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Everything posted by kensei

  1. I never did find the soundtrack to the movie. Was there ever such a thing? I'm with you, I reckon the mmusic and movie was awesome.
  2. I actually got a recommendation of Ranma 1/2. Is it good? I saw a manga preview, it had like snippets of all Manga movies to date in a short video clip. There was a girl in a school uniform jumping from missile to missile in the air. Does this have anything to do with Ranma 1/2? now i'm comtemplating whether I should show Megazone 23.
  3. IT took me a couple of minutes to figure out what was goin on with that piece. I didn't know that you were meant to push the piece that was inferior to the backpack right down. When I did push it down it went CRACK! Gave me quite a shock I could tell you. I looked all over to see if i did any damage but thankfully none, it was meant to do that!
  4. Actually, concerning the micro missles, are the ones in the FAST Pack (in the booster unit and the arm units) and the UMM micro missle pods meant to house micro missles on the 1/48 Yammies? Or are there different subclasses of micro missles?
  5. DYRL? has too many plot holes in my opinion, it's a beautiful movie but I don't know if they can fully understand it without watching the series. Actually, me and the co-hosts have decided to show Mac+. Anime is excellent and when i think about it, the story isn't too focused on the events of the Macross univese per se, except for transforming fighters and the SDF-1 itself. Maybe a short explanation would suffice. LA Blue Girl is that movie what I think it's about? <_< <_< <_< Actually, the girls that I've invited love anime and love violence. Kinda kooky isn't it? I've seen the preview for Blood the last vampire, and some of the girls want to see what it's all about. They actually do like giant robots and anime J! These are some weird girls, but they are great company! They simply just love anime! Akira is a great movie, don't get me wrong, but all of us have already seen it. We want to explore new horizons in the world of anime! Dman there's a Patlabor III! I might chase that up all for my self. Oh, and of course other MW's are invited. Just come into the Perth International Airport in Australia and I'll pick u up!
  6. Sorry, didn't see that!!! It's all cool man! Just didn't want them to think that I was dropping hints!
  7. Anyone know where I can get Petite Cola and Appale Genki in Australia? I've Already got Buds for the night!
  8. Might consider Ninja Scroll and Perfect Blue, but does anyone know of any anime comedies as well? One action and one comedy would be great one night! All my mates have already seen Monster's INC and Ice Age. Both great, but I won't show em. Is Magic Earth Rayknights any good?
  9. Dude, believe me, it was the FIRST thing I wanted to show, but not everyone has ever heard of Macross down under. Otherwise, I would have hosted a Macross Night! Oh, and about Wicked City, didn't I say that 90% of the guests that are coming are female? <_<
  10. It's the head for the VF-1S on a VF-1A body. Simple, ne? it means that the VF-1B has the outward appearance of the -1S, but doesn't have the upgraded engines. Thanks. I actually thought about that, but I couln't be sure. The notes on Macross Mecha Designs aren't always that well detailed.
  11. Hi everyone! Just letting you know that I'm holding a Manga Night (not necessarily only Manga, but all anime, the name has simply stuck with my friends.) on the 26th sept. Can you recommend two titles for me to show after i cook dinner? The ones below I've rejected for a number of reasons: Macross DYRL: would be a bit hard to understand without backgroud knowledge of Macross TV Series. Macross Plus: Same as above. Macross II: Nah. Macross Zero: would have been good actually, but only two out of 5 episodes? Patlabor: great movie I'd say with one of the greatest plot of all time. Not enough fighting as much as i would have liked. Do you guys reckon that it would be too complicated to follow? The Gigolo: ahem...90% of the guests that are coming are female. Otherwise.... Guyver Dark Hero: Uh uh. Samurai Showdown: Nope. Fatal Fury/Steet Fighter Alpha: No way. Pokemon x : I'm 19 years old for Pete's sake. I don't need this. Giant Robo: yeah right. Akira: Seen it. Ghost in the Shell: ? Half the people have seen it: Wolves in Human Armour: Looks interesting. Would you recommend it? Thanks MW's!
  12. Very nice. An excellent job buddy. Two thumbs up!
  13. Waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh! It's gonna cost me $300 in my currency! Sweet Jesus! I'll have to look at taking 3 jobs. Do you reckon these are going to be all sold out as preorders before they actually arrive? I'll be buggered if that's the case.
  14. What is the "S-type head" unit on the VF-1B? How is the head different from the VF-1A?
  15. Just got my FAST Packs yesterday and man...they're simply beaut! I can't believe how much bulk they add to the Valkyrie...my VF-1's are simply tank with them on! Not as heavy as I thought they would be though.
  16. What tha!? Geez, bad luck mate, that msut be one of the biggest stuff ups Yamato has made. Oh well, just get a skull from the sticker sheet and slap it on (mine on on my mobile phone, and well as the spare UN Spacy logos! )
  17. In my neighbourhood, it gives you a sense of identity. Many people of all ethinicities live around me (Macedonian, Chinese, Vietnamese , Pakistanis), and all of them like some form of anime, whether it be Bubblegum Crisis, Evangelion or Macross. A few Macross fans reside here but not many. But everyone that follows a particular anime has a few collectibles or toys and often talk about them and show them off to friends. It's no secret here what you like. Macross is what I like, macross is my identity. I'd like to think that the anime you like, kinda tells others what sort of person u are. I couldn't find any good macross toys locally in Australia so i used to build them out of Lego. Pathetic I know. When the 1/48 came out my dream had come true. It was my first Macross toy and I vow to collect all of the 1/48 line.
  18. Which uni u at ShadowerV2? I got several messages concerning this at UWA. Was it because people were actually caught using university com facilities to share music files or just a geral warning because of recent events?
  19. Go for the Yamato. The MPC is crap, the other people are right it's innaccurate, shoddy, a horrible design and not very posable. I've handled one myself...the miscreant looks loose and mangled even in fighter mode.
  20. I agree with the 1st Border Red Devil. I am a pure macross fan though...almost. While I do not quite like anything after the Macross Saga in Robotech, I must be thankful that HG gave me an English translation that is faithful enough for me to understand the basic story behind Macross. This was a while back in the early 90's when I was still a little kid that did not have internet at home so there was no way for me to even know that an original Macross even existed at the time. There are some people that still like Robotech and I respect them for that. While I was also tempted to go and take the sh*t out of Robotech.com members this would not make me a likeable member of the internet community. This licensing outside Japan bullshit is a real pain in the ass because like most people I can see that yamato and macross products are obviously better than the mechandise HG and their ilk produce off their assembly lines. Anyway my point is, this is a fight that we should take to HG, not their fans. Leave them out of it.
  21. I would only ask Graham a single question: G, in your honest opinion, does this new sculpt look good? Just knowing that it was based on the model is not good enough for me. EDIT I don't want to see the pictures because I know Graham wouldn't let me in the first place. All I want to know is if the new sculpt looks good or not. If Graham reckons it looks great then that's enough for me, I 'll start polishing the plastic.
  22. Mate....that would be a great idea! Forward it to Yamato!
  23. (looks up at sky) Please let there be a 1/48 for everything!
  24. kensei

    Mao Nome

    They should only be big enough to have sum good fun IMO. Mao looks great though! (slurp!) Hey correct me if I'm wrong, but that chunky Misa pic got me thinkin, wasn't there a guy who sued a (ahem) extremely frumpy woman who knocked him out with one of her breasts? (my friends told me he said that it felt like being hit with a bowling ball)
  25. Ehhh...you thought Samurai Shodown was tolerable? Hey... love the game (especially his appearance in Capcom versus SNK II) it's the only SS film I've seen, gimme a break willya? Was there an original uncut version? there seemed to be a few scenes in the credits that weren't in the movie. PS it pissed me off that Amaksa kept laughing every 15secs...very annoying.
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