under

    Sorry but that won't work. Looking at the heatshield on my VF-1S, those little things are quite tiny. I think I might ask the guys down at my local hobby shop for a recast, and then just pop one of the extra skull decals on it.
  5. Hmmm. Looks like it could replace my dead VF-1A. (sniff)
  6. kensei

    Disaster Down Under

    <_< My 1/48 VF-1S is now under close surveillance.
  7. Aaaaargh! You guys won't believe this! My wall clock fell down on my desk and knocked my 1/48 Hikaru off the table! He landed face first in Battroid mode and the heat shield is broken! If I had a digital camera I'd show you. Describing the damage as best I can, only the two little tabs on the sides that hook the heat shield to the main body have both broken off. I can't find them anywhere, if I did I'd do a shifty superglue job on it, but i can't. Is there ANYTHING I can do to fix it? (it's a big ask i know)
  8. Bugger. That looked like the best VF-11 ever. What about the other kits in the later Mags? The VF-22A (May 2002) and the VF-19 (June 2002)? Are those Hasegawa kits still available? I got a headache trying to search for them on the net.
  9. It had a better ending than Macross Vf-X 2 is all I could say. The short movie with the Milky Dolls was cool too. Graphics weren't that hot, but it wasn't bad for it's time.
  10. Being new to MacrossWorld, I would just like to know who makes this model of the VF-11 shown in one of the Model Graphix Magazines. I'm not too much into the Yamato VF-11 Toy, I don't believe it looks as cool as this model. I've haven't built any models before, but this is enough motivation to get me started. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...g_sep2001a2.jpg
  11. My 1/48 VF-1S doesn't have a yellow radome on the backpack. It's just plain white. I checked on my Hikaru model and that was painted red. Was my VF-1S incomplete or did everyone else have this problem as well? Or was it meant to be white?
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