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Everything posted by kensei

  1. At the end of the movie Hot Rod DID increase in size and stature. B) ....but it's still his fault Optimus Prime died. I thought he just grew into a larger version of himself and added a trailer. But man.....what have they done to one of my favourite autobots?
  2. kensei

    1/48 Line

    i'd buy it, but only if i could drive it to work and live out of it at the same time. Drive?! That baby will FOLD to work! sweet. no more traffic. Careful, you might bring some of your house with you when you fold. Or, you could fold your work back to your house! Arrrrggghh!
  3. Wow cool thread! Can someone give me a recommendation to which type of glass should come with the shelf? I would like to have glass doors, but I find that they are fragile at the hinge attachment on any display shelf. Any suggestions on some really strong glass? EDIT sp.
  4. Try telling that to JBO. <_< Thanks for the info on the FSWs though Dave.
  5. Dude, like that's a great idea! hahahahahahaaha and look at the price! hahahahahaahahaahahaha.......................... oh........bum.
  6. Just because the YF-19 crippled test pilots or even killed them, doesn't mean it's superior. Look more towards the technical specs. You say that in the atmosphere FSWs have the advantage. In space none. YF-19 wins in atmosphere, draws in space. YF-21's variable camber wings loses to the 19s atmosphere capabilities. Draws with 19 in space. 19 wins. The reason as to why the VF-19s were destroyed quite easily was because 1. the design was moving in to become the new mainstream fighter and 2. Max and Millia weren't piloting them. There were only a couple of VF-22s anyway. PS I really wish that Guld and Isamu had a longer period duking it out in GERWALK mode. It would make my decision a lot easier because the two fighters are just so close. But in Plus, the 19 was kickin in the Supernova Project anyway.
  7. Psssst... hey mate, I think you mean the VF-22 Sturmvogel. Good question mate. But I think it really comes down to the pilot as both planes are to me, suited for two totally different pilots. The YF-19 is faster than the YF-21. Might not be much of a difference, but if a missile were on my ass I would like to quickly get away from it! Also I feel the need, the need for speed! To me the VF-19 is superior because, it has the FSWs which causes some inherent instabilities and therefore is more manoeverable and suited for brawling. In fighter mode it would be far superior to the YF-21. THe YF-21 probably has a better weapons system. To my memory, it has micro-missile launchers, a gunpod, and two weapons on its arms(can't recall what they are). If you're the type that like to unload all the fire power you can have into the enemy the YF-21 is your baby. Manoevuring capabilities aren't far off the YF-19's, and I think because of the inertia vector control system it would be far superior to the 19 in battroid mode. I just like the 19 because it suits my style of fighting. I like my battles to be fast and furious. Can't find anymore details though off the top of my head, but as this thread grows, you'll get some I'm sure.
  8. LOL... B + ) = B) Heeeyyy! Don't laugh at me! Well.....you can actually. Pretty funny wasn't it. Took me awhile to figure out what was wrong! For the record EXO, justvinnie did that too over at the Robotech Debates thread.
  9. Actually bluey-green....
  10. kensei

    1/48 Line

    There are times like these for when I wished I lived next door to Yamato, or was going out with the CEO's daughter.
  11. Wow, you learn something new every day. So they're not really Micromissiles at all, they're Greandes. Yeeeheah, just once I would have liked to see how a battlepod blows up when a VF-1 sticks his arm at it and shoots it in his face. KABOOM!
  12. kensei

    1/48 Line

    Noice! Very noice! *drools* If they get the YF-19 out, that baby you just showed us will be a walk in the park for Yamato. Cept for the licence bit.
  13. WTF??????!!!?!!?!?!? Hey, that not my quote! And I did not ask for that smiley with the Glasses! What's goin on? What I meant to type was: 1. someone finds who and where he is and shoves a cup of "Shut the F**k up" down his throat". 2. The mods kick him off the forums. Sorry bout the typo Zor, the mods haven't done anything yet as far as I know. EDIT I've just figured out what was wrong. typing B and ) gives you the B). I should have chosen a more appropriate labelling scheme. My bad.
  14. kensei

    1/48 Line

    You running out of shelf space too eh? I hope that when the larger scale valks of the Mac+ come out the little things that prevent me from buying it in the first place will be fixed.....you know.....Inbuilt heatshield for the VF-11, retractable and articulated hands for the YF-19/21, no removeable parts, and the ability to remain ROCK SOLID in all poses for all modes. BTW are scales like set standards? Must you only have 1/100 1/72 1/60 1/55 1/48 1/32? Can't there be something like 1/50 etc? I don't know much about this I'm sorry to say.
  15. kensei

    1/48 Line

    Exactly. I want something bigger, but definitely not 1/48 Mac+ valks. Too big. Say 1/55? But Aegis is right, you gotta start thinking about the size of the toy, not just the scale. Remember, you have to transform the little bugger and it's a toy, not just a display piece, so something much bigger in size than a1/48 would not be too practical. Cept the 1/60 monster that's comin out, the bloody thing can be a small coffee table. PS oh yeah, hey guys chant with me: 1/48 VF-1A CF! c'mon....CF *clap clap clap* CF *clap clap clap* :lol *sings mournfully* (with apologies to Sisquo's song 'Incomplete') " without choo CF......my 1/48 line is in___complete_______________.
  16. Like a bad penny. Trust me, he won't go away until: A) Someone finds out who and where he is shoves a cup of "Shut the F**k Up" down his throat. (BTW that was a good pic A7!) B) The mods kick him off the forums.
  17. Has he even bothered to go to the Licence debate thread?
  18. kensei

    Yamato Destroids

    BTW the Destroids in 1/60 scale, (with the exception of the Monster of course) would be cheaper to produce than a 1/60 Valkyrie wouldn't it? It doesn't transform after all and is smaller.
  19. kensei

    1/48 Line

    A 1/48 scale Macross Plus Valkyrie in Battroid Mode would be hitting his head on my display shelf. I'm all for it though. Sure I might not buy it outright, bu tI will eventuially when I get the money.
  20. I don't know about spare parts, but seeing as the FAST pack equipment is able to be jettisoned at the push of a button, they wouldn't keep survival equipment there. Somewhere in the cockpit there's a compartment that holds a couple of days food, flares and other stuff. Only if that's what you mean by survival gear though MN.
  21. Just a question if I may Graham, if those arm mounted FAST packs contain micromissiles, then why are they SO much bigger than the micromissiles in the FAST pack boosters? I support only your second theory. I've read that the GU-11 doesn't use 'clips' of ammo and can only reload back at base. I agree with you how it is a shame as its payload is quite paltry! It could support ECM gear. That wouldn't be such a bad idea. But isn't the VE-1 Elintseeker specialised in that area? EDIT Oops...sorry about the first question. I thought I was in the Toy forum! I was thinking about the 1/48 VF-1!
  22. Cheers, but I'm trying to find out why Yamatos are so expensive down my end of the world...bloody hell! I really hope that Yamato doesn't just base prices on collectors who are willing to dish out the most money. That would be the end.
  23. Take it easy Sunshine. Just trying to get around this cost business.
  24. How much would they Yamato make out of one 1/48 anyway? In Japan. Do they pay the sculptors a set amount already negotiated or does it change according to how much they make out of the line?
  25. To me, Robotech and Macross are now two different things. Sure they shared the Macross TV series bit, but after that they didn't use any Macross related stuff at all. If anything they should be continuing on with the Mosapeda stuff, as that's where Robotech ended. DYRL? has nothing to do with Robotech and neither does the rest of Macross, I don't see why they have to push this issue any further. All they are doing is hurting Macross fans. It's kind of unfair. Hypothetically, if BW and HG did cooperate on the issue (hope not, because I would like to see HG walk away as the losers) would the prices be cheaper in the US and other places like Australia?
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