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Everything posted by kensei

  1. Ah yes, you explained it better than I did. Thanks.
  2. Hell yeah! And throw in a VF-19S and F as well!
  3. Let them finish the VF-1 line first. Then let's move on to stuff like Flashback and Mac+! And for Graham, the Macross 7 line!
  4. It's hard to see, but when Hikaru got hit with all those missiles in the TV episodes did he lose both his arms on the VF-1S? I think there was a glancing scene as he was falling to earth and jettisoning his armour. I would have to think yes as that is the only way he could have survived such a barrage.
  5. There's a lot of bugs with this game you know. Especially with WinXP. Ferrari is right, uninstall it and reinstall it. Make sure there is nothing left after the uninstall. By the way, are you saving the control changes after you change them? Sometimes it doesn't work anyway.
  6. Question with the air intake sticker, would you cut around the red line from beginning to end or just cut the shortest route from the last two points?
  7. Chill out sunshine. People who say that Mac+ is the Top Gun are only trying to give the movie some praise. While that is not an analogy or comparison I would use, it did have the best aerial shots that I've seen for it's time, the plot is hopeless, it cannot compete with plus. I hope those people are only comparing the battles, not the rest of the story which is crap. Believe me, I hate Tom Cruise as much as you do, moresoever now that he's in the new movie The Last Samurai. TELL ME THIS, WTF WERE THEY THINKING PUTTING TOM CRUISE IN A SAMURAI MOVIE??!!!!
  8. Love your work. BTW does anyone have one of those Macross Linearts which shows how the cutlass transforms?
  9. Here's my collection, Pre accident with the VF-1A Hikaru. Still trying to get it fixed.
  10. kensei

    Macross Plus Toys

    Hmm...I agree. Just big enough to pack in more detail and make it transform perfectly (inbuilt heatshields, non-removeable hands!, accurate sculpts).
  11. kensei

    Macross Plus Toys

    Yes to whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! Hopeless fantasy? (so that the question isn't so ambiguous any more). BTW you reckon they'll throw in the Ghost X-9 as well? I've honestly never seen a toy or model of it. Vostok was right about the tailfins on the VF-11 though. Way too small. They gotta also work out how to get an internally built heatshield! The VF-19A and the YF-19 both did not have a very good look in GERWALK mode, the legs did not flex as much at the knee joint as I would have liked to get that nice bird-like leg look. And the wings...oh my god! They are way too thick. Horrible Horrible. It should look like the one in the Model Graphix magazine, nice smooth flat and wide. The YF-21 actually looks like the most accurate of the lot in my opinion. Except for the legs. The silhoette of it almost looks like my gangly legged overwieght swimming coach! Isn't the YF-21 meant to have way thicker legs than that!
  12. I don't own or have ever seen the original TV Macross. The 1/48 Valkyrie range is my first priority Macross product that I am going to complete before getting the DVD's. But I've got a couple of Macross music CD's though and was wondering what song did Minmay sing in the big battle against Bodolza?
  13. kensei

    Macross Plus Toys

    Well anyone? Is it reality or hopeless fantasy?
  14. kensei

    VFX-2 VFs

    Does anyone know where I can get the full in-game story of VF-X2? I'm not very Japanese literate I'm afraid. I just want to know why x was fighting y and things like that etc.
  15. kensei

    Macross Plus Toys

    There had been some talk about larger scale Macross Plus Toys or 1/48 or 1/60 awhile back, when I couldn't remember. Is this a dream or a hopeless fantasy? I'd like to know before I would consider getting the Current Mac+ valks of which I don't have much of an opinion of. Honestly, if Yamato can make a toy as good as the 1/48 DYRL line, they can make better and more highly detailed Macross Plus Toys.
  16. Apollo Leader's Gunsight One newsletter is a bit behind as well isn't it?
  17. Ahh, well my Manga Night was a success as well as my cooking! BTW guys, don't ever worry about recommending Hack and slash or gorey films to my group of girlfriends, they're freaks and actually like that sort of thing! I didn't have a DVD player but my friends bought along a PS2 and we played it off there. Shifty huh? We watched Macross Plus the OVA series. Even if I could of of hold of the Movie version, i wouldn't have showed it, it would have been much easier to watch and listen the OVA. The people enjoyed it, even though some people thought the end part where Isamu took a header into the SDF-1 to destroy Sharon could have been better. But they enjoyed it nevertheless and it looks like I'll be showing DYRL? at the next Manga Night in December! (They enjoyed looking over my 1/48 with FAST pack collection too!) The next movie was Vampire Hunter D. Awesome animation and story although the DVD itself was a bit weird. You could hardly hear the characters talking but the sound effects and the bloody music friggin almost blew my windows out! It made it hard for all of us as we couldn't hear what the people were saying most of the time. Anyone know how to fix this? We were planning to see Jinroh the next time and one of my friends said that it had simular problems as well. Anyway, just for a bit of fun here the menu I prepared for the night. Lime-Ginger Chicken with Capsicum and Papaya Relish courtesy of Men's Fitness Magazine September Issue! (Almost sliced my friggin thumb off cutting the chicken, but my thumbnail saved it! ) Chicken, corn and tomato risotto. (Mmmmmm, Mmmmmm! substitute tomato paste for the pasta sauce for a more robust flavour! Courtesy of Survival of the Fittest - recipes for the Australian institute of Sport!) Beef Chevups with sweet chilli salsa. Alfredo Fetticine and for the pesco-vegetarians and muslims of my crowd: Salmon Fillet steaks with sweet savory marinade. Italian salad with cherry tomatoes and balsamic vinegar and olive oil dressing. for dessert...... Apple strudel with vanilla custard. (it was a masterpiece as long as my arm shoulder to finger!) Dinner Music: Soul Kitchen, Usher-9701, R&B classics, Nellyville and some laughs watching Australian Idol (aussie equivalent of American Idol whose winner was Kelly Clarkson) before the movies! PS hey guys, you know how many chicks you can pick up when they know you can cook? Think of a number and multiply by four! Hehe....(my number was eight ) PPS hey guys of the admin, anyone of you would like to hire me to cater at the next Macross Con? ( just kiddin, the bloody amount of work near killed me catering for twenty people, how could i ever hope to cater for all of MW?) Thanks for all your help and recommendations for my Manga Night! Cheers from Down Under MW's! B)
  18. Just a question on the number allocations of some of the pilots in Macross DYRL?. Hikaru in his VF-1A was originally 011. Max in his VF-1A was 013. Later in the movie, Hikaru was allocated the new VF-1S with the number 001. When Max was allocated his VF-1S was he still 013?
  19. The screencap was from the ep Transformation. EDIT: BTW is your valk missing a right arm?
  20. Yeah, it is. Two lasers and the pointy chin. That's the J for sure.
  21. I would have thought the techs would alert somebody if he was bleeding that badly. Why would you see a pool of blood and then not go and ask to see if he was okay? It's not as if they didn't know who flew the fighter either. I don't know too many other fighter pilots with that sort of paint scheme on a Valkyrie.
  22. Thosenew pics look mad! I gotta get me one of those! Anyone got a pic of it in fighter mode with the head in view? I wanna see how well the head fits underneath.
  23. Uh, too late D-Rage. I think I saw the third movie you were talking about. I never got to see the first two. The one that I saw combined part I and II, how Eiji Tanaka got himself a Garland, reawakened Eve and got her to be the new G7 operator. I had a feeling that there was a movie or series or sumthin, before it because of the prologue. The cover had a picture of Eve naked in the middle curled up in a semi foetal position. It said nothing about being Part whatever of Megazone 23, it just said Megazone 23 on the cover in green letters. Chill out though if you thought it was crap, i reckon it wasn't bad, I'll be interested to see the first two if I can find them.
  24. Interesting. So there are more than one movie of Megazone 23? My video store sucks they don't realise how much more profit they would make if they brought in more anime! I'll definitely look on the net for them. I thought that after Eve was selected as the .......thing for the Megazone......I forgot I'll have to watch it again....and Ryo and Eiji got together that was it, end of story.
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