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Everything posted by kensei

  1. Personally I like downloading to find out if a song is good or just plain sucked which is what most of the people are doing here. I agree it's a great way to save money. Isn't there a rule for the song you download? Like you're allowed to keep it for a couple of days and then delete it? (obviously i know that pirates don't do this) or you can copy and burn compilations if u own the original CD? I do a bit of DJing now and then, and i find that you can save a shitload of weight and space when you're carrying all your music in the one box only. Not all of the songs on any one album are good.
  2. No, dude. They can't compare to Art of Farting. I have never seen it but I heard it was the megaturd of the bunch. I agree with A7. It sucked ass
  3. Well..let me rephrase that. I agree that the movie was the best but the first episode seemed to lack any real plot or ....depth. The second one was a real improvement over the first is all I can say. The reason why I got them is that I'm a real Fatal Fury Fan. I'm guilty of owning Samurai Showdown and Street Fighter Alpha. Both were only tolerable in my opinion, but i reckon SF Alpha was just freaky.
  4. I got lucky at one of the flea markets and managed to bag myself Fatal Fury 1 & 2 and the Movie. Quite frankly 1 & 2 sucked, and the movie was barely tolerable. Was there ever any other series that were released anywhere of Fatal Fury? I managed to get a quick snippet off Kazaa which cut off and was never seen again.The quality was a lot better and action scene was quite good. NOTE: In the movie, the first fight scene between Terry and the three goons sucked. Note the quality difference between this scene and the rest of the movie.
  5. Imagine this, A 1/1 Gojulas. That'll be the day. B)
  6. Stupid gimmick !!!??? that´s an outrageously stupid assumption, how do you expect Ivanov to localize Fokker´s VF-0 and shoot him down without giving away his possition by exposing the whole of the mecha and being shot at ? specially when all the sensors are located in the head unit ? that would be plainly stupid if you ask me...furthermore , the SV-51s featured in EP.2 were adapted for underwater take off and in that situation a telescopic head unit is very handy , particularly when the pilot is unable to see beyond a few meters underwater , let alone beyond the surface of the water <_< i actually thought it was a great design feature of the -51, for that very reason, but i didnt expect for that head to extend that far above the valk. That's why I didn't like it. It looked like it extended almost the full height of the SV-51 in GERWALK mode. It's like it was saying: " duuuuuhhhhh....lookit me, I'm the new SV-51 in Giraffe Mode."
  7. All of them! I don't even care how long it takes to save up...or how much I'll be in debt
  8. Didn't like that telescopic head bit in Ep2. I reckon they're going to far with little stupid gimmicks like that. <_
  9. May I please have: Heatshield/C1/1:48/Hikaru VF-1A Gun Pod Strap/S1/1:48/VF-1 Thanks. Please PM me the cost in $US.
  10. kensei


    The VF-9 Cutlass looks interesting and innovative in it's transformation sequence. It is a very nice looking Mecha, I would be over the moon if someone tried to make that. That and the VF-14
  11. Yeah, some vietnamese words can be funny too. There's a place in Vietnam called Phuoc Hue. Try saying that out loud and listen to what that sounds like.
  12. oooooooohhh, I don't even want to look at that now... what a dropkick that guy was. Mate if i were you i would have given him a kickbox to the head...hope your insurance company looks after ya.
  13. Looking great Graham. Thanks for the pics. Bet your Valkyries now feel complete!
  14. kensei

    VF-X 2

    Emulator? Is it a good one? Can you direct me to where i can download it please? Epsxe is the emulator I use. WARNING: Don't expect to see any of the endings if you use this emulator in playing VFX2. You'll only see a black screen. Here the link anyway: (click me) Thanks Buddy Shame about the endings though.
  15. can post here? Sorry Toonz, but they are just too big Some of the pics are just as big as the wallpapers and far exceed the maximum file size for this post. Sorry but I don't have a website i can put them on. I'll just put one on and no more (I can feel the Major breathing down my neck as I do this). The pic I am sending you was a wallpaper version (there were some cooler ones in my opion, but as i said, they're just too big) With regard to the Commander's question I don't know what Paolo used. I'm not really in to that stuff..I just like to appreciate the fine work he has done. However, I think there was a mention of the program he used in the development of the VF-11. I think he has also mentioned it on his Gundam site (are those pics cool or what?). Here's the pic anyways. On of the good ones. If you want the wallpapers just send me an E-mail, and I'll use your address to send it in sets, like I did with Anubis. By the way buddy, your package has just been sent. Share these with other MWer's, and be sure to credit Paolo! Enjoy all!
  16. Arrrgh. I lost some of the ones I downloaded a couple of years ago. As I said before, I think Paolo hit the roof when someone used one of his designs for their own means. I will try and scrape together what's left by 2100 EST
  17. I'll give you guys a taste one of VF-1,YF-19, and VF-11. How bout you Toonz?
  18. Looking good. :thumbsup: It's been awhile since I've looked at some of those re-designs. Love the BT shadowhawk cover. Always did like images of machines with all their "toys" laid out in front of them. oh wait....the hunchback image isn't showing. Go the Hunchback!
  19. They... most likely the legs weren't strong enough to carry the weight of the destroid, so the wheels would help to move it around, while leg movements would be used for smaller movements, such as correcting aim or something. Coupled with the bosoters on the back, it would probably help the destroids cover great distances faster than if they had walked or even tried running. If the Macross destroids could run.
  20. I like all the VF's he made in fighter mode, but in your opinion guys, don't you think that the VF-11 Battroid head is a little bit off?
  21. I had that problem too. When I have the time, would you like me to send them to you.
  22. kensei

    VF-X 2

    Keep movin in battroid mode for this stage.(singin in the Rain) Use the city buildings as cover for the (pheyos?) part. For the big dragon boss thingy you just gotta stay one step ahead of him. When he's about to launch a big attack, change to Fighter mode and get the hell out skywards. Takes a long time but it works for me. I forgot what pinnochio was all about, long time since i played the game. PS on the second stage after you fly through the canyons, don't you think the red VF-1 was ridiculously fast and manoevurable?
  23. kensei

    VF-X 2

    I played the game in both Easy and Normal. In any game, I consider that training. I always try to finish every game i play on the hardest mode, that what makes the game last longer and more challenging for me. I love a challenge!!!
  24. kensei

    VF-X 2

    Emulator? Is it a good one? Can you direct me to where i can download it please?
  25. You are talking about the 1/48 right? Any photos? Are you using something hard (like a screwdriver) to pry off the intake covers? That could be causing the cracking. Graham No no, I don't use anything but my fingernails (when I don't cut them). But I got my 1/48 Max Version yesterday, straight out of the box it had the same problem. I don't have a camera to take a picture, but there was one with the same problem on the old forums.
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