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Everything posted by kensei

  1. Last time I heard they threatened legal action, they weren't able to prove it.
  2. Two questions guys. 1. In your opinion is the price of the 1/48 justified? Without the influence of MW and co. saying "I'll pay X dollars for this" etc. For a toy that is made out of High quality materials and also a very beautiful and accurate sculpt and perfect transformation, is it worth the price you have paid? 2. The reason for the high prices of 1/48 and all Macross prducts in general is due to the licencing act under which HG have the power to block sales on normal retailers shelves.
  3. Like most other people, I would like for 1/48s to be at a more affordable price. Don't get me wrong and think I'm looking down on them, because the 1/48 is the most beautiful toy I've ever seen. Pretty much nothing else I know of can match its brilliance. BTW before I ask any questions, what's a grey market?
  4. Cute!
  5. kensei

    Yamato Destroids

    Uuhhhhhh....wouldn't the monster be twice as big as any 1/60 in height? Thinking about it makes me scared of the costs!
  6. No...it had 2 scenes of being blown up. Once in Force of Arms and the other in To the Stars. Also, its not really an Orguss...its a Valkyrie "dressed up" to look like an Orguss. In Robotech it would be a prototype armor variant for use in Atmospheric and Space Ops. Three. One also in Battlecry.
  7. Can they or can't they?
  8. Light sabers have edges?
  9. Ones that I own: Katana Bokken (I know it's wood but still dangerous, remember Mushashi?) Jo (my favourite, hard wood, nice smooth finish and not too thick not too thin, good weight too, was very lucky to get it) Bo (slight alteration for my height) I really want a Tachi and a naginata!
  10. This Christmas will go for a half year for me. I didn't say I'll get it all at once, just most of it! For my dream, The Macross Museum!
  11. 7 VF-1A Hikaru 7 VF-1S Hikaru 7 VF-1S Roy 6 VF-1A Max 7 VF-1J Hikaru with FAST Packs
  12. With the court, are they leaning to any one side at the moment? (just curious?)
  13. I handled one in town. It really is an ugly and inaccurate sculpt. THey probably put more thought into the box than the actual toy itself. Some of the parts are really fragile. Posability is not really great and even in fighter mode the thing looks so distorted and doesn't really hold together right. If you really want a quality VF-1 toy go for the 1/48 definitely. To quote Graham "If I could only ever have one toy, then this would be it". There is simply not a better looking toy of the VF-1 made by anything else. At second position still the Yamato 1/60. When it comes to the Bandai and the MPC it's up to you to take your pick.
  14. It's Hammer Time! da da da de da da *dodges tomatoes* Old skool is cool!
  15. As much as I'd like to get my shinken and chop em all up and give Carl Macek a kickbox to the head, I don't think that would be a good idea. Hopefully in the future, BW will be able to do anything they want with Macross and HG will go their own little way (and good luck to them) and create something that will please their own Robotech fans and leave us Macross followers alone. Personally, I don't want any more hate going between both factions, it affects us badly in they way that we can't get toys and other mechandise locally outside Japan at a good price (which is really the only reason I'm pissed off with them at the moment).
  16. Admire? for what? the RB II: Sentinels fiasco? Voltron CG/ Mechwarriors wannabe Robotech 3000 dud? for cashing in on the 80's craze? I admire those folks across the Pacific for continuing to feed their fans new products and new shows for almost 20 + years now. HG's also been sued many times from different factions besides BW. What does that tell you about HG? Freaking shady company if you ask me! Another thing, I down want BW and HG collaborating on anything Macross. Picture's of Soccer moms influencing my Valkyries comes to mind. Can you say Hasbro? Chill out Sunshine, I'm not saying that what HG is doing is right, as a matter of fact it's plain wrong. Hard to express why I admire them, I pretty much meant that they just want money and are able to use the law to be able to suit their wants and purposes to get it. It seems like they've been able to do it for a long time as well! Voltron, Robotech 3000 and RB: II the Sentinels were absolute crap, if not downright embarassing for HG. I know they stopped 3000, but whoever thought about it in the first place (haha) is an absolute loser. I have never seen a more stupid concept for a Robotech movie in my life! It's a real bitch how they are able to block Macross sale overseas though. IMO HG should just drop the issue and let BW through and do what ever they want. It's time for HG to create something of their own and go off on their own little path (like that will happen ) BTW if HG has been sued many times by different factions as you have said, wouldn't they have been dead broke by now? What's keeping HG afloat?
  17. When you look at what HG have done with Macross and to Macross, who can blame the people that hate them? I for one sometimes cannot resist a stab at HG but it must be within good reason. (which is pretty much all the time ). It is after all MACROSSWORLD. But you got to admire HG for doing what they do, and for how long they've been able to do it, in a world where the dollar bill is king. Do you think that HG would give a stuff about Macross if it had no potential of making money?
  18. Crikey. I thought that thing was stuck in fighter mode. I didn't know that it could transform with that stuff on!
  19. Sorry. Lack of emoticons had the wheels turning in my head
  20. Take it easy Sunshine. He'll learn the ropes of Macross soon enough. Hi there Göönk. Welcome to the forums. Just a friendly piece of advice before mentioning any character names or mecha from Macross, check out this website: http://protoculture.lebhead.com. Read up on the differences between Macross and Robotech. See you around buddy.
  21. I know Yamato is busy in the future, but is it possible for them to move on to Macross 7? Bigwest would be interested in handing the licence over to Yamato shouldn't they? Bandai ain't doin anything with it at the moment.
  22. Did Meltran get this info from a "yamato insider" as I've heard?
  23. I reckon you could bet your bottom dollar on a Max and Millia VF-1J.
  24. I really don't think technical specs are RT.com or any other RT websites their forte. While the design is respectable but not anything I would buy, terms like "pulse autocannon" crack me up. Shows that they'll just christen the object in any cool name they can think of. <_
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