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Everything posted by kensei

  1. Sweet Jesus....you gotta tell me that there is a mech sim of the Jap BT. Those mech designs look way more awesome that the US BT.
  2. He did. Last time I went there though his page was down. The address was quite complicated...you'll just have to type in Valkyrie Power Page. At the time I'm typing this, my friend has told me he just moved. No wonder I couldn't find him anywhere. Here 's the Address: http://digilander.libero.it/valkyriepower/...r/mw_index.html PS Commader, that is a VF-11. I couldn't post anymore there jsut too damn big!! ( Check out the one with the two VF-11's in the sunset of the VF-1A Hikaru in the sunset. Just beautiful.)
  3. Bought mine from Tamim at Twin Moons. The best online store in my opinion. Seecond come s Valk Exchange. I'll never buy anything from HLJ ever again...Five years ago I've ordered on two separate occasions and got nothing. By nothing I mean 1. no valks and 2. no money back.
  4. kensei

    VF-X 2

    Personally I attacked Gilmar. I gotta try the other option someday...
  5. kensei

    VF-X 2

    Has anyone that owns VF-X 2 on PS ever completed it on Maniac? I can only get up to the second last stage, the one where you are ganged up on with VF-17's who just launch missile after missile up your ass. The furtherest I've ever gotten were two downed VF-17's, after like 10 mins. I used the VF-19 and it's PP Barrier system, it's annoying running away from the missiles, then rounding back around and trying to lock on yourself because they've already lauched their next salvo. Any tips?
  6. Hey, so long as they make it look good and as close to how it looks like on the anime ( like the 1/48 VF-1), I'd be willing to work overtime for a few weeks to buy it. The YF-19 is one of the sweetest looking Mecha in Macross.
  7. Hey guys, it's been a long time now, and I'm a relatively new member of Macrossworld, but do any of you know about Paolo Zaglo(sp?)? He was the guy behind the Valkyrie Power Page and he made absolutely beautiful wallpapers like the one below. Anyway, do you know where he's been lately? I see nothing on his page. Has he stopped making these completely? (I know he got pissed off once because some webpage was using the pics he made for some reason or other that breached his copyrights)
  8. Heh heh. I'd probably have to discretely crowd my mom's Japanese display plates in the corner to accomodate those babies. Still, it makes sense that Yamato would make a larger more highly detailed YF-19/21 after making the smaller scale models wouldn't it? Like the VF-1 series? I'm a bit puzzled as to why they would release two scales of the VF-1 series. Was it to provide as much quality as your wallet was prepared to pay for?
  9. How do I prevent cracking of the bottom edge of the air intake? Happened twice now with both my VF-1A/S. What's it due to?
  10. Odd. I thought it was a mistake because pretty much only the main characters in macross got unique coloured valks.
  11. I agree. Playing against AI controlled mechs ain't much fun unless they come in masses for your Dual Ultra AC-20's to chew them up. My opponents complain about my 5 AMS and excessively ducking and weaving though when I'm in the lower half of the weight range when playing on battlenet.
  12. You shouldn't have any problems finding any of the Hasegawa kits, try HLJ.com or Valkyrie-exchange.com. Yahoo Shopping always has a good selection too just type in macross 1/72. Sorry Gray, but I really can't seem to find the Hasegawa kits. I wanted the ones that can transform. HLJ and VE don't have em. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...une02page15.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...-may-page-5.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...-may-page-6.jpg
  13. Towards the end of the movie, at nightfall when Aries was talking to Focker, wasn't Shin and his VF-0D on the island? If so explain whose light blue zero it was parked next to Focker's when the scene shifted to the hanger of the USS Asuka?
  14. Being asian i would have expected to fit in that thing...but after going to the gym for a few years....damn that thing looks small.
  15. You should try playing Mechwarrior 3 using a Daishi. Face up against fireflys in instant action, all set in Dasher variants. Out in the open, 6 of them rip you apart in no time.
  16. Amen to that Brother. B)
  17. After mechassult on x-box and mechwarrior 4 in some instances, I think Battletach is going to divert from the original significantly.
  18. Sorry yeah you're right. I knew that actually, but my stupid fingers started typing before my brain could register what i put down. The Marauder series still sucked because it overheats so quickly though.
  19. Wow, those look completely different from the US Battletech. I never knew that there was a Japanese Battletech until you mentioned it. How sleek and cool are those designs?
  20. kensei

    Disaster Down Under

    You seem to be fixated on baiting me, but anyway try this for size: Material doesn't make a difference? What if the shield was made of something really hardy, like... ABS or even aluminium (an exaggeration, of course)? I'm sticking to my not-unreasonable opinion that the current clear plastic used for the HS is not only brittle, but unecessarily so because the skulls, if any, are printed on top now. Making the change will result in less potential for damage during play and up the satisfaction level, because owners will have one less thing to worry about. drifund is kinda right, the rest of my toy survived. The plastic that they used to make the heat shield is very flimsy, I took it off my VF-1S to get it recast and it was noticably quite flexible. By the way, was the skull printed on top of the heat shield or on the inside then painted red over that? If you run your finger over the skull, it feels like they printed it on top, you can feel the elevation across an otherwise smooth surface.
  21. Damn...tough break for them. Is that why they're not making Mechwarrior 5?
  22. 1/48 = 6 pcs
  23. Oh, ok. Good thing they did. You know, the ones based on the macross designs were portrayed as the most primative and crappiest mechs. How insulting.
  24. Heh Heh. Keep it quiet though. SHE might not like that. But seeing as it's out of prduction, why not? Not our fault they can't keep up with demand, eh?
  25. Say, I don't know if anyone here reads Battletach novels but theres something here that interesting, I don't know if andyones come across this before. Some of the mech designs here are either strikingly simular to Macross Mecha or exactly the same. Did Shoji Kawamori allow this to happen? Here are the Macross Rip Offs Battletech has done: Stinger - VF-1A Battroid Mode Wasp - VF-1S Battroid Mode Phoenix Hawk - Super VF-1S Archer - Spartan Rifleman - Defender Warhammer - Tomahawk Phoenix Hawk Land-Air Mech - Super VF-1 Gerwalk Mode Naga - Phalanx Marauder 1 and 2 - Officer's Battle Pod (Sorry don't know the real name) Crusader - GBP-1A Damn that's a lot!
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